
A Husband For The NANNY

“Congratulations, you have been hired as the personal assistant…” “Really!” Grace exclaimed even before Jace Brandon, the CEO of Brandon Corporations could finish his statement. The growing sparkle in Grace’s eyes did not escape the keen sight of Jace. “To my son,” he completed. “Yes, I’m very much delighted to take up the position of the personal assistant to … your what?!” Grace’s eyes almost popped out of their socket as she completed “son?” listlessly. “You heard me right,” Jace replied coldly as he stared at Grace. “Is that not the same as being employed as your child’s nanny?” Grace asked doubtfully. “If you want to put it that way, yes.” Jace replied nonchalantly. “In other words…” Grace began. “You are officially my son’s nanny, if you accept the offer,” Jace Brandon completed. “If there is nothing else, this interview is officially over.” ********* Grace Fowler, who had always dreamt of becoming a top designer in the biggest designing firm in the country was blacklisted for exposing sensitive company information due to a set up by the ones she trusted the most— her boyfriend and her kid sister. Shattered and battered, she set out for greener pastures in an unknown land and ended up being hired as a nanny to the son of Jace Brandon, the wealthiest billionaire in San Francisco. But the scariest thing was when her job description was gradually amended to not only taking care of the five year old autistic son of the CEO but the widowed CEO himself. What does the future hold for her when suddenly, everything around her begins to change and her past comes calling again with the sudden appearance of her boss’s late wife. Will Grace be able to let go of her past and embrace the joy of fighting for the heart of the man her heart yearns for, or settle for happiness in the arms of Trent, her boss’s cousin, who literally adores the ground Grace walks on?

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205 Chs

May I Know What Is Wrong With Your Son?

Upon entering the study, Grace was immediately struck by its sophistication.

The room was bathed in soft, diffused light from recessed LED fixtures, casting a warm glow over the minimalist furnishings.

Her eyes gleamed in appreciation of the abstract artwork that adorned the wall.

There were also sleek metal shelving units, displaying an impressive collection of curated books and art pieces.

But it wasn't just the physical beauty of the study that took Grace's breath away. It was the palpable sense of comfort and sanctuary that seemed to radiate from every corner of the study, inviting one to relax and unwind.

She couldn't help but understand why Suresh had reacted so strongly.

This wasn't just a study; it was a sanctuary—a place where one could escape from the chaos of the outside world and lose oneself in the magic it offered.

Seated behind the large, custom-designed desk which dominated one corner of the room, Jace took note of every expression that flickered across Grace's transparent face.

He could tell that she was deeply impressed by what she was seeing. Who wouldn't anyway?

He had specially designed this place as his personal sanctuary after the death of his wife as he was always shut in here, immersing himself in work to numb the pain from her loss.

Oblivious that she was being watched and even if she had known she wouldn't have cared, Grace stared longingly at the cozy armchairs and plush sofas arranged in inviting clusters, that were beckoning to her to sink into their soft cushions and lose herself to their comfort.

"Have you seen enough?" a mocking voice broke in through her thoughts.

Grace nodded unconsciously but seemed to immediately recollect herself and quickly said. "You asked to see me, sir."

There was a slight crease at the corner of Jace's lips.

"I didn't ask to see you, but I saw you loitering around my company." Jace clarified.

And just as Grace was about to give a retort in her defense, he added,

"But thanks once again for saving my son. I can't bring myself to imagine what would have happened if you were not there."

Grace was speechless. Which eye of his saw her loitering in front of his company. But since he had done the right thing by expressing his gratitude, she would let that slide.

"Don't mention, sir. I would have done the same for anyone," Grace answered with a righteous smile.

"Thanks anyways. So what have you decided?"

Feigning ignorance, Grace asked, "What do you mean?"

Jace, who was finding her funny by the minutes, however donned an expression that was completely different from what he was thinking.

"You don't have to pretend, Ms Fowler," Jace said bluntly. "Why were you in front of my company this afternoon?"

Having been called out, Grace could only resort to being shameless. "I was there to check on my friend who happens to be one of your staff."

"Then use the opportunity to see me," Jace added revealingly.

"Not really, but since you could think that way, it is also possible," Grace said and looked away.

Jace observed her for some time and could see how apprehensive she looked despite trying to put up a bold front. "My offer still stands. Here's the contract, go through it and sign."

Grace stared at the stack of papers that was being stretched to her.

Does she have a choice? She had been evicted from her apartment and had nowhere else to go and the last thing she would do was return home to her mom and face the mockery from all her enemies.

So she reluctantly collected the papers and went through them. She'll just accept the job while still scouting for a more honorable job. Untill then, she'll just swallow her pride and be a nanny.

Just the mere thought of being referred to as a nanny was too repulsive that she couldn't help but shiver.

"Are you cold?" A rather cold voice broke through her wandering thoughts.

"No, I'm alright," she adjusted herself and flipped the first page of the paper.

As she bent her head to read through, Jace found it hard to take his eyes off her. What was it about her that could so much captivate his son to the extent that he would go to such an extreme length just to have her?

He had threatened them to run away if they didn't get him the nanny. And it wasn't up to an hour after the threat that his attention was called that Charles was missing only to find him in the middle of the road.

When he saw him at close range with the vehicle, he almost had a heart attack.

But thanks for the timely intervention of the same person that put him in that situation, the disaster was averted.

He admitted she was quite a beauty though. Just like the first time he had seen her in the conference room, she was without makeup and could still give an A-grade model a run with her looks.

Her long eyelashes that flickered attractively as she scanned the pages was a sight to behold.

Each time he stared into her sapphire blue eyes, he felt something familiar and enthralling about her. Her spotless white skin looked so soft and attractive that he knew that most men wouldn't be able to resist the urge to run their hands over it and stay glued to it.

Was it the same way his son felt? Is it possible for a five year old to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex?

But he, Jace Brandon, wasn't attracted to her. That, he was sure of. The only person he had been attracted to in this world was his late wife.

It was just gratitude he felt for her. Yes, gratitude for saving his son.

With that understanding, he was more happy with himself.

"Are you done?" He asked when he saw the young lady lift her head and the reply she gave caused his face to darken several shades.

"Yeah. But may I know what is wrong with your son?"