
A Horror Night

It is a universal the truth that we face some incidents in our life which become a permanent part of our life.

It is an incident that happened to me a year ago. My cousin was sick and admitted to a hospital. I have to stay with him to take care of him. That day I stayed with him till the darkness of night appeared. When it was 11'I clock, my uncle arrived and asked m that I can go home. I left and after a few minutes, I was on my way walking slowly and enjoying. It was about to hit midnight and a few people were on the road. There is a primary school in the way and we had heard from our ancestors and many others that there are ghosts in that school and if someone passes that way lonely he may be hurt by these ghosts. I kept on walking and tried not to consider it but when I reached near the school I heard the sound of a baby crying. There I saw a baby crying and walking into the school. I feel mercy for that child and I decided to help him. I go behind him but he was disappeared, but I was curious about him so I continued walking and after a few moments I was in the school and I was still unaware of the incident that was happening to me. Suddenly I saw that baby again but at that time he entered a room. I go to that room but there was no baby but I felt that someone is behind me and was shocked seeing a man without a head and taking an axe 🪓 was standing behind me. I was fully shocked seeing a man without a head, then I realized the situation and it came to my mind that this school is the home of ghosts. That man started walking towards me and I was stepping back I was feeling that there was no energy in my legs and I felt paralyzed. But I collected my courage and ran away from this place I was fully shocked and went to the other room and sat in one corner of the room this man without a head was behind me and I was confirmed that this is the last night of my life. I recited some sacred words and that man was suddenly disappeared I felt relaxed and kept on sitting in this place. After some time a black cat arrived and I think that is a normal cat but it was a ghost that changed its appearance and meanwhile I could recite anything it attacked me and gave me a serious injury. After that, it changed its appearance and become a horrible ghost suddenly some sacred words came to my mind, I recited those words and the ghost was disappeared and I start running from this place and continued reciting when I reached the main gate of school someone called me by my name but I gave no attention to that as I knew this was a ghost. Outside of school, I met a peon named Thomas he said to me that I should go to my home as early as possible. I was running fast and at last, I reached home and the clock was hitting 2'o clock. When I saw my body there were many injuries which were the result of that cat's attack which was actually a ghost .These signs of injuries are still clearly seen on my body. And the interesting thing was that on the next day when I asked about Thomas peon the school administrators said that there was a peon 5 years ago named Thomas but he was expired in a road accident and I saw his photo I was shocked that this was the person whom I met last night. Means he was also a ghost or an astray soul.😱😰😰😰😰😱😱😱😱