

Sia couldn't describe what she was feeling at the moment. Something foreign was in her body, altering it. It was really painful, especially when it grazed through her bones. She could feel it circulating in her blood, pulsating in her muscles and strengthening her bones in a steady rhythm. She looked at Kai. He was watching her with a worried expression, grasping her hand tightly.

After she had fainted, her breathing became strained. She started sweating profusely and twitching in the bed, making Kai scared. Damn if anything happened to her it would be over for him. He was so excited that he didn't take into account that her body might not be able to withstand the process. He just hoped that she will wake up so he could help her.

It took a whole hour before Sia gained full consciousness. Kai could still see that she was in pain but his heart settled a bit.

"Sia?" He called gently.

Sia couldn't answer him. Her thoughts were a mess. The pain she felt was as if she was undergoing a bone marrow transplant or worse. Her bones creaked in agony as she mustered a nod towards Kai.

Kai sighed in relief and spoke.

"Look Sia, I'm gonna help you reduce the pain so listen to the instructions I'm about to give" he paused to see if she understood.

Sia nodded. She wanted to get rid of this pain as soon as possible. She stared at Kai, attentively awaiting his words.

" I want you to breath slowly and concentrate on the energy in you." Kai stated.

'Concentrate? I can barely think!' she thought as she tried to steady her breathing. Slowly she inhaled, the energy slowed down too. It was no longer ravaging her insides. She tried to concentrate on it but failed. She looked at Kai.

Kai understood what her eyes were saying.

"Ok, let me help you then. Relax... This is going to take a while" he said sitting her up and placing his palms on her small back. He tried to concentrate on the energy, he didn't like what he saw. The energy was so chaotic, it was hard to keep track of.

"Accept me Sia and stop fighting the energy so I can help you."

Sia didn't dare drop her guard down. She was already feeling enough pain, if she accepted the energy she wondered what would happen.

"Sia, the pain won't stop at this rate. Just stop resisting so I can help you."

With no choice, Sia dropped her guard. She relaxed her back on Kai's palms and shut her eyes from the pain, her only grace being the chilliness of his hands.

"Good" Kai said. He could feel the energy better now that she was relaxed. He concentrated on it and tried to make the rhythm of the energy steady to reduce Sia's pain. Slowly he made progress, reducing the pain.

Sia opened her eyes. She could feel the pain reducing. The energy was becoming finer as it assimilated into her body. Sometimes it changed the shape of a bone or muscle, sometimes it created one, sometimes it even destroyed one altogether. She felt all this as she breathed slowly, especially in her shoulder blades. It was as if something new was manifesting there. She felt her heart become thicker, her spine denser. She felt different changes, and after what seemed like eternity the energy disappeared becoming one with her body.

Kai heaved a sigh of tiredness.

"That was harder than I thought. How do you feel Sia?" He asked breathing heavily, manipulating her energy really took a toll on him, he wondered how those qi masters did it.

"I..." Sia paused for a moment. She felt like she normally would, but it was more than that. She was filled with vitality. Her body radiated strength. She felt like she could jump on a mountain and turn it to dust. She felt unbelievable power in her. In fact she had never been better.

She turned her head to Kai "I feel great"

Kai smiled. She had succeeded.

"That's good Sia, you did well bearing through the pain. Umm... Any other changes?"

Sia paused. Her eyes...they felt...so different. As she looked at Kai, she was seeing miniscule details she wondered how she missed. She could feel- No, see energy that transversed the earth. They had different colors. She could see Kai's emotions. She looked at his eyes and suddenly understood why there were so deep, he could see them too. No wonder he was able to understand her thoughts so easily, her emotions must had been all over the place!

She wondered what else changed as she stood up. She placed her foot on the ground, feeling the miniscule vibrations passing through her skin. The rabbit burrowing through the ground miles away, the air as it caressed her skin. She could feel all of it. It was like she was born again but in a better body. She could feel the peaceful energy within her that she was unable to keep track of before. She felt unlimited potential, her powers that was stagnating suddenly felt so boundless.

She then turned to Kai. He was right. This was way more better than the damn black card! She wanted to scream to express her delight. She was no longer the weakest descendant in her family anymore! She jumped into Kai arms and hugged him tightly, enjoying his icy cold embrace. Ironic right?

"Well, I guess that's good news" he said smiling. He was truly happy for her. He didn't think that she would be able to pull it of. He looked at his wife and the foolish smile on her face and asked.

"Not so crazy now huh?"

"Not crazy, not crazy at all!" She replied shaking her head fervently.