
A Hundred Thousand Dollars Wife

Lana Hollander was forced to marry Sky Bailey to pay off her family's debt of one hundred thousand dollars. Lana agreed because Sky was known as a kind-hearted man, but Sky turned out to be playing with the marriage. Sky continued his relationship with his girlfriend and treated Lana poorly. Lana was not a weak woman, even though she was often mistreated by Sky. She could stand up to Sky, and over time, Sky fell in love with her. However, Sky couldn't let go of his girlfriend until he was confronted with the reality that Lana, who was pregnant, also had a serious illness. Lana chose to keep her pregnancy for the Bailey family, but Sky tried to keep Lana alive and learn to be a good husband.

Mbak_Ai · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 5. His Girlfriend And Relationship War

Lana couldn't sleep. The nearly thirteen-hour journey turned out to be futile for rest. She could only daydream while staring at the sky through the window.

The sky looks even more beautiful when seen up close like this. It feels like you can touch it and fly freely. It's very different from the sky that's right by her side. 

"This sky is so insolent," Lana thought to herself, casting a cynical glance at the soundly asleep Sky.

Lana's head felt like it was about to explode because of Sky's last words before falling asleep.

Sky had a girlfriend.

And it was his girlfriend who would be picking them up on their honeymoon.

How wonderful.

Lana was already fed up with Sky's annoying attitude, and now she had to confront the fact that her husband actually had a girlfriend. Lana could still restrain herself from continuously insulting and taunting him, but she couldn't bring herself to accept Sky's girlfriend.

"What does Sky really want? Why is he like this? If he already has a girlfriend, then why did he marry me?" Lana wondered in her heart.

Lana turned to look at Sky, who was sleeping so peacefully. She felt like punching that annoying face. How could he fall asleep so soundly after saying something that made Lana overthink?

"Does he think I have no heart? He's so audacious to toy with me!" Lana cursed silently.

Lana want to crying, but she realized that there was nothing she could do, and tears wouldn't solve the problem. Moreover, she didn't want to appear weak in front of Sky. She didn't want Sky to further oppress her if he saw her being emotional.

When the plane arrived at their destination, Lana remained silent even though Sky tried to talk to her several times. She was really angry with Sky and didn't want to hear his voice.

"Come on, Aerin is waiting." Sky pulled Lana's hand to hurry her along.

"Oh, so your girlfriend's name is Aerin?" Lana finally spoke up.

"Hm. I don't want to keep her waiting, so let's go quickly."

Lana slammed Sky's hand until their grip on each other was released. Sky abruptly stopped in his tracks and looked at Lana in confusion.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked.

"What's wrong with me? You're still asking me what's wrong with me? I should be the one asking, what's wrong with you?" Lana replied.

"What do you mean? Why are you so angry?" Sky inquired.

"Of course, I'm angry!" Lana couldn't help but raise her voice, causing some people at the airport to look at them. "You told me you had a girlfriend! I'm your wife!"

"So what?"

"So what? Well, you're completely insane."

Lana stared at Sky in disbelief. This man was utterly outrageous, and she never imagined she'd marry a man as heartless as Sky.

"How can you openly cheat on me?" she asked.

"Cheat?" Sky questioned.


"Hey, listen," Sky closed the distance between him and Lana until there were only a few inches between their faces. "Aerin and I have been in a relationship for a long time. We've been dating for three years, so technically, you're the one I'm cheating on."

"If you've been dating Aerin for so long, why did you marry me? And why am I considered the mistress? Everyone even knows that I'm your wife!" Lana exclaimed.

Sky covered Lana's mouth with his hand. His eyes showed panic because Lana's loud voice had attracted a lot of attention. Sky then led Lana to a quieter place.

"Lower your voice. Don't attract attention!" Sky urged.

"I don't care! Let people know how despicable you are!"

Sky's jaw clenched, and his gaze sharpened. For a moment, Lana felt intimidated by Sky's expression. This was the first time Sky looked so angry. His intimidating aura was incredibly strong.

"I've told you multiple times that you're just one of the things I bought," Sky said firmly with each word. "Wife? Marriage? It's true that you're my wife on paper, but don't expect too much."

"You're so wicked!" Lana retorted.

"Say whatever you want. You can criticize me all you want, just don't cause any trouble."

Sky released his grip on Lana and walked away, but after a few steps, he turned back to Lana.

"And don't be disrespectful in front of Aerin. If you dare to hurt someone I love, you'll regret it."

Tears welled up in Lana's eyes, but she quickly blinked them away. She couldn't cry now. She had to appear strong. She didn't want to lose to Sky.

In the end, Lana reluctantly followed Sky's footsteps. Sky was now two meters ahead of him, and it seemed he had already met his beloved, Aerin. Sky and Aerin immediately embraced tightly, ignoring Lana standing like a fool behind them.

"Oh, you must be Lana," Aerin greeted, extending her hand to Lana. "I'm Aerin, but it seems you already know."

Lana glanced at Aerin's hand lazily but shook it reluctantly, as she received a stern look from Sky.

"I'm Lana."

"Nice to meet you, Lana. I hope you can cooperate and not interfere during my date with Sky in Seoul," Aerin said as she and Sky walked away, holding hands.

Lana watched them leave in silence at the airport. When their backs became increasingly distant, Lana couldn't help but shout in frustration.

"Argh! Damn it! I'll make both of you pay!"

Some people at the airport were startled by her outburst, but Lana didn't care. At least, she had to vent her frustration to make herself feel better.

After a while, Lana began to walk and look for Sky and Aerin. The two of them were already at the airport's exit.

"Where have you been? Why did it take you so long?" Sky protested. But Lana just shrugged in response. Sky handed Lana a card. Lana accepted it with a puzzled look.

"It's your number for your stay in Seoul. I've also recorded mine. You can contact me if you need anything," Sky explained.

Sky and Aerin started walking away again, but Lana hurriedly stopped them.

"Wait, what do you mean? Why should I contact you if I need something?" Lana asked, very confused.

"Because I'll be staying at Aerin's apartment, and you'll be in a hotel. There's a driver who will pick you up in a moment, so wait for him," Sky explained.

Sky truly left after saying that. Sky left Lana alone in a very foreign country. Lana had never been to Seoul, and she didn't understand Korean. And now she was trapped alone.

Now what was she supposed to do? Her battle with Sky had truly begun, but she even wanted to give up right now.