
A Hunter In GOT

A man that worked a 9/5 deadbeat job, finds himself to be killed in a vending machine accident and is reborn as a man that must hunt to survive in the barren wilderness of the north.

MrEuripedes · Book&Literature
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25 Chs

Trouble Arrives

The door smashed open, " Which one of you bastards smashed my mates jaw. " 

A tall grizzly man emerged from the surface, face full of hair. His clothes were bursting from the mans muscles. ' For fuck sake, why am I always in this situation. My strength and durability should save. ' I grimaced looking at Rose I saw she had a awry smile. 

" Clay, it was that bastard over there. " I heard Hendriks voice shout. The bastard had a stupid grin on his face. 

The man looked in the direction Hendrik pointed and stopped on me before staring me down and cracking his knuckle. 

My ears flickered, " What a tall bastard. " I heard a Stark guard speak.

" Aye, It should be decent entertainment, Barmaid bring us some drinks. " Eddard shouted 

Seeing this, I pushed myself off the stool and steeled myself for the upcoming fight. Staring back at Kate I saw her look at me with shaking head before heading to deliver the drinks. 

' Might as well give the Starks a show while they're here. ' I grabbed my jaw twisting it to cause a crack, doing some jumps I warmed up and headed into a boxing stance. The man in turned went into a style similar to that of the soviets.

' A long distance fighter. What a pain ' As I slowly closed the distance, he sent in a jab, straight causing me to duck and send a uppercut to his jaw. The man simply blocked and stared with a cocky grin. " Is that all you got. Thought you had the power of a bear, what a disappointment. "

He proceeded to send hooks to my head and uppercuts to my body, causing to head on the defensive. Each strike felt like getting hit by a truck, ten times over. The mans grin grew more and more, further infuriating me. Seeing a hook I rolled and sent a overhand over his arm and tried landing in on his jaw. Only to see the world spinning, and me hitting the floor with a thud. 

'What the fuck just hit me. '

" You're to impatient, you may be strong but you're technique is all over. " 

Hearing him I started getting my bearings but felt blood tripping from my nose, wiping it off with my palm. I entered my stance again, I was not losing to this bastard that's for sure. I saw a overhand coming, I tried to duck it but a uppercut landed on my chin, sending me to the ground and for me to bite my lip, causing blood to ooze in my mouth. The taste it was metallic, but familiar as if it was part of me, as the blood continued to pour down my throat. I felt my fatigue and pain slowly disappear, my bleeding nose stopped. 

Causing the mans eyes to open wide. " A scary cunt aren't ya. I'll show you what happens to lads like you. " The man hopped around sending straights and uppercuts that hit my body like a bullet, and stung like a whip. The stinging pain remained even after seconds passed. 

As I was getting hit with punches after punches, I saw a flaw in the mans style. His footwork was stiff, sure it moved every now and then but when he threw a punch it stayed stiff. Seeing this, I knew I just had to catch him off guard to send him to his ass. The world slowly slowed around me, so this is what they call flow state. The man threw a punch, It's direction was easy to predict It was aimed towards my body. Another punch was headed for my body as a follow up and his arm shifted in preparation. 

Seeing this I instantly feinted a hook to the body and went for a straight to his nose. The punch landed and a crunch was heard. Good to know my strength is still useful in this fight. The world looked strange, it turned grayer with hues of red every second. The more I caused damage to him the more the world shifted, It became dull. The world was dull, his blood was beautiful. 

A crazed smile formed on my face as I dodged each of his strikes, and landing my own on his. Each strike that landed would cause loud crunches or cracks to be heard, the mans face was bloody it was almost impossible to make him out. He was frantic, but to me his blood looked bright while the world lost its colour and flavour. The shouts and whispers turned into white noise, the smashing of bones reverberated.

Clay tried to speak words but I did not hear and sent out another wave of brutal punches. He stumbled and fell to the ground. A voice was heard it was that of my fathers, "The blood makes us human, makes us more than human, makes us human no more. " The seconds those words were spoke, the world turned clear. The man was releasing heavy and irregular breaths, wheezing. I turned to Rose, and saw her look at me with fright. Staring at my hands, It was bloody. 

" A hunter is meant to hunt monsters, but sadly those have disappeared years ago, now you must stop the urge of hunting humans " My fathers voice echoes again, staring around he was not there. The patrons were checking upon the fallen and half dead Clay. His face had been forever changed, dented smashed, the lad was a skilled fighter I must give it to him, I wonder who taught him how to use the soviet style of boxing, even if it was crooked.


Eddard Stark POV:

The door of the Bulls Inn burst open with a resounding crash, shattering the calm ambiance that had filled the tavern. My eyes narrowed as a towering figure loomed in the doorway, a mountain of a man with a grizzly countenance that hinted at a life of brawls and battles.

"Which one of you bastards smashed my mate's jaw?" The challenge reverberated through the room, prompting my gaze to shift toward the source of the disturbance. Hendrik, with his characteristic smirk, pointed an accusing finger towards a familiar face — Aleksi.

I observed Aleksi, a young man of considerable strength but seemingly out of his depth in this particular altercation. As the grizzly man cracked his knuckles, a Stark guard commented on the spectacle. "What a tall bastard."

"Aye, it should be decent entertainment. Barmaid, bring us some drinks," I called out, deciding to let the situation play out. My attention returned to my mug of ale as I reclined in the back of the tavern, distanced from the impending confrontation.

The clash of fists and the thud of bodies hitting the floor reached my ears, yet I remained unfazed, content to enjoy my drink. As Aleksi faced the formidable opponent, the man's relentless strikes seemed to overpower him. The crowd grew animated, their hushed whispers blending into a symphony of excitement.

Despite the odds stacked against him, Aleksi displayed a resilience that caught the attention of the Stark guards and patrons alike. The peculiarities of his fighting style, foreign to this world, were lost on me, as I had no knowledge of such strange techniques.

Then came the turning point. Aleksi, seemingly driven by an unyielding determination, exploited a flaw in his opponent's footwork. The atmosphere shifted as he landed a decisive blow, and the man crumpled to the ground. The lads fist painted in Clay's blood relaxed his fists and simply stared around the tavern in a daze. What a interesting town this has turned out to be. A small formed on my face, causing my children to stare at me with a strange look.