
Chapter 13 Chapter 13

A/N: matured content ahead.... 18+. If you are triggered by things like this, please kindly skip this chapter.

I heard the door opening....then close.

Nervously looking up, I saw him. He was wearing the same pant Kelly gave him, he had a shirt on though. He was staring intensely at me as if I was going to run at any moment. I said nothing to him as he walked into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I jumped a bit.

Why did he seem so angry? I have not done anything.I am not trying to escape.I didn't argue with him.

The bathroom door opened....and this time he had no shirt on. He was so large....compared to my small frame. His muscles shifted involuntarily with each simple strides he made.

"How was your dinner?"

"Good" I said absent minded

He slowly made his way to me.

"Isabella" he said as his large hand came under my chin to lift it up.

"I do not want to fight with you tonight"

Pushing his hand from under my chin, I stood up. I felt crowded by him.