
Chapter 33 Pleasure


I could feel the bed dip, feel Ray’s strong arms wrapping around my body. Pulling me into him. I did not want to wake up. I very much didn’t. I was on my way to a deep sleep and he was interrupting that.

For the past few weeks my emotions have been everywhere. All I have been wanting to do is sleep and sometimes cry. I felt awful 98% of the time and at those times only Ray could console me.

“Yes” I murmured.

His hard body pressing against my back. His lips skimmed my ear.

“What is it, Raymond?” I questioned.

I could feel small tremble in my body when his lips kissed behind my ear. My body now responds to him….I felt relaxed.

I took a deep breath as his hand gently caressed my stomach. My stomach was now showing more and more.

“Do not press so hard.”

I sighed out placing his hand correctly and not so hard.

“Have you thought of names?” He questioned as his lips kissed down my neck.

How could I think when his lips were all over to me?!

I had though.