
Week 3

"Miss Celeste, I came to report… what are you doing..?" A female hunter entered my room and asked in confusion.

"Oh? Don't mind me. Go on with your report," I replied as I struggled.

"Understood. The public toilets and bathrooms are almost complete thanks to you your magic. They have also caught enough wild goats and boars to breed in the barn you made.

The mushrooms farm that you entrusted to the alchemists was harvested just a few minutes ago, though they were still far from perfection it is showing progress.

Also, since the toilets and bathrooms are almost complete, we have decided to start building the houses and paving the roads.

The plans are progressing well mostly because of your help with your knowledge and magic.

There is one thing though, we still haven't found the fruit you were asking for," she reported with an obvious emphasis on my 'magic' and 'help'.

"I see, good work. Feed the goats and boars with mushrooms and some herbs, don't forget to keep it in moderation. Also, tell them to properly take breaks and take turns on the jobs. About the fruit, it should be somewhere there. I know because I could smell it, though it's only enough to confirm it's there, I won't be of help. I am better of holed in here developing this thing that somehow won't work till earlier."

"Right, I have been curious ever since I entered, but what is that huge thing, and what for?" She asked as she leaned down beside me.

"That's a secret. You girls will love it the most so look forward to it. This will also be one of this village's main products to attract travelers," I explained. They will love it because there is no way women can resist it. NO one can.

"I-is that so. Is there anything I could help with?"

"Right. Call someone who can use lightning magic and ice magic. Also, where is that headcount its already been a week."

"Aahh that… please give us a little bit more time. Then, I'll go call them now!" She said as if in a hurry.

(I wonder if something is up? As their future employer, that is an important detail that I'll need. More so for the contract.)

The hunters that I called for arrived and we finished the job before dinner.

The hunters already stopped working to rest for the rest of the night. They managed to finish the public baths and toilet rooms by the afternoon and made heavy progress in the road pavement. Magic was the biggest factor that made this possible. They are hunters, it's only natural that some of them know magic.

By the way, we had to make a small waterway from a nearby river to the site where the bath and toilet rooms were built.

(They won't be settling here if they didn't have a stable source of water, you know. There is no way a well will be enough for the bathhouses too.) I thought as if expecting someone to not understand why there is a river near the village.

The construction plan is going well. We should be able to finish everything after two more weeks or so.

Now then, why don't I stalk them a little? I need to know what they are worrying about if I want to develop the village. I could do it myself but I don't want to invade their personal life, that will soil the trust that I have built up until now. Hmm, now that I think about it, that can also

With that said, I headed for the ever-so-crowded bathhouse.

Though on my way through the forest path, I met blake in his casual attire and looked like he has just gotten out of the hot spring. We exchanged our greetings and sat on a bench near where we were.

"So how is living now that we have come this far?" I asked.

"It has gotten easier but busier. The hygiene is now way better than it was," he replied as he looked far into the sky.

"Un, that was hard on the nose. Leaving that aside, headcount. I have been asking for it for a whole week now. What's up with it?"

"That, huh… it's a little about our anxiety, you know, as hunters."

"I see, that is indeed an understandable worry, though I don't see the connection. If you are worried about suddenly finding out that some of you disappeared one day, shouldn't be knowing your number and who is gone help you determine the next course of action?"

"That is-" he wanted to say something but I talked first.

"And knowing your number will also help you strategize as a group. It is very important," I said before taking out a leather canteen of blood from Lory. She is very reliable, like how she is usually taking care of cooking and chores.

"Hm..? This scent… blood!?" Blake reacted when I started drinking it.

"Aah, yeah I haven't told you yet. This may be a good chance though. Let me reintroduce myself. Celeste Crourem, a vampire," I bowed in a fancy manner and stated so, though it seemed like I surprised him big time.

"A vampire!? Although temporary, to think that we let someone like you in our rank, I-" he got in a long-ranged stance and widened the distance between us.

(Uwaah, he sure was quick to change gears. But,)

"What are your objectives!?" and then mana started to gather around his hand.

"Oh my, you sure are quick to turn hostile. Did I make the wrong decision of trusting you with my secret? And here I thought I could develop mutual trust by revealing one of them," I said as I backed.

"You are not deceiving me, you vile-"

"So you choose to denounce me simply because I was born as something I didn't desire to be? If you ever find out that a child was born between you and a demon, will you do the same? Will you? If so, then I truly misjudged you, Blake. Well then, to not invite unnecessary attention…" I enveloped us in a simple smokescreen and circulated the air with magic manipulation to maintain the smoke's shape and to silence our surroundings.


I didn't stop just there and criticized him more, "Say, is an individual sin befall the rest of their race? How about you humans and your corruptions? Humans and your ever-growing slavery and trafficking? Does that not make you worse than vampires who are forced to rely on the blood of others to live. You people who take away from innocents to fill your insatiable greed? Tell me, Blake!" I might have made it a little exaggerated but that should be accurate if what Reg and Lory said were true.

His fireball manifested as I finished my little speech and seemed like he was about to start fighting to which I responded with my own.

"I'll warn you now, there's is no way for you to win against me and I am not hostile. I'd like to keep my current relationship with everyone in the village if you are to make me your enemy then anything that happens next with everyone will be your fault," I said as I brought forth dozens of water arrows in an instant to show our difference.

"Tsk… fine. You do hold a point. I'll listen as long as you prove that you are not our enemy. Also, don't take me for the like of those human scums. I hold high regards for those who deserve respect," he stated before putting out the fireball that he cast.

"High regards even though you were hostile just a moment ago… in any case, you decide how I prove it," I asked.

"I got it. First, disperse this smoke and those arrows," he instructed which I followed suit. Thankfully no one passed or we could have been found since we were just a little bit away from the path.

"Now let me drink your blood," he said before tossing a leather canteen of his own which confused me.

"My blood? Why?"

"Huh? For the Vampire's allegiance what else? I heard that it is a ritual that vampires share with individuals to show genuine trust. If I remember correctly it makes them immune to each other's attacks, though it is just rumors I am willing to trust you if you're willing to go at least that far. Doesn't matter if it fails or works."

"I see, let me think…"

(This runs some dangerous risks as I don't know what will happen, best case it doesn't work, worst case I turn into his slave. But looking at him, he seems to be aware of these risks, he gains either way so he doesn't seem so worried about it. This is way too dangerous, I just hope this works.)

"Fine, I'll let you have your way," I said as I manipulated my blood out of my veins into the canteen. I filled it to the brim since it was small. I tossed it back at him while spilling some of it out because he kept his distance.

He brought the canteen's opening and brought it to his mouth, but before my blood could flow out he stopped just an inch away.

"A young vampire, huh..?" He said under his breath which I heard clearly.

"What do you mean by a young vampire? And why did you stop?" I simply asked.

"I tried confirming something, but let me explain why I didn't drink it first. You see when a human drinks a vampire's blood, they turn in that vampire's slave until either of them die and their body evolves into a vampire that will never surpass their masters. Understand why I called you young now?" He explained before tossing the canteen back at me. I quickly drank them all, didn't taste anything, and didn't give me any satiation.

"I somewhat understand, un," I replied with a single nod.

(Basically, by not knowing what drinking my blood could do when drank by other people, he confirmed how ignorant I am of myself and based on that how young I am.)

"But what if I was trying to deceive you into thinking that? What will you do?"

"Hm? Attack with all I have got, what else?" He said as if it was not risky.

"I mean, I already trust you I just needed that little push to fully do so…"

"So you mean to say that you had zero plan afterward?" I was confused.

"None, just put it down to luck," those words surprised me as I didn't expect him of all people to be that kind of person.

"You're a ridiculous guy. One second you were a schemer another second you're a reckless fool. I don't see that ever going well for you, but since you survived up to now then it must've…"

"Well, you look exactly how a child would so I tried confirming your age when I found out you're a vampire just a moment ago. I didn't expect you to be a vampire though, I thought you're some adopted halfling from some noble house." He said while sitting to where we were.

"I am just so happy right now that you didn't decide to silence me, waaah I'm truly grateful," he winked and said.

"You seriously confuse me, is this how you act around people you genuinely trust? I am grateful about that but you seriously confuse me," I said and sat next to him.

"Oh right, our headcount is 110 since the last time we counted. The rest of us are on missions, we take turns doing missions. Let me remind you that we're still hunters."

"I see, though that is almost double of what I saw. Must be tough to be hunters to send half your people on missions," I said before standing up to go back to my house.

"Sorry, we're just all scared to know that we lose more people we hold dear," he whispered which I heard clearly, though there's no need for him to know that.

"Oh, Celes! There you are, I need you for a little something!" I met Lory while walking towards our house.


"Our village is currently still under development so we could only offer you one of our small houses. We beg your patience, Mister Alger," I said while slightly bowing in front of the merchant that was passing by the village to get to the port city of Aalto Adrian. He owns a fairly influential establishment though I am not sure of how influential he is.

"It is fine, Miss Crourem. As a merchant that has traveled all around the world, this much is already pleasant. Though with those new routes, you could develop faster than normal villages, this is also a village that is established by seasoned hunters so there's no shortage of manpower. It makes me want to take a part in it," He said with a grin that means business.

(I don't want to share the profits but connections are important. Plus he is…)

"And meeting one of my kind somewhere like this in the human continent is rather interesting. What was her name again? Lory was it?" Yes, he is an elf. A tall and slender pretty young man that could bewitch any old lady that has been single from birth, he shares the same hair color as Lory but a different eye color of gold. Don't be fooled though. Appraisal says he is 276 years old.

"I also heard a merchant that sells rare dishes passed by through here. If she ever passes again I would love it if you let me know through a letter," he said as he handed over a small piece of paper. It contained the Commerce Guild's symbol and his name. (Right, I was handed a couple of these too before leaving.)

(But by rare dishes, was he talking about what I was selling?) I thought as I look at the card he handed me. The name Alger Spear was written on it along with the unique pattern that all of our official cards have.

('She' he said. It is either he got the information from the capital or one of my customers. He might also already know that it is me he's talking about.)

"Right. I will notify you if I ever heard of anything about them. Do you know anything about them? Or how they look?" I asked. (Let's find out what he knows.)

"Hmm, if my informant was right, she is a beautiful young lady that was traveling with an elf. Though I don't know the credibility. But, didn't they pass here? From what I asked around even the citizens were oblivious of who she is. Were you trying to confirm something just now, Miss Chef?" He expressed as he sat on the bed beside him.

"You got me. I am that person you are trying to find. You said that you asked around the hunters, but how? I saw no scouts or merchants that could have revealed me to you," I replied as I sat beside him.

"That is because of some connections, dear. I am more experienced than you, too."

"By connections. Do you perhaps know anyone from here?" I asked.

"Right. I called for him but, he sure loves to take his time. He hasn't changed at all," He said as he gave a sigh filled with nostalgia.

"I see. Hm? Loves to take his time? Don't tell me…" I think I know who he's talking about which concerns me.

We went to my house where I work after that, after a little, Nar came barging in.

"Master! Damned old man, if you were going to visit you should have sent a letter so I could set a trap for you!"… Nar, a member of the strongest Silver-ranked party in this gathering of hunters.

"HAHA! You're as lively as always, huh. BRAT NAAAR!" Alger's attitude took a total of 180° and pulled out a rapier from what I thought a staff. I felt magic from it so I was convinced.

Nar flinched when Argel shouted but he looked like he has been dealing with this for a long time. He gritted his teeth, stepped back, and shouted "The hell do you know!? Damned old man!" before pulling on a wire.

And as the pacifist that I am, I stopped the two. Forcefully, that is. Don't expect me to be like some side character that always gets dragged into fights between the main characters.

Also, I just checked this elf's stats and it was no joke. Just as much as Reg's, so naturally I have to stop him. There's a very delicate machine sitting at the corner of the room you know.

That said, I manifested chains attached to nothing. Restrained the two and stopped them from any further movement.

For the chains. I just did the same that I will do with blood just like from back then. When I use magic just like how I will use blood as a weapon it gets a lot easier to focus, not as much as using blood though. I assumed it is my race's ability.

"Oh my, to use chantless magic just like that. I am impressed, to say the least. Seems like I found something more than food huh," said Argel as he struggled to move. Nar was struggling too with his string on hand.

"Nar, disable that trap. Please do remember that this is my room. Your current boss' room. As a visitor, please don't do anything immature, Mister Argel," I said before releasing the chains with a quick flicker of my finger.

Nar went ahead and removed 3 small crossbows loaded with arrows coated in odorless poison. While Mister Argel sat and waited for him to finish.

(When did he set those up?) I thought as he walked towards me. No, it was my desk that he walked to.

And to my surprise, there was another crossbow. This one seemed different as it had a barrel on top of it.

"Nar, sit beside Mister Argel. Tell me your relationship with him and stay here after all discussion is complete. We need to talk about those little traps you got around my room," I said before sitting behind my desk. He just looked at me and his master before leaning back.

"Alright, now that is settled. Can I have a taste of these said dishes? I am quite fond of rare delicacies, you see," he said with a smile.

"Was that the only thing you came here for?" I asked in doubt.

"Of course! For I love any form of food and shall savor each and one of them all! Be it a seasoned zombie head or a fire dragon's flaming hot steak! As long as I am sure I'll be intact and kicking after eating then I'll consume it! Of course, anything remotely close to poison is not included, only an idiot will voluntarily take in poison without valid reasons," he said with a satisfied look as if he's a wise man.

Hardcore enthusiasts are weird. That's all I can think from what he proudly blurted out.

"Is that so, I can cook all sorts of dishes to your liking but getting my hands on seasonings and ingredients is quite a hard task. If you can provide us with such necessities then I shall cook for you whenever we are together. How does that sound?" I entered a business stance and once Nar heard this his attention shifted from the machine behind the couch to me and Argel.

"I see. That is indeed a sweet offer for me but my business will take a loss. I have people I need to pay as the current owner. Well, then shall we discuss that little offer of yours?" He said before sitting tightly.

"Alright, I understand," I simply replied.

In the end, we decided that I'll teach recipes I know to a chef of his choosing, whenever he finds rare ingredients I'll have to come up with recipes for them (though I am not confident with that), also we settled for 15 recipes of his choosing that he will sell on his restaurants after 5 years of the contract to recover losses and profit more, he can also sell them to nobles if someone ever demanded whenever, though I still need to teach someone to cook for him after the contract takes effect. In exchange, we will receive a variety of supplies such as spices, fruits, vegetables, alcohol, and more every end of the month more than enough than we can ever eat. That lets us have the leeway to cook different kinds of dishes.

We settled for a 15-year renewable contract that will start after both parties receives the first batch of goods.

After that, I cooked several dishes that he enjoyed all night without letting me rest. He provided the ingredients himself, he said it has to be high quality which made it harder to cook. By the way, that all-nighter counts for me, now he only needs to deliver their goods, and the contract will take in its effect.

The said contract had no loopholes whatsoever, that just now was the summary. Nar also gave his approval. It may seem as if I have made losses by letting them sell the dishes for themselves but I didn't really. As much as I think that I didn't. I have thousands upon thousands of dishes in my head after all from traditional to modern from Asian to western. As a celestial vampire, my brain remembered things clearer than ever.

That said, that was how I - we secured a long-term source of food necessities. Of course, the contract parchment we used is a high-quality one that he provided.


Should I make a small chapter for the all-night eating?

Settling this mini-arc after two or three or more chapters. I just hate the fact that my vocabulary is so small that I can't make each chapter more detailed and use fewer words. I could use another thousand words for another issue. YEET

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