
A Holy War: [The war between mortals and gods!]

Kai, Kaius and Ren are subjected to a mean fate because they were born to the accursed man Hades. Curses were placed on them by the gods. The sea, earth and skies have become their enemies as they seek freedom from their heavy destinies. Because of the harsh punishments they have gone through, they hold deep resentment to the gods. Will they succeed in breaking their fate or will it all be a futile endeavor becoming nothing but wishful thinking.

La_wyrd · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


There's this feeling when you finally decide to do a good deed all for you to be entirely misunderstood instead, that's what Kai was feeling at the moment.

He was in a peaceful slumber when he felt a familiar energy. Not living, but an object that was supposed to be his, an energy that was part of him, an energy calling to him.

"Ohh, what could that be?" He said as he swam towards it. He was surprised to see a dainty little girl who was obviously not supposed be here, holding onto a faint glow in her hands with wary amber eyes. But he became even more surprised when he felt the heel of a man's foot on his chin.

He barely moved an inch from his position despite the force of the kick, turned his head and looked at the man.

He watched as his expression turned from anger to shock, probably from the ineffectiveness of his kick and then to wariness. Kai moved his lips and asked in a cool voice.

"Why did you kick me"

"My daughter is in danger and you're in her presence" Leon felt something was wrong but he replied anyway.

"So you are saying I'm the source of the danger?" Kai asked, a dangerous glint flashing in his ocean blue eyes.

Sia wanted to clear the misunderstanding but as she opened her mouth her father was not by her side anymore.

She didn't even understand what happened, it seemed the mysterious man had kicked her father since he wasn't here anymore, but the water didn't create any ripples.

Her eyes widening, she stared at him. She wanted to speak but he beat her to it.

"Now I really want to be the source of this danger. You wouldn't want to make your father a lair would you?" He said as he proceeded to grab her arm.

Sia was panicking, things were moving too fast, she had no time to sort her thoughts. It seemed her dad's impatience had finally landed him in trouble.

Speaking of the devil, her father showed up at this moment, and his judgment couldn't be more clouded judging by the accusation in his eyes.

"Ah, I didn't expect you to come back soon. I guess you aren't just decoration then." Kai said with taunting eyes.

Leon was enraged. A stranger was holding onto his daughter and still rubbing it on his face.

He moved, throwing caution to the wind.

This time he didn't deliver a kick, he was preparing an elbow jab, when the mysterious man suddenly disappeared. No-, rather, he moved faster than his eyes could keep up with. That was probably how he kicked him.

Kai right hand was outstretched, enclosing on Leon's throat with his left holding Sia by the waist.

He stared at the man intensely, sending shivers down Leon's spine. The pressure become so suffocating that Sia started breathing heavily.

Kai glanced at her and spoke "You know, if I was interested in your child of a daughter, I would have killed her a while ago". Hearing this Sia saw it as an opportunity to speak.

"Dad you are misunderstanding, he meant no harm. The s-spirits, they were in the castle, so I ran and ended up in the waters. H-he came about the same time as you." She said trying to keep her voice steady.

"Spirits? Castle?" Leon was confused. While Sia just bowed her head in shame.

Understanding dawned on Leon.

"You!?" He said flabbergasted by her bravery.

"I told you not to near that castle, those tales in the scriptures are all lies. Now look what you got yourself into. Did you stop to think for once what will become of me and your mother if anything happens, did you!?" He said, exasperated.

"Dad there's no need to exaggerate, besides I'm fine aren't I?" Sia said in a timid voice.

Kai just looked at the two, who looked very similar to each other bickering, wondering how long they were going to ignore his presence.

"I apologize, my daughter is still young as you can see. Forgive me for jumping to conclusions" he said turning towards Kai and stretching his hand out to reach his daughter.

But a faint chuckle arrived, unsuppressed by the static waves of the water.

"Apologize? You wish. You see Mr white hair..." He paused realizing his hair might be white too.

He cleared his throat awkwardly and continued.

"I am single" he said matter-of-factly.