
Chapter 18 Chapter 18


"Can I see your beast?"


"Why not?"

"Because I have said so" I growled down at the small half breed child. Isabella has been fond of her recently. She insisted that I hold her hand, she spoke too much for a child of her age. Well I don't blame her,Kelly gave her that right.

"Alpha ray, how do you get that scar?"

I glared down at the young girl.

"By speaking too much, my father took his claw and slashed it across my face."

The look of fear on the girl face was truly satisfying.

Opening my bedroom door,he ran inside yelling my wife's name. I walked in after to see mercy attached to Isabel. She was hugging her tightly but still seemed in pain. Her back was healing fairly well. It has only been a week and she healed quickly for a human. The medic thinks it due to us mating...she is not a were but I am guessing our union as given her some qualities or characteristics of us.

"What happened Luna" mercy asked as she watched her wince in pain