
A Hunger for Blood and Magic - DxD

A soul, fresh after a 1st degree encounter with his afterlife gets tossed into a universe where a group of teenagers that have trained for less than a couple of years get stronger than beings that have lived for millennia. That's right, welcome to DxD, a place where the boob reigns supreme and the vampires are either feminist lolis or mysoginistic old bastards. How does the world behave when a true fuckmothering vampire comes into being? Let's find out. ------------------------------------------------------------- This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters except the MC and all the Worlds belong to their original owner ------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: First of all I want to declare that English is not my first language, so if you cannot overlook a few mistakes then this fanfic is not for you. Also, this is my first fanfic so keep that in mind. There is also a MC that will sometimes be good, sometimes be evil, it's all about his perspective and how he feels like Feedback is appreciated. Last warning, in this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude than the canon or the original version so please note this warning before jumping into this.

Khalderas · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 4 - Blending in (1 / 2)

A/N apologies for not posting yesterday, I had to run around the city for some legal matter. Ugh, you know how sluggish the state bureaucracy is.

I'll make it up to you guys. Here is the next chapter, much longer, chapter.

(2 years later)

(1st person pov)

A lot has happened in the 2 years that I've crash landed into the world with DxD. I've lived a carefree life these past few years, enjoying what I've missed in my last life. Let me recap.

After being discharged from the hospital, grandma Nana took me in, it was supposed to be temporary, until the police finished the investigation and returned me to my home. Not to my surprise, they didn't find anything about my previous identity and I couldn't do anything to really help them.

But one good thing did come out of all of this, Nana decided to adopt me as her son, of course, I would always call her grandma, then, now and forever. She also gave me my new name.

Hiro Julian Zeltris.

I love it, it clashes with almost everything I stand for. Hiro is supposed to mean something with sacredness, and it sounds like hero, haha. She gave me 2 names in honor of her deceased husband, he was a foreigner of Greek descent and she told me that I reminded her of him. Gods above and below but I came to care for that woman. She reminded me of my own grandmother in my previous life, warm, loving and caring. Sadly, I couldn't spend too much time with my previous gramma due to moving out for college, during which she passed away.

During my stay with grandma Nana, I learned and discovered much about myself, the world that is now my home and about my future plans.

Oh, I also saw Issei and the future sex-criminals that he hangs out with, seriously, this world's fucked up, more than 80% of people are closeted perverts, the rest are open perverts.

On the first day when I arrived at my new home I got the time to properly look at myself in the mirror and I was a bit perplexed. The first time I saw this body, the hair was different, half blonde half black. Now, my hair was full black. Then, I took full stock of my appearance. I was young, around 12 years old with an above average appearance, my most striking features was the color of my eyes, reddish orange.

All in all I was a decent shota. (Mc appearance here, young and grown up)

The next order of business was to check inside my body and no, I'm not talking about a colonoscopy gone wrong, I'm talking about magic baby.

After chatting with grandma for a bit and eating dinner, I went up to my room, sat in my new bed and started to meditate, looking inwards. What I found was disconcerting. I was a devil and that was amazing, devil magic is such bs that I can't even describe it. Magic based on imagination is only limited by 3 things, raw power, control and, obviously, imagination.

I wanted to look deeper, to understand my body but I couldn't continue due to my ever present sluggishness. This was a priority one problem that I needed to solve. I searched and looked, analyzed my body but couldn't find out why. My answer came a couple of days later when Nana was making lunch. She had cut her finger when chopping up some onions (damn ninjas) and my world went red. What stood near me was no longer my new grandma, no, what stood there was the most delicious wine, the best whisky I could hope for. I subconsciously liked my lips and almost went straight to her neck, on instinct. Luckily, I forced myself to stop, thus, avoiding what might have been one of the biggest mistakes in my life.

I ran upstairs and barged into my room, panting but on the process of calming down. I realised, I was a vampire. But then, I thought it through, my body told me I was a devil but my needs and instincts were vampiric in nature. Was I a reincarnated vampire or dhampir? Well, the sun didn't seem to affect me much, like a very minor tingle that could be easily ignored, noticed that on the way home from the hospital. As for being reincarnated? I didn't find any foreign or weird influence in my body, but maybe I needed to be fed in order to check. It was almost certain that my sluggishness and lack of energy was due to not drinking blood and who knows how long. I needed a plan.

I sought to go out of the house, after an uncomfortable dinner where I struggled to not drink my new grandma dry like a newly opened capri sun, luckily she thought I was uncomfortable due to the changes happening around me, well, in a way she wasn't wrong. I snuck out and the house after making sure she was asleep and began to sleuth my way through the streets of Kuoh. I needed to choose my victim carefully, for all I knew this was my first feeding and my target would undoubtedly die. I avoided the first few people that came upon my path, I was a monster but killing innocents was always my last option. Luckily, after a couple of hours I saw him. He was running and was dressed like a robber, my guy had the mask on, black clothing, the whole 9 yards.

I ran after him, sticking to the shadows who seemed to embrace me like a long lost son, an interesting development. After following him for some time and making sure that nobody else was after us, it was time. I snuck behind him, feeling my newly acquired fangs elongate. He never expected a thing, my adrenaline was running high, I felt like the Spanish Inquisition.

I sunk my claws into his unsuspecting neck and my instincts kicked in. I drank his blood like an American at an all you can eat buffet, it...FELT….GLORIOUS.

My instincts retreated and left me staring at a paper white corpse with hollow eyes. Then, it hit me. I had just killed someone for the first time in 2 lives. I just killed a man, yeah he was a thief, but who's to say that he wasn't stealing to feed his family?

To say that I was devastated would be a gross overstatement.

I mean, it affected me, but not by much, I was in a world of monster, I was a fucking monster and my goal was to become THE fucking monster. I was a fuckmothering vampire and this guy was my food. Sure, in the future I'd take more care and plan things thoroughly but all in all, if it was ever going to get to a situation of me or them, I'm always going to be first.

For me, it's logical. In my last life I was a law abiding citizen, paid my taxes and everything. But why? Then, I always rationalised it because I lived in a world of rules and everyone else abided by the rules so that we could have a semblance of safety and normalcy. We followed rules because they defined our society, they defined us and they made us. Break them and off to prison you go, snap and the loony bin is your permanent vacay home.

But now? Hahaha. Now? When you introduce Gods and the supernatural, the mundane goes to die. Sure, I won't turn into a psychopath, not because of rules or anything, it's because I am not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath at worst, alright? When gods tread, man goes to die and I am on my way to becoming a god.

But I digress. Now, there I was, looking at the body and thinking about how was I going to hide it. Luckily, old cop shows came to my aid, destroy the evidence. I closed my eyes and turned to my magic, I was right before, it was almost full and continuing to regenerate. I stretched my right hand and imagined a fire, the temperature, form, color, everything and lo and behold, a fire appeared in my right hand. I burned the corpse to ashes then did the same process to create water and wind to clean up my first murder scene.

After everything was said and done I calmly went back to my new home and had a wonderful sleep in my comfy bed.

Next morning I woke up refreshed, ready for a new day and truly ready for my new life but I still needed answers.

The next time I found a window of alone time and started dwelling into myself and what I found was shocking. You see, the thing about devil magic, or MY magic as I had no way to generalise without seeing other devils, was that devil magic acted semi-sentiently, like our subconscious.

Then it clicked and I found some answers. Why do all the devils have devilish looks? Pun totally intended. Sure, in the show it was because they couldn't really appeal to the masses because who would watch a show filled with ugly mofos, this was not trailer park boys (jk, I love that show). In the anime it might have been because of that but this was not the anime, for me it was my new reality.

You see, magic tries to keep the integrity of the body and strives to bring it up to the currently best status, magic is also limited by the conscious mind of the user. Devils want to look their best because looks help with contracts, they help with your peers, so magic makes slight and subtle modifications over time in order to bring you to your idealized self. Magic always wants to help its user and devil magic is the most selfish form out there, fittingly so, but magic alone is not enough, that's why you need raw power to back it up and allow it to do its job.

When I was injured, my magic diverted every ounce of its strength to heal me, thus, in the process, making me feel exhausted. It couldn't regenerate due to my weird new vampiric constitution and prevented me from diverting resources in order to analyze my body. My magic wanted me intact.

Now that I was juiced up again, I could look better into myself and see what was going on and it was weird. I wasn't a reincarnated vampire or dhampir, I couldn't find anything foreign like an Evil Piece in my body but what I found raised even more questions. In the depths of my body there was a hole, a tear in my very being, but this tear, this wound didn't feel neither foreign nor did it feel like an outside influence, no, it was part of me. Paradoxically, it gave me a feeling of completeness, it made me what I am and what I was is neither a vampire nor a devil, I was something more, something different. I was a mutation, an error, and it felt great.

I am the best of both worlds, a demonic being.

I am

A true fuckmothering demonic vampire.



New chapter up, this is part 1 of part 2 that will come later today and it is about a 2 year time skip, some new information about our mc, the newly minted Hiro and a bit about his powers.

We'll delve deeper about what happened in these 2 years in the next part of this chapter. It will be uploaded a bit later today.

See you.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Khalderascreators' thoughts