
A Hundred Poems: Life's a Breeze

Arin had shifted to another world or a desired reality?

arinwrites · Teen
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3 Chs


There don't seem to be many people or locations in the globe where I reside where I can question them every day how they manage poverty.

I believe that people are accustomed to understanding how their actions affect both themselves and other people.

I came to the idea that not everyone is happy. because we are unaware of their secret sorrow. You have no one to talk to or lean on when you have tears in your eyes, even if you are physically ill and feel like your heart is going to burst from illness.

Nothing in this world is perfect, but spiritually, faith is the soul's unfailing way of fortifying our hearts. Considering how many people desire to relocate where their requirements are fully satisfied without waking up or suffering hand wounds. What if the heart is the wound, though? Even if it can be fixed, the feeling it leaves behind will always bring back the suffering it caused. However, it is said that our experiences will serve as an example for a person's wisdom and behavior. In this case, we learn to advocate for ourselves and recognize that we are not the only ones in our situation.

Thinking about all the things we want to do in life might help us find motivation for our daily activities, including understanding, mental images, beliefs, and personality attributes.