
A Howl In the Night

After trying to survive through endless bullying and taunts, Mona decides top end it all on a cold winter, she travels deep into the woods, in the midst of a horrific storm, hoping that she would perish and fade away from her miserable life. however not everything worked out right as she hoped to start with, a mysterious devastatingly handsome man saves her from certain death, introducing himself as Xavier. He tells her his most shocking secret. will mona learn to accept that they were meant to be together? everything she thought she knew turns out to be wrong, the whole world shifting before her eyes. will mona be able to survive in this new, strange world she is forced to live in?

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31 Chs

Party Time

"Just go ahead and try," I laugh, "try and steal me from him."

I point as a huffing and puffing Xavier stands in the doorway. He is staring at our linked hands with barely veiled disgust. I smirk, willing to play a little game of my own.

"I thought you were gone for the day!" I exclaim, ripping my hands from his with so much force that I nearly spin, and rushing to him, "I'm so glad you're back!" I give him one of his own bone-crushing hugs, and out of the corner of my eye, I see him slightly wince. "Act lovey-dovey," I hiss in his ear whilst delving for a kiss on his neck. It burns when I touch him with my soft lips, tingling with passion that is about to break from its collar. Xavier is bewildered for a minute, then he joins in, his arms wrapping around my form. For a minute, there is no place I would rather be. I subconsciously close my eyes, drowning in his intoxicating aroma...

"I know you guys are faking," Ian says confidently.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, pulling away from Xavier so I can see Ian's smug face. The curtain is closed, and the critic isn't satisfied.

He grins knowingly, "you don't do anything that regular couples would. You've fooled the rest of the school, but not me. I see how you rip your hand from Xavier in the hallways. I know that you don't love him."

I look from Ian to Xavier, alarmed. I rush to him, hugging him tightly. I should become an actress.

"Why would you say that?" I rant, "that is so mean!" I shoot Ian a death glare, and for a moment, Ian seems unsettled. And for another second, in the safety of his warm hands, I am unsettled too.

Maybe I have been lying to myself all this time.

Away from the eyes of our audience, practically buried in each other's arms, Xavier shoots me a wink. I roll my eyes, and the forbidden question flits out of my head like a stray thought, ready to return at a later date. A date I am definitely not waiting for.

"Okay then," Ian shrugs, "if you hate me so much, then we can just be friends first." He grins mischievously, "I know, sooner or later, you will be falling for my irresistible charm. I did save you, you know."

"Save you?" Xavier asks suspiciously, narrowing his beautiful eyes, "from what?" The animal in him seems to rise, and for a second I spy the wolf in him, baring his teeth at the intruder.

Ian's perfectly shaped mouth twists into a smirk. "Sidney, well, was having one of her bad days," he hints, leading Xavier to the obvious. He turns to me, utmost concern carved in his features.

"What did she do to you?" he asks with probing eyes that look into my soul.

"Nothing," I lower my eyes, ashamed that I couldn't have taken care of it myself. Ashamed that once again, someone had to save me.

Anger builds up in him, clouding his handsome features. "Tell me." For a second, I can sense his ancient, yet perfectly preserved mind, superior in almost every way as he speaks to Ian.

"Don't get angry with him!" I yell, running between them, "I will tell you myself."

My breaths are heavy as Xavier finally turns to me, the anger dissipated from his face. However, some bafflement is still in his expression. Why would I save Ian from his wrath? I don't know for sure myself. "What happened, Mona?" he questions me softly, gently.

I am nearly choking the sentences out, for it is my failure. I do not want Ian to tell, for Xavier will kill him, whereas he will only be disappointed in me if my lips form the words. But I don't want him to be disappointed. I want him to be proud.

"They bullied me," I look to the floor, staring at the floor, "because I am different. Because you talk to me." Silence sizzles through the air, thoughts lingering on the tip of my tongue. "Because suddenly I have everything they have ever wanted," I whisper, concluding my insight. Xavier's eyebrows rise slightly, and he chuckles.

"Jealousy, huh?" I stare at his face, contorted with amusement. He doesn't even seem serious. "So what did they do to bully you?"

"They were about to cut her with a knife," Ian cuts in; "they already slapped her and bruised her with their words." I marvel over Ian's thoughtful diction. They bruised me with words... nothing suits the impact better.

Xavier straightens, the laughter vanishing from him as quickly as a stray thought. "Sidney slapped Mona?" his words are full of caution and worry, "did she draw blood?"

"Of course she did," Ian shrugs, "you know how she likes to wear a ton of rings."

His face is now robotic. "How fast did it heal?"

"About thirty seconds," I say quickly, "they called me a monster." Memories rise in my mind, most of which I can barely bear to remember.

Xavier doesn't even look at me, staring at Ian. "Mona, go home. Wes is checking you out. I will join you later."

"What?" I stare at his deathly serious face with unrestrained worry. Suddenly it seems as if the happiness is sucked from the room, Xavier walking closer to Ian with measured footsteps.

"Go home," he growls at me, and I literally jump back. I am not fond of this side of him... it is as if Xavier morphs into someone I do not know at times like this. Quickly I race out the door and into the hallway, bringing the door to a gentle halt behind me. The last glimpse I snag of them is when they are inches apart, Xavier demanding something from Ian with surprising force. What is he planning? Why did their discovery of my quick healing change his attitude so much?

I force myself to trust him, walking down the hallway slowly. Deep in thought, I wonder what exactly Xavier wanted to talk to Ian about. Everything seems so mysterious now, cloaked in secrecy.

Everything went through a complete and total change, a 180 degree turn of behavior in that extremely hot classroom. Why did he send me away?

A golden vision troops to meet me just as the bell rings, people coming out of the classrooms and almost completely stopping at the sight. Such beautiful, shiny gold hair... not one person has hair even close to that color in the entire school. Even Sidney's voluptuous blond hair pales in comparison to this man.

I sigh as Wes waves at me, knowing exactly what will come next.

Great. Another round of whispers to pass among my classmates.

"Mona!" he calls, as if waving isn't enough, "we have to go!" He finally reaches me, putting his handsome face near my ear. Shivers run up and down my arm as he touches my arm. "We captured the Shifter, and you need to get there to coax it out as soon as possible."

People are edging closer to the rays of sunshine reflecting off his hair with eyes of wonder. Many more are staring at me with viciously envious eyes. They must be wondering why I am suddenly talking to all these beautiful guys.

I'm still wondering that too.

I allow Wes to drag me to the door, passing the tons of silent, staring people that would probably love to chop me in half right now. His hand feels so warm, but doesn't burn me like Xavier's touch does. They are both incredibly handsome, yet each of them feels so different.

Right before he whisks me outside, the door where I just exited swings open and two beautiful guys step out. One has dizzyingly blue eyes, while the other outshines him with eyes of emeralds and azure hair that glitters in the sunlight. Each move the blue-haired man makes is graceful and smooth, his body flawless. Some eyes are immediately magnetized to this new entrance.

Sidney appears in the hallway, walking as if she is about to faint. Cloudiness is in her eyes, and she almost stumbles down the walkway when she sees my face. However, she quickly turns from me and rights herself, heading to Ian as he waves her over. She transforms into the beauty queen she is right before our eyes, fluttering her eyelashes at Xavier as she starts to talk to him. And Xavier begins to truly talk back.

I can see the corner of his mouth turn up in a flirtatious smirk, watching the way he flipped his head back in a seductive laugh. Those actions used to be mine and mine only... why is he using them on Sidney? Strange, curious jealousy floods through me at the sight, and I quickly shake my head. I can't be affected by Xavier. I don't love someone like him, so it shouldn't matter to me.

But then why does it hurt?

Wes practically drags me into the bright outdoors, my eyes unable to tear away from Xavier on their own. He smiles as I blink once, twice... trying to banish the image of him from my vision.

"Looks like someone is lovestruck..." Wes says laughingly, patting me on the shoulder, "I knew this would happen."

"I don't LOVE HIM!" I angrily punch Wes in the arm, and he jokingly staggers backwards.

"It's okay, Mona," he tries to comfort me, "you guys are fated to be together anyways. Why are you so opposed to the idea that you might be in love with him?"

I freeze, my mind hovering over that one question.

"Because I don't like him," I cross my arms, trying to hide my discomfort.

"Yes, you do," he slings one handsome arm over my shoulder, "don't lie to your best friend."

"Who's that?" I finally crack a smile, all the while pulling away from his friendly gesture. "I don't have a best friend."

"That hurts, Mona," Wes holds his stomach as if I had stabbed him, "that hurts real bad." He stumbles to the ground, groaning so strangely that it actually looks like he's laughing...

I giggle along with him, pulling him up. We begin to walk again, this time a little more relaxed, my mind relieved of worrying about Xavier. Wes might as well be my best friend, because I have practically no one else. No girls want to talk to me, so many being envious, yet horrified over what they had seen today. A hole is in the pit of my stomach now as I realize I don't have a single friend that is a girl.

Crawling onto Wes's back, I hold on as he zooms into the forest. It is almost as if we disappear, only a whisper of reality as we whisk through the trees like a Shifter would. I feel weightless, as if I am flying as we travel. I will never forget this feeling... though it is not quite the same as the time when Xavier was the one beneath me. Whenever Xavier is the one carrying me, I can feel the pounding of his heartbeat, the warmness exploding between us like fire.

Suddenly we halt, and I find myself in the middle of a vast clearing in the forest. I soon recognize it to be the backyard at the mansion, one so large that it would easily swallow five football fields. The rich, enhanced air of the garden wafts to our nostrils, the sky clear and blue. I twist my head to look up at it, up at the sparse birds fluttering through the horizon like little, lost children.

But then, to contrast with the innocence, fiery hell was peering with eyes of red into my soul. This time the possessed one is a woman, beautiful and elegant with ebony hair and creamy white skin. However, she is writhing about in agony, and my heart suddenly aches for her. Just a few days before, I would have been jealous of her for being so beautiful. Now I know what a curse it can be.

Cuts stretch across her arms like veins, dark red blood oozing forth like lava from the depths of the earth. Both of them are being held down by Ray and Yi, her long nails scratching at their skin. It is quite strange to see, their arm constantly drawing forth blood then retreating as the wounds heal almost as quickly as they appear. But the pain is still there... every time she pierces their flesh, a wince comes forth on the corner of their lips. A smile stretches across her flushed cheeks, one corrupted by malice and mischief. Such a pretty monster.

I walk up to her, bending to look at her eyes closely. There is even more redness than the other boy I healed, so red that I am convinced she had been possessed for a very long time. "She was a bad one?" I ask them wonderingly.

"Terrible," Wes groans, "She had already killed thirty people by the time we even reached her."

"It might be better just to kill her," Ray says softly, "she's wanted everywhere. She will probably be on death row in a couple weeks."

Anger builds up in me, combined with horror and pure disgust. "It's not HER," I say sharply, "it is the Shifter inside her. Why should we kill her for something that isn't her fault?"

I lean over her, watching her form in the green grass. My finger trembles slightly as I place it on her forehead, shaking even more as I am immediately enveloped in voices. These voices are very weak and the boom of the overwhelming drum is drowning out everything. I can't even hear her voice, only sense her tiny protest as it drowns in the depths of torture.

How can I help her, who is so lost?

Suddenly I feel a terrible pain in my hand, and I jerk it away. Red smears across the tip, a throb in my index finger growing. I gasp as I realize she had bitten me, a bit of her blood on the end of her tooth. She is staring at me with real hate, a cackle emitting from her lips. Quickly I wipe my hand on my shirt and with a newfound determination, plop my entire hand on her forehead. I will not lose to this.

I search for the presence, amplifying her with all my might. All my strength, all my hope is poured into her, trying to help the one oppressed. Funny how the one hateful action fuels my drive towards the Shifter's demise.

A pair of hands seize me right before I fall into the darkness, no energy left. The draining of my force ceases, and I land into a warm embrace. Almost immediately the energy returns, fulfilled as peace comes. Quickly my eyes fly open, and I find myself to be near Wes, his eyes of concern. "You did it again," he smiles weakly, "she is saved."

I cannot move, for if I do, I will faint. Everything right now seems so dark, so weary. I hate this feeling I have right after helping the monsters, the feeling of complete and total helplessness. I always, at times like this, see my father with his eyes of red stare into my soul, cackling as he stabs a knife into my heart.

Reality dances a little further, a hairsbreadth away from my grasp. Everything becomes woozy, and I become aware that this is the end. Sleep has come to take me, and the death is on its heels. My father is chuckling as the blood seeps from my wound. This is what I get for trying to fight against the Shifters. I am too weak...

Maybe it would be best to close my eyes for a while.




"Mona," a voice whispers, on the edge of my almost nonexistent thoughts. I am floating, suspended in time. For now, I am dead. Dead to my hopes, dead to my troubles, dead to reality.

A hand shakes my arm. "Please wake up, Mona." The voice serves as a fishing rod, reeling me to surface no matter how much I want to lay beneath the murky waters. I cough and sputter, unwilling to revive myself. Being dead is so peaceful.

"W-what?" I groan, my eyes cracking open. The first thing I see is a clear, white ceiling. Then, there is a face. "Jake?" I wonder, spotting the crystal hair and the light skin.

"Yep, that's me," he grins with a vibrant smile someone could only describe as perfect.

No one else is around me, only the soft breeze and velvet covers. I peer up at his face as he continues to talk, obviously unwilling to surrender me to the void once more. "Xavier was here, but he had to go to his room to get ready for something about thirty minutes ago," he chatters, "we are all sort of used to you fainting by now. This one was pretty bad, about three hours. It is almost six o' clock already."

"Three hours?" I shake myself free of the suffocating chains, "usually it is around thirty minutes!" She must have sucked every ounce of energy I had. Anger flashes through my head at the thought that the beautiful woman took three hours of my life. Not that it matters anyway. I'm... immortal now, I suppose.

It is rather hard to believe, that I will be stuck with them forever. At first it sounded appealing, but now the thought of not living out the rest of my life seems dull and boring. It is as if we took a video tape, pressed pause on a certain scene, and threw away the remote. I never should have agreed... and I wouldn't have if not for my parents. But now it doesn't matter so much. It isn't like banishing these Shifters are helping my parents come back to life. However, it gives me a good feeling, as if my life is actually worth something. Although what I am now living isn't true life.

"Wes is taking her to a nearby airport to send her to Europe. Apparently she knows some French, and we found a passport in her wallet. Anywhere right now is better than America," he smiles slightly.

"Did she remember what she had done?" I question. He shakes his head.

"When the Shifter left, so did her memory. Just like the last few."

A sad, defeated feeling enters my chest. Shifters are so mean... just waltzing in and ruining people's lives for fun. Look at how they ruined me. I am who I am because of them.

Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?

I sit up, watching Jake stare out the window. He is alight with wonder, seeing the leaves shake off the trees and dance in the nighttime wind. They are swirling, twisting and diving, dipping and weaving, waltzing in the sky. I turn to look at them also, my small, red lips parting in a smile. The sun is hanging just over the ground, so close that they are barely an inch apart. The orange and purple are just beginning to spread across the horizon, and the garden flowers are shining like jewels in the light.

Then, I turn and peer at my own skin in its radiant beauty, creamy skin without a flaw. My hands are slender and smooth, along with my feet. I slide off the bed, walking to a mirror. For a minute, I watch my body in all its elegance, its perfection.

I hate this body, for it has brought me much sorrow. Beauty has a terrible, terrible price.

"Mona, are you okay?" Jake comes to stand beside me, placing a hand on my shoulder. He must have spied the small, almost invisible tear brimming in my eyes.

"Yes, I'm fine," I bluff, slowly pushing him away, "never been better."

"That's a lie," he says softly. There is a pause while I just stare at myself. Trying to believe the person in the mirror is truly me. After a few more seconds, Jake can't take it. "Go talk to Xavier about it," he points towards the doorway.

Maybe that would be best. After a moment of contemplating, I edge out of the room, heading towards Xavier's chamber slowly. My vision is still shaking, wobbly as I stumble over to the door. I think back to the school, when Xavier was talking to Sidney. Jealousy strikes like lightning, and I quickly shake my head. I don't want to remember. I don't want that green envy to blossom within me until there is no containing it.

I knock on the door, feeling the carpet beneath my feet crinkle slightly.

"Who's there?" Xavier opens the door slowly, looking out at me. Immediately his icy cold green eyes scan me, as if I am only a parcel. He seems tired, his handsomeness rugged. Slight circles are beneath his eyes, and he is wearing a t-shirt and jeans. I detect strong cologne that nearly makes my eyes water, mixed with that attractive scent that is on him naturally.

"What's with that cologne?" I walk into the room, trying to find the bottle it came from, "it is so strong!" Not that it doesn't smell good, but its presence is suffocating.

Xavier chuckles, immediately spiking my interest. "We both have strong senses of smell," he smiles, "but regular people don't."

He feels so cold to me right now. Why is that?

"But there are no regular people here," I point out the obvious, "only werewolves and... me."

 There is a brief silence as Xavier checks his watch. "Oops, got to go," he says, "I'm going to be late." He shoots me a brief smile, and before I can protest, lands a kiss on my forehead. Then he starts walking out of the room, inciting my anger.

"Where are you going?!" I yell after him, but no response follows. Running into the hallway, I race to the garage. He is sliding into a car, the Mercedes that is used to impress people. Why is he driving? And why not one of the cheaper cars?

Is he going back to that stupid club he said he would stop visiting?

I jog to the front door, and zip into the wild underbrush. Tailing the car, I follow it perfectly. Yi has been teaching me stealth techniques, and I have gotten pretty good at it. My heartbeat pounds furiously in my chest. Why can't Xavier tell me what he is doing?

I begin to question my own actions. Why am I acting like the jealous girlfriend? Not that I am his girlfriend. Not at all.

I wonder briefly why I am such a good liar to myself.

The forest ends, and the houses begin. I find it a little trickier to maneuver through the scenery and behind the car. The car is easier to spot than most, with it being a strikingly red color. However, it must be incredibly easy for him to see me, wearing a light blue shirt, dark jeans and is running like crazy.

Quickly I duck behind a bush as the car suddenly halts. Xavier probably caught sight of me, and was wondering if the figure was really me, or a ghost. There is a few more seconds, and then the car starts again. I creep along, trying to let the car get as far ahead as possible without losing it.

I almost trip over a branch, scraping my foot slightly as I stumble along. The blood comes forth, and then disappears completely as the wound heals. With the fast recovery comes remembrance, and I recall Sidney's deathly sharp nails as they scraped across my cheek...

With a shudder, I shake myself free of the daze and follow the car into a strange neighborhood. The houses are huge here, almost like mansions. It reminds me of Ken and Barbie's dream house, a perfect world for the perfect couple. Suddenly I think of how Barbie, the perfect girl, must have felt when she gained envious girls' fondling and young boys' hatred.

The car stops in front of a gigantic house, the biggest one in the neighborhood. It is a creamy color, with enchantingly tall pillars and a beautiful, yet small fountain in the yard. Gorgeous flowers line the walls, and a huge set of marble doors stand proudly in the front. It is beautiful, almost as elegant as the mansion in the forest.

The door swings open, and a slender, yet built man exits the building. I gasp.


He swings down the stairs with a swagger that suits him so well, sliding into the car smoothly. I suddenly hear Ian muttering, my brain shockingly processing Ian's words.

"I thought I wouldn't have to go to her stinking party..." he says sharply, "why do I have to help you, anyway?"

"Because if you don't, I'll beat you up," a melodious, joking voice replies, a hint of seriousness is involved.

"Whatever." He slams the door shut, and suddenly I hear nothing except the grumbling of the engine. What party would be going on right now?

I think briefly about the terrible feeling in my stomach. This feeling is usually associated with one person, one I know very well. Didn't Sidney say she had a party on Monday?

 But if I go to the party, then won't they see me? How am I going to slip in without being noticed...?

A stupid, obnoxious plan forms in my head, and I immediately act upon it.

I walk to the door after the car drives away, standing on the flawless floor. Excitement ripples through me as I raise my knuckles and knock. I have never done anything this crazy before.

A small, petite girl opens the door, her golden-brown eyes staring up at me in wonder. She is very slim, adorned in a mini-skirt and a low cut top, but so tiny she looks like a little girl. Her hair is a bright, dyed red, and her skin is a light brown color, probably generated from some tanning bed. She is pretty, though, with pixie-like facial features and pink, kissable lips.

"Hey," she scans me slowly, crawling over every inch of me. Then she lights up, joy in her movements. "You're really pretty!" she smiles, her voice peppy. She sounds like a cheerleader, yet I can't find it in my heart to dislike the teen.

"Thank you," I laugh, hoping to win her over, "I'm Mona, Ian's girlfriend."

"Really? I'm his sister, Lauren." She goes wide-eyed, "he got lucky this time! You might be the only girl so far that is as hot as he is." I narrow my eyes slightly. Did Ian hypnotize his own sister to be so adoring of him?

"Yes," I try to get to the point, "in fact, I'm trying to find him right now. Do you happen to know where he is?"

"Ian?" she peers into the road, then back at me, "oh, he left. You just missed him."

I choke back a laugh as I realize my plan is working perfectly. "Aw, that's too bad," I force a pout to my lips, "where did he go? Maybe I could meet him."

Suddenly she grows pale, her hand rising to her mouth. Her lip trembles slightly, and her next words seem restrained. "He said he's going to Sidney's house," she says softly, and then her eyes narrow. "You know her?"

"My boyfriend's ex-girlfriend!" I exclaim with faked recognition, "why would he want to go there?" My mouth parts in a perfect, astounded "o" along with the girl.

"I'm sorry Mona," her face grows resolute, "but Ian might be cheating on you. He does it all the time... I tell him not to! He never listens to me, though."

I mold my expression into one of fury. "I need to catch him in the act," I say angrily, all the while laughing inwardly.

"Yes," she says, "but I think it is a party where you won't be welcome."

This conversation is going perfectly. "What if I somehow get a disguise?!" I ask energetically, as if the thought just popped into my head.

She brightens up also, "that's a great idea! Come inside, and I'll dress you in some of my clothes." Swinging the door open wider, she ushers me inside. For a minute, my eyes are overloaded from all the luxury around me, but then they slowly adjust.

Dark, elegant couches lay beside a roaring fireplace, a marvelous set of stairs to the side. The main room is huge, accented by a very small pond filled with koi. A gorgeous chandelier hangs above me, crystals casting light along the ceiling. Lauren just walks past all this stuff as if it is nothing, starting up the stairs with the click of her heels. Even with her four inch heels she is about five inches shorter, and I am wearing sandals. However, she seems to wear an elegance, a dignity I feel that I may be lacking. This a rich girl's aura, full of confidence and self-assurance.

I scurry behind her, rather curious to see Lauren's room.

As we enter, I notice immediately that it is not a huge room. There is a beautiful, queen sized bed, accompanied by some nice dressers and a desk with a huge Mac computer. There must be more than this.

"This is pretty," I try to get her to show off more so I can see the true splendor.

"Really? You think so?" she smiles like a puppy, "this isn't even the best part, though!" I laugh as she leads me to another door. It is so easy to read a rich person's mind.

She slides the door open to reveal a walk in closet about the size of her room, with sofas, TVs, and rows and rows of clothes. I stare at the racks, all labeled with the category they fit into. "I told Daddy I didn't want a big room, but a big closet instead. And he got me one!" she claps her hands happily, and I get a basic idea about just how rich they are.

Leading me over to the party dresses rack, she calmly surveys me. "Most of my stuff won't fit you, or will be very short. You will just have to try this stuff on." Almost immediately she stacks a pile of dresses on me, and leads me to the huge "hall of mirrors".

"Start now while I find you a suitable wig," she commands, then disappears into another rack. I stare at the clothes, at my body, and back at the clothes.


I slide each dress on, one after the other, wincing at how short each one is. If it is short on Lauren, then that makes it incredibly short on me. Some aren't even past my butt, and others are like shirts.

I find a simple, yet seductive dress out of the pile, designed to reach right past Lauren's knee, and slide it on. It fits perfectly, although the skirt hits mid-thigh. I decide to simply settle with that, liking the simplicity.

Lauren waltzes in with a dark black wig, straight and shiny. With a flourish, she pulls out a pair of black stilettos from the bucket by my side and practically throws it at me. "I think we are similar shoe sizes. Squeeze into it, okay?"

She pulls my hair back into a bun, placing the wig over it. It doesn't look very real, but at least makes me look completely different. I watch myself in the mirror. This will just have to do...

"Thank you," I offer her my best smile, "now, could you tell me where Sidney's house is?"




I waltz into a dirty yard, stained with beer cans and cigarettes, with disgust. A huge house looms before me, music pounding furiously from within. People bubble around the entrance, many lounging on the several chairs outside. There is much movement inside the house, several girls in bikinis and others in dresses like mine. There must be a pool around there, for so many people to be in swimsuits.

Suddenly I feel overdressed.

I stumble to the doorway, edging into the crowd slowly. People immediately rub up against me as I am swallowed by the crowd, many of the whispers starting. I stand out like a sore thumb, and I momentarily regret letting Lauren dress me up like a Barbie doll. I should have insisted on jeans and a top, instead of settling for this...

Suddenly I spy Xavier's head of blue hair, talking to a random girl in the crowd. She is wearing a light swimsuit cover-up and has brown hair. He leads her away, spiking my interest and even jealousy. What is he doing with her?

I back into a corner, my gaze focusing on the two figures navigating through the crowd. I recognize the girl to be one of "Sidney's", and my breath catches in my throat.

Suddenly, Ian appears, and the girl is immediately whisked away by the enchanting man as Xavier quickly returns to the floor. He smiles at another one of Sidney's girls, initiating the conversation once again. After a few more minutes, Xavier leads the girl to the exact same spot, where Ian appears again with a sly smile across his face. The first girl reappears in the crowd, grinning broadly.

What is going on?!

It is like Xavier is running an operation, snagging a girl that belongs to Sidney and taking them to Ian. He is moving rather quickly, being such a sweet talker that he can get a girl to follow him to the moon in seconds.

"Who are you?" a harsh, abrasive voice asks. I look up into the face of Sidney, her face in a grimace. She is wearing outrageously thick makeup, and a dress that defies all my expectations as far as provocativeness goes. Her heels are much larger than mine, her whole form intimidating. My expression morphs into morbid fear, and I race away from her like lightning.

I clatter outside, swinging off my heels. I grab them in my hands as Sidney appears before me, curiously surveying me. A crowd forms around us, many curious to see what she was asking about. Sidney probably regrets calling attention to us, for now people will compare us.

"Who are you?" she asks again, peering into my eyes. I should have gotten contacts.

Suddenly she reaches forward and rips the wig from my head. "Mona!" she screeches, "I didn't expect to see YOU here." She smiles laughingly, "I thought you would get that you aren't welcome."

I catch the wig as she lets it drop, holding it close to my chest. "I just wanted to... visit," I squeak, barely above a whisper.

Sidney looks at me with a smirk, "well, you got here at just the perfect time! We can finish what we started from this morning..." She takes a step forward, "we can see if another cut will heal just as quickly as the first one."

The pool behind me comes closer and closer as I back up, and soon my feet are on the edge. There is no place to run. No place to hide.

"Leave my girlfriend alone," a smooth, commanding voice erupts, and a muscled arm links to mine. Sidney's eyes grow wide, and she smiles weakly.

"Girlfriend? So it is official?" she says rather bitterly, "congratulations."

I look up into Xavier's face to find he is glaring at Sidney. His beautiful blue hair is sparkling along with his green eyes, and his arm feels so warm. However, what shocks me so much are his words. Girlfriend? I am his girlfriend?

Ian troops up on my other side. "Yeah, Sidney," he says menacingly, "stop being mean. I don't think we can be together anymore, especially with you acting so jealous like this."

Sidney gasps along with her many followers, and we can see why. Ian is one of Sidney's strengths. Some of her popularity points. Ian is the quarterback on the football team, and that guy is usually reserved for the best looking or most popular girl in the school.

It is at this time that Sidney must realize that her throne has been usurped.

We start walking towards the front of the house, when the snake spits out some last minute venom. "I wish you had died when I pushed you the other day," she hisses as we pass her, each word like a lash against my skin. I haven't ever had someone hate me this much before, and I have to admit, it hurts.

Xavier suddenly turns, fire alight in his eyes. He is like a bull, ready to run someone over while he stares at Sidney. With sudden force, he crosses over to her, and shoves her in the cold water. She squeals, splashing underneath the surface.

Without another word, both of the guys escort me out of the house and into the car. People stare at us on the way out as if we are aliens, as if they don't know us.

Well, this is an interesting development.

Xavier unloads me into the backseat as if I am cattle, the other two grabbing the front. As the engine roars to life, we bathe in silence, and I feel, for some reason, as if I am about to get scolded.

"Mona," he sighs finally, making me jump when he says my name, "why did you come?"

There is a pause as I dig for an answer that doesn't sound like admitting I was jealous. "I just wanted to... meet you there?" I meagerly reply, my answer not even sounding true to myself.

Xavier laughs, a noise that makes my heart flutter. "That's a lie," he grins, "I saw you following me all the way to Ian's house."

"I was that easy to spot?" Terror strikes my heart. I thought I did pretty good, considering the nearly barren scenery.

"Well, I've had a lot of practice," he looks to the mirror and our eyes meet. Right now, they are soft, full of laughter and sweetness. "You really shouldn't have come," he emits resignedly; "it isn't like the party was much fun for you anyway."

Ian twists in his seat to look at me. "Where did you get that hot dress?" he asks, "it looks like something my sister would wear." His eyes rake over me appreciatively, a smirk gracing his lips. I begin to feel uncomfortable.

"Yeah," Xavier threw in, "I don't remember you having anything like that at home." His eyes narrow. Something tells me he doesn't like me wearing a dress like this.

"I, uh..." I tried to stop, but Xavier's eyes urged me on, "borrowed it." I stare at the dress, how it seems perfect even after I traveled through that crap. The stilettos are still in my hand, along with the furry mess called a wig. He stares at the wig as if it is a monster.

"Well, whatever the reason, you didn't have to follow us. We were trying to wipe the evidence of your cut healing so quickly. That's all," Xavier quickly diverts the subject, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Really?" I reply. That does seem to make sense. I feel like a stupid idiot now. "So what about Ian?"

"I hypnotized them," Ian says proudly, "into believing they had never seen it."

"And we were about to get to Sidney," Xavier snapped, "Until YOU just had to make a scene!"

"That was Sidney!" I huff, "leave me alone."

"Anyways, the point is to trust me. When I leave you behind, it is usually for a reason," Xavier finally scolds, and I shudder a little under his calm criticism.

Ian winks at us. "Leave her behind? You guys stay at the same house?"

We both ignore him.

"Well, you could tell me the reason," I say softly, "instead of keeping me in the dark."

"Oh, I will, from now on," he grins, "to stop you from following me." I suddenly get the feeling that Xavier won't let off of this topic for a very, very long time.

We stop at Ian's house, and he practically jumps out. "Thank you, Ian!" I call, and he gives me a little wave as he climbs up the steps to the doorway. Right before we roll out of the driveway, I see Lauren run out and pounce on her brother, smiling broadly. I look at them enviously. What I would give for a normal family...

Zooming home in silence, we gaze at the beautiful flowers as they fade into towering trees. "Xavier?" I finally say, as we are buried in the forest.

Xavier looks back at me. "Yes?" he says, gazing into my soul.

"Do you... understand forever? How do we know if we are immortal?" I try to phrase these questions correctly, these questions without a true answer.

"I have never understood forever, although I may be able to grasp it a little bit better than you might," he stares at the road, his hair ruffling in the air, "I have been a werewolf for a while now, and watching your friends shrivel up and die while you stay perfectly the same is rather disturbing. It gives you the feeling that you are not even real, not even a human. Time and time again I check the obituary to see that one of my parent's friends is dead, living to be even eighty years old. I always think to myself, I know them. I used to talk with them. My parents were the worst. They made me cry the most. You know why, Mona?"

"Because you loved them the most?"

"Because they were my only links to reality. Back ten years ago, I could point at a regular human and say 'You are my mom. You are my dad.' However, I can't do that anymore. Nobody knows me. I am invisible, yet visible to the human eye. I have no connection with them. All I have is my pack, and my mate," he glances at me, smiling weakly.

"I already have no connections to reality," I stare at the floor, facing the undeniable truth, "I am dead to many already. Maybe I should have died along with my parents so I wouldn't have to be so alone."

We reach the mansion, and the car stops. Slowly, the car door opens, and a strong, masculine hand grabs my own. He whirls me into a soothing embrace. "You won't be alone anymore," he whispers into my hair, "we will be together."

We stay like this, suspended in time, each feeling comfort in the other's presence. All the while, my heart is about to burst out of my chest, escalating in speed as the seconds go by. A blush blossoms upon my cheeks as I realize he can probably feel my heart as it beats… all for him.

Embarrassed, I back away, looking anywhere but at him. When I finally glance at his green eyes, I can see the glint of a smile in them. He knows… and he is laughing at me.

I punch him in the arm, unable to control my mortification. He laughs and grabs my hand, holding it in a deathly grip from which I cannot escape. I can feel myself turning into a tomato.

"To answer your other question," Xavier says softly, "we don't know for sure if we are immortal. In fact, we know we will perish someday, due to the prophecy. However, many of us are over a thousand years old, so that sort of makes it confusing. What should we call ourselves if not immortal?"

I am not even listening, absorbed completely in the heat of the moment. My heart of ice is melting because of his burning touch, sparking fire beneath my skin.

"Xavier!" Yi calls, suddenly appearing in the doorway, "come quick!" His handsome eyes are wide, and the door is wide open for us both.

Xavier's eyes grow wide also, and he lets go of me as if I was nothing. "Give me a second," he apologizes, "I'll be right back."

He disappears in the house, leaving only us outside. I walk in after him, Yi shooting me a smile. "Sorry that I interrupted your... um... private time," he smirks as I pass him into the house. I turn and shoot the worst scowl I can conjure at him. Yi can be so annoying.

The huge door comes to a stop as I start walking through the hallways, following their smell to where they are located. "Mona, stop!" Yi calls after me, "stay here with me! You aren't supposed to-"

I abruptly stop listening to him, getting closer and closer to whatever the werewolves are trying to hide.

As I approach Ray's room, I begin to hear more voices. "I guess we knew it would come sooner or later," Jake says.

"What are we going to do?" Wes asks, adopting a frightened tone that is much unlike him.

"We will probably have to evacuate," Xavier says firmly, "we need to protect her."

"Aren't you surprised that they finally figured out how to email?" Ray laughs, "up until last year they always sent letters."

I creep in through the open doorway, seeing immediately that they all are crowded around a computer. As quiet as a cat, I slip right behind them, peering on the screen. Internet Explorer is on, and the site is Google's Gmail. A certain email is displayed, and they are all scanning it vigorously.

"What is this?" I ask calmly, causing almost all of them to jump.

It reads;


Dear Pack Number 101,


It has come to our attention that you have converted a human to a werewolf without our approval. This is the third offense within Pack Number 101 in 50 years, and although the last two have been pardoned, this last offense is simply inexcusable. You are called to a hearing on Wednesday of this week at Headquarters to determine the pack's fate. The new convert will be promptly exterminated. Have a good day.



The Council


All of them turn to look at me, a sad expression on their faces. Except for Xavier, of course, instead with eyes of fury.

This cannot be good.