
A Journey After Death

Belladonna Astrid Potter or known as Donna had been at war her whole life, but when she won after years of death and bloodshed she didn't know what to do next. Donna felt empty in a way, with no purpose. Andy, Cissa, Teddy, and herself decided to leave Britain behind. They tried to persuaded Draco to come with but he refused as he put forward the idea of him staying behind and working with in the ministry, which was a welcomed idea. They left and headed to America, and settled down in the one place more temperamental than Wixen Britain. New Orleans I don't own Harry Potter or the TVDU, they belong to their respective authors I only own my Characters and Plot Thank you

Sweety_Pie1022 · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

Who are they?

The first place they went to was Gringotts

Walking through the newly fixed marble floors with Belladonna in front of her two aunts, Andromeda on her left with Teddy in her arms and Narcissa on her right and Draco behind all of them.

They looked like the optimum of the House of Black as they all washed and changed into some transfigured clothes courtesy of Cissa and Andy as they had their wands. Draco needed a new one as his old one was taken by Donna herself and then the Elder Wand she now had after she snapped it in half and threw it off a bridge once Hogwarts was put back brick by brick from one spell she cast as she didn't want to have that power in her hands or anybody else's.

Stopping in front of a free teller and greeted them with a respectful manner "Greetings Goblin Teller. May your gold rain"

Greeting her back with shock flashing through his eyes as no one has bothered to use the proper greeting in a long time, but when he saw who it was, he flashed a razor-sharp grin before calling security telling the guards "Take them to the King"

"What did you do, cousin" Draco accused her as they walked behind golden armour-covered burly goblins

Donna shrugged carelessly with a blasé expression, stating as if it was the weather "Nothing major, just robbed the place"

"We're going to die" Draco breathed out as he continued to follow down the golden walls filled with the history of the Goblin nation even if some places were in better shape than others

"Son, calm yourself" Narcissa chastised with a mask of indifference, only to be agreeing with him internally

"Wait here," One of the guards told the last remaining members of House Black. Once the same goblin exited the pearl-coloured doors, he declared with a gruff voice "You may enter" 

"Thank you, Goblin Guard. May your enemies cower in your presence" Donna spoke warmly for the whole house as it was dictated in her etiquette she had learned from Siri, Draco and Andy alone with her Slytherin and her Heir friends.

"And may your gold never end" The goblin returned with a micro twitch of this leather face

Once they have settled down somewhere, Narcissa was going to make it her mission to teach her niece everything she knew, as Lady Malfoy had always wanted a daughter but after the strain of her pregnancy with Draco, the healer recommended for her not to have another. Lucius didn't care, the contract the pair signed was complete with the birth of Draco; for him at least

"May your jewels shine like stars Your Grace" Donna greeted for the miss-matched group that is the House of Black 

"And may your knife be ever strong Lady Black" The Goblin King, returned graciously to the once-revered House

"It is an honour to meet you Your Grace" Donna spoke cordially after sitting down in a high-winged back black chair with sparkling golden embellishments with her ankles crossed. Narcissa and Andromeda did the same sitting next to her on each side with Draco standing behind his cousin with a sleepy Teddy in his arms

The Goblin King looked down on them with a chilling bloodthirsty smile and spoke with a deep gravelly voice "I can't say the same My Lady, and the price on your head in the Goblin Nation is high" 

"Yes. However, aren't I the only one to get past your defences, in a way you should be thanking me" Donna responded with a sly smirk, making both her aunts smile at her attitude thankful that her strong will never shattered, even after everything she has endured in the past 48 hours.

On the other hand, Draco was cursing her Gryffindor rambunctious nature and with a self-deprecating sigh muttered under his breath "I should have planned a will"

Ignoring the scion of the House of Malfoy, The Goblin King nodded with an open mouth smile showing off his razor-sharp teeth, happily playing in this battle of wits and spoke "That is true my Lady especially since you had taken our dragon when fleeing"

"Dragon" Draco choked out, which was only acknowledged by the small babe in his arms nuzzling his neck in a way to calm the Malfoy Heir

"I rescued that dragon with the barbaric abuse your subjects did to that poor dragon" Donna snarled. The air slowly becoming heavier and thicker, as she continued to glare into his beady eyes "She was in agony

Before she could shout more Andy reached over and held her hand tightly as she would do to Sirius when he would get too emotional in a family meeting which would be normally caused by his mother; May she rest in hell

The Goblin King leaned forward over his organised desk, "And pray tell, how you know that?"

"I can talk to them" Donna relpied plainly, once she took a deep and calming breath. Yet behind that blank mask, her eye were glowing in smugness. It intensified by the intake of breaths from Narcissa and Draco, it was an honour from Lady Magik herself to gift a Daughter and the Lady of House Black

If it was a shock for the Goblin King, he didn't show it on his old leather face instead he just raised a bushy grey eyebrow, his voice filled with an annoying amount of knowing, "But I am guessing that is not why you are here to tell me you can talk to the beasts" 

"No, I am here to leave with my house intact" Donna all but growled with her anger rising at the disrespect the abused dragon resided as if it was an inconvenience. She loved dragons, she loved talking to them as it was easier sometimes to talk to them and snakes than people, but she also knew the limits and the danger they are just like her magic. Taking a deep breath in hopes of not destroying the glorious office with her magic which was being restless since her death, Donna all but demanded with no room for questions "So all of us will be needing inheritance tests immediately"

The Goblin King grinned madly and if possible, you could see the galleons in his eyes as he spoke with unbridled glee "Of course, for a price" 

Nodding her head, Donna matched his grin, "Well I have all the Potter fortune to play with, so the tests"

"Right away" He answered with a killer smirk as he handed an ornate golden dagger to Donna. 

Who easily cut the tip of her finger dropping 7 drops of blood onto a piece of golden parchment, just like in the summer of her 5th year and what she saw was a surprise

•Mistress of Death


Donna was the Mistress of Death; she was not expecting that at all.

She was expecting to gather her titles of Potter, Peverell, Black, Slytherin, and Graunt, but not the Mistress of Death.

She wasn't the only one shocked as everyone just stared at her when she squeaked out "This can't be true"

She handed her test back to the offended Goblin King, who upon seeing the test immediately pledged his loyalty and that of the Goblin notion to her. Before she could even ask, Donna decided not to and slump down in the comfy chair with an expression that showed her tiredness.

Draco on the other hand exploded with questions, giving Donna a massive headache, which was growing by the second as well as her magic.

Before she could explode Cissa who had always been sensitive to magic placed a calming hand onto the midnight blue blouse Donna wore pushing calmness into her exhausted and annoyed niece and spoke for the first time since entering the office asked cutting off her son "Is there any way to get more information on this title"

"Yes, in the Peverell volt" The Goblin King soothed as he looked at the troubled Wixen that was seconds away from destroying his beautifully restored office and not at Narcissa who asked

Narcissa didn't care she wasn't being addressed as she was trying to calm her niece and once she was sure Donna wasn't going to explode as she has done before many times when with Draco at school. Turning back to the King, Narcissa gave him a small smile and respectfully spoke "Thank you, Your Grace

"No need to thank me, Lady Malfoy" He waved off without a care in the world, he was just glad he didn't have to redecorate again.

Taking another piece of golden parchment and placing it down on the desk, the King picked up the self-cleaning dagger with the hilt towards Narcissa asking "Will you be next" 

"That would be lovely" Narcissa spoke cordially as she took the jewelled hilt and sliced the top of her first finger on her left hand dropping 7 drops of blood

•Lady Malfoy-Rosier

•Daughter of House Black

She was a little surprised at the being Lady Rosier, yes, her mother as one but that was before she was married her father. Narcissa didn't think she had the claim as it was below both Houses of Malfoy and Black. She loved it though. Her mother was nice, she wasn't loving like a mother because that's what purebloods are like. Mothers have to make their children presentable for the time they marry into a respectable line and continue on and since she was a daughter of House Black, she was the most desirable partner. But her mother was more of a friend to her, they would back together and work in the garden, that's how they bonded so knowing she still had something of her mother and friend was nice.

Andromeda saw the wide-eyed expression on her sister's face and silently asked with her warm molten silver eyes, to which Narcissa gave her the test. Andy wasn't disheartened in the slightest that she didn't have Durella's title, in fact, she was extremely happy for her baby sister as she loathed her mother more than anything. As she was nothing more than her than the one who gave her magic. Andy never saw the warm smile on her face only a sneer or disgust ridden in her frozen features. It only got worse when she cut off her contract with Evan Rosier her second cousin which Durella wanted so her heirs would have stronger blood.

Her thoughts were cut off when The Goblin King's gravelly voice cut through the room dictating "Solicitor Tonks if you will"

"Thank you, Your Grace" Andromeda spoke with a calm smile on her youthful face. Taking the dagger that was placed down on the desk and pricking the finger of her right hand's first finger since she was left-handed and watched silently as the blood on the parchment swirled into words

•Daughter of House of Black

She loved the fact her father, who still she loved, didn't disown her from the family, it truly warmed her heart. She could feel the warmth in the necklace her father gave to her on her bonding day, he came under Polyjuice but still came and gave his blessing.

She just thought it was his magic, paternal love not the thrum of Familial magic.

Draco saw the glistening of unshed tears in his aunt's eyes when she turned to Teddy who was getting restless. He didn't know what was upsetting her but, in an attempt, to placate worry or sadness he placed a pale hand on her delicate shoulder after handing Teddy off to Donna.

The Goblin King gained Draco's attention with a deep cough and a courteous "Heir Malfoy, please"

Bowing his head and a respectful "Thank you, Your Grace"

Making Donna beamed; she had been curbing his prodigious tendencies. Draco didn't flinch when he cut his finger but did note the uncomfortable feeling which could be seen from the pinching of his light blond eyebrows

•Heir Malfoy-Rosier-Black

Draco had known about his heritage as it had been drilled into him from the moment he could retain information, but seeing the amount of power he held was a shock.

There was an Heir Rosier, Felix Rosier, just a few years elder than him but he died on the battlefield that was his school just hours into the first siege, so it would have gone to his insane Aunt Bella who died thanks to the blood traitor Lady Molly Weasley who defended her youngest.

Draco felt jealous at that, not because he couldn't get revenge on Bellatrix no it was the fact if his father was there in that situation Lucius would have hidden behind him making the brunt of the attack on his only heir.

Donna held onto his healed hand squeezing it in comfort, knowing Draco's mental health had never been the same since their fifth year.

She looked over at the bold letters telling Draco all the information about him knowing that it just kept piling on and that there was nothing he could do to escape his family as they all had ties to the Dark Lord or the Light Lord.

Draco gripped into the hand Donna slipped into his like a lifeline and not letting go even when the Goblin King told them "Now for the smallest member, Mistress"

"Of course, Your Grace" Donna spoke with a tired smile as she nodded. Before handing Teddy over to his grandmother who lifted the large dagger compared to the size of Teddy as it was the same length as his chubby arm.

Donna murmured an underpowered Torpere  which just numbed the area of his finger and not his whole body as it was an offensive spell that she could cast in her sleep. Even if all 4 of them didn't even flinch at the small pinch of the dagger cutting their flesh, she couldn't even want to see or hear the pain that was bound to be inflicted onto a babe even for a second.

Luckily for all of them, Teddy was enamoured by the hilt as it was glimmering in the firelight. Andromeda distracted him further by whispering in his ear "Everything will be fine little one"

Donna didn't even look at the paper at first as she took Teddy from her aunt and gave him to her Aunt Cissa who cast a small Episkey on his little baby fingers thanking Lady magic that the skin closed without a scar and if she said this out loud, she would have received a wandless and wordless Stinging hex from the Wixen as she was a world-renowned healer.

•Second Heir Black

•Werewolf gene


Everyone was in shock at the power a mere babe could possess, they knew how powerful he was but seeing his abilities written down was another thing entirely. They were proud to know the future of House Black was going to be a promising one

"Will that be all, Mistress?" The King asked with a bloodthirsty grin at seeing the power the 5 Wixens in the room possessed and knowing he personally would be handling their finances for the foreseeable future 

"I would like to blood adopt Teddy here to be my Heir and I would also like to change my name as well as Teddy's" Donna spoke carefully and with a clear pureblood mask but her eyes were gleaming with hope that made her emerald eyes look ethereal

Andromeda was completely startled at the thought of changing Teddy's name. She didn't care about Donna blood adopting the baby hybrid as both Nymphadora and Remus would be honoured, but his name was chosen by her daughter and would fight tooth and nail if his first name was to be changed. So, Andy sharply turned and spoke sternly with a dark gleam in her striking eyes "Belladonna" 

"Don't worry Auntie. I would never change his first name" Donna soothed with a smile she would find on Lily Potter née Evans face when Sirius would send her pictures of their family when they went into hiding almost 18 years ago

The Goblin King nodded as he picked up his wire glasses placing them in his hooked nose then lifting up a beautiful opal peacock feather quill and asked "Which will be" 

"Edward Arcturus Remus Lupin-Black and mine will be Astrid Sirius Belladonna Potter-Black" Donna or now Astrid spoke clearly with a wide smile and glowing eyes

Draco was surprised at the name she chose as he was expecting something more to do with her biological family, so she asked with a blank face but just the hint of curiousness in his storm-grey eyes "Why cousin" 

Astrid looked from the Goblin King to Draco as she tilted her head upwards to do so as he had always toward over her. She lifted her eyebrow and told him with complete sincerity "Because I want him to know he has a true family and that the House of Black will protect our youngest son"

Shaking her head in silent laughter at the obliviousness of her niece, so Narcissa explained for her son whose left eye was twitching "No he means your name" 

"It's tradition for a Son or Daughter of House Black to have a name picked from the stars and then have their father's name" Astrid spoke calmly with authority showing everyone in the room how well she was going to lead The House of Black into a new age. She then turned to Draco with a mirthful smile telling him "I may not uphold all traditions but this one I will and James with always be family, but I never knew him Sirius took care of me and loved me completely"

Draco absorbed her insightful words and then spoke not towards the Goblin King but to the Lady of his House Astrid and asked "I would like to also change my name, cousin"

Astrid and Draco have had this conversation many a time, she knew this was a new start they all did, and Draco's past wasn't the best. So, all she had done was give him a stupidly bright smile which made him want to roll his eyes and Astrid said "Draconis Regulus Black, has a nice ring to it" 

"Indeed, it does, Astrid," Narcissa told her niece with a traitorous tear that slipped out of her almond-shaped eye, and Draco nodded along with an extremely rear grateful smile