The story revolves around a boy named Tobias. He was raised by three good bandits and as the latter hit 15, he went out to receive his first Grimoire thus a new journey begins.
This will be an ‘AU', so there will be some changes, nothing major though.
English is my 4th language in other words it's terrible. I don't recommend anybody to read this novel unless you have nothing to read.
I just want to improve my writing skills.
The cover is not mine, I just added yuta in this pic, and here is the original pic of yuta If the owner wants me to remove it, I will do it as soon as possible.
Ryuma_3391 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs
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1) Sisgoleon.
2) Feminist Charlotte.
3) Drunkard girl
Choose one from above, and I will make her love interest. Just to let you guys know, this story begins 30 years before the plot.