
Happy Ending


Here's the very last chapter in the high school romance story!

It was a Tuesday morning and the bell had just sounded for break time. Tae came rushing up to Jimin and Jungkook like usual. They were ready and prepared for Tae's reaction. "Tae," Said Jimin slowly.

"Yeahh?" He said slowly back.

"We wanna tell you something." Jungkook said.

"What?" He began to get a little excited.

"Me and Jungkook are going out." Jimin heard himself say.

".Days!" He grinned and hugged them both. "You guys are so right for eachother." Hesaid looking from Jungkook to Jimin and back again.

"Thankyou." Said Jimin , slightly freaked.

"Now that's outta the way wanna go and grab some breakfast from the canteen?" Jungkook asked casually.

"Yeah sure." Replied Jimin . He took his hand and they began walking.

"Eeep!" Sounded Tae from behind them both.

"Come on Tae!" They chanted. Tae came rushing over and they all walked to the canteen together.

Happy dayz! I luv happy endings!