
full story

Cool afternoon, I sat outside, lost in my thoughts

When my bully knocked me down, and everything went black

I saw myself in hell, a dark, grand mansion owned

By Lucifer and Lilith, a beautiful couple, with dark eyes and bloody lips shown

Their picture gazed back at me, as I stood in awe

But then I heard a beautiful singing voice, and I had to draw

Closer to the sound, my feet moved on their own

Through dark halls, to the back of the mansion, where a sight was shown

A stunning red bathroom, with showers many and bright

A red bathtub in the center, where a vision took flight

An entourage of ladies entered, with a silver egg in hand

And placed it in the room, with a gentle, graceful command

Then, the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen appeared

With grey skin, long black hair, and wings that seemed to pierce

The air around her, as she walked towards the tub

And sat down, her beauty radiating, like a celestial hub

The water turned bloody red, as she bathed and sang

A haunting melody, both scary and attractive, it clanged

In my mind, as I watched, transfixed, and unaware

Of the horror that was to come, and the fate that would ensnare

As she sank into the water, her head detached from her body

And I realized, with a start, she was the queen of hell's dark lobby

Lilith, mother of death, daughter of Delilah's might

Eternal youth and beauty, in the darkness of the night

She rose from the water, her laid-back head turned to me

Her fingers beckoned, and I felt a strange, eerie energy

Drawn to the water, I felt its comfortable heat

As she took me underneath, and showed me my past, so bleak and neat

With a cold, beautiful voice, she whispered, "I could fix this"

And handed me a stick, cut from her bone, and anointed me with her blood's kiss

"You are mine," she smiled, with a scary grin

And I woke up, back in the school field, with a mark on my face, and a knife in my hand, and a newfound confidence within.

Your poem begins by describing a cool afternoon when you're bullied and knocked down, leading to a blackout. When you come to, you find yourself in a dark, hellish mansion owned by Lucifer and Lilith. You're drawn to a beautiful singing voice, which leads you to a stunning red bathroom where a mysterious and beautiful girl with grey skin, long black hair, and wings is bathing in a red bathtub.

As you watch, she detaches her head from her body, revealing herself as the queen of hell, Lilith. Despite her intimidating presence, she shows you your painful past and offers to fix it with a bone stick and her blood. You wake up back in the school field with a mark on your face, a knife in your hand, and a newfound confidence.

Here's a possible narrative based on your poem:

"I'll never forget that fateful afternoon when my bully's cruelty left me lying on the ground. The world went black, and when I came to, I found myself in a place I never thought I'd be - hell. But it wasn't the fire and brimstone I expected; instead, it was a dark, grand mansion owned by the infamous Lucifer and Lilith.

As I explored the twisted halls, I heard a singing voice that captivated me. It was like nothing I'd ever heard before - haunting, beautiful, and terrifying all at once. I followed the sound to a bathroom that seemed to be straight out of a nightmare. The walls were red, the showers seemed to stretch on forever, and the bathtub in the center was filled with bloody water.

That's when I saw her - the most beautiful girl I'd ever laid eyes on. Her grey skin and long black hair seemed to shimmer in the dim light, and her wings stretched wide enough to block out the sun. But as I watched, she did something that made my blood run cold - she detached her head from her body.

In that moment, I realized who she was - Lilith, the queen of hell. But instead of attacking me, she showed me the painful memories I'd been trying to forget. And then, she made an offer - fix my past with a stick made from her bone and her blood. I was skeptical, but something about her words resonated deep within me.

When I woke up back in the school field, I was different. I had a mark on my face, a knife in my hand, and a confidence I'd never felt before. It was as if Lilith's 'gift' had awakened something inside me, something that refused to be bullied or pushed around anymore. From that day on, I knew I could face anything life threw my way."

Ogechi_Victory_Ibecreators' thoughts