
a hexarian travel through the multiverse

__________________________________________ While in his summer break, Y/n just gone out and buy a pokemon pack for collection. He got charizard but didn't did he know, it was a last pack he open at his world due he got hit by a truck while he is celebrating on the way back home. He met a god who give him a second chance in other world and give him random card game ability as a card Master. Who will he met on his journey? are the friends or foul? which side will Y/n pick? and what is y/n secret? ___________________________________________ First, story ever write by me so I will have some mistake.(a lots) second, my English not my main language so some part will not make sense. third, this is a small part of my imagination world, until then there will be a lot hole and thing inside this story because it also based on alternative universe of my own thought.

weeb_xoai · Video Games
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

chapter 7



*Speaking action/sound*



Location: infirmary

Time: 9:30 Am (next morning)

Info: you know this yourself


Y/n Pov

I start to open my eyes I see myself in a white plain white room.

Y/n: "The infirmary I see..."

Nurse: "Ah you. Awake"

As she went to my side fill in some of the paper.

Y/n:" So can you tell me what happens?  Cause my head was dizzy mind you fill me up?

Nurse:" I'm not sure but you can ask your friend behind you for more information. To be honest with you the only thing I know is that you are unconscious when you are in Peter's class. I will leave for now so you can have time to rest."

Said so she go out and close the door behind her. As I heard a voice next to me.

John:" Sir you back. I'm so worried about you."

Y/n: "So what happened back there? Weirdly, I don't remember a single thing. "

John:" I'm not sure sir but the last thing I see that you were not unconscious after you to the front of the class the cream almost got you."

He pauses for a moment.

John: "Fortunately it died at the same time when you fall unconscious but weirdly enough before it died it let out a small screech but sound like sobbing then it evaporates."

Y/n:" I used to have an anxiety problem and looks like it still follows me here.  I don't remember,  I have it this worse... "

I was surprised that my anxiety somehow got worst. Wait...

Y/n:" What did you say before that? "

John: "You felt unconscious? "

Y/n: "No, after that"

John: "It evaporates? "

Y/n: "Exactly. Why is that happen? "

John: "The only thing I know is it looks at you while you are in a panic state"

Y/n: " I see. Where is Team rwby? "

John: "They should be in Mrs goodwitch's class which almost ends."

I let a long sigh before deciding to open the system.


Y/n:'since when do I have mail? Eh who cares '


[You complete the mission and receive

Small Experience Boost Pack

3000 lien

Now in your inventory]

[You complete the mission and receive


Sugar rush

15000 expo

5000 lien]

[you complete a hidden achievement and receive

Boartusk summon ]

Y/n: *-_-*

John:" What wrong sir? "

Y/n: "Nothing. Wait how long am pass out?"

John:" One day"

*bell rang*

Y/n: "Damn better meet them or they will be more worried"

John: " alright sir"

Y/n: "By the way drop the sir it's annoying somehow."


Location: mess hall

Time: 10:00 Am


Y/n pov

Y/n:" Bruhh! Why is this place like a maze? Oh never mind we here."

We stand at the entrance of the mess hall looking around the area which is like an ant net but not for long I heard a yell from the table with the girl standing on top of it.

Y/n: "Found them "

I decide to meet up with them.

Y/n: "Sup, guy! "

Ruby: "You back!  Are you alright? You just suddenly fell unconscious. Also, what did you do with Beowulf it suddenly fade away without you doing anything!  Can you teach me"

Y/n:' You technically can stone them'" Erm sure but not now "

??? : " Ouch it hurt" *laughing*

Y/n: "Ah so them again"

Velvet: " Please, stop... it hurt"

Cardin: " I told you it's real. "

Y/n: ' Well most of the fanfic the main will save She so sure not'

Pyrrha: " I can't stand people like him"

John: "Boss request to kill the target"

Y/n: "Bro chill, they just kid btw where husk? "

John: " he decomposes. "

Y/n: "Ohh,  you guys want to see a magic trick?"

They all nod so I show Summon Beotusk card.

Ruby: "Is that where it goes? "

Y/n: "Ye...  I'm kinda surprised I can do these it reminds him of some game. Here goes nothing"

I summon it beside Cardin before fake panic while pointing at it

Y/n: "Watch out! there is a breakout beotusk"

Caught everyone's attention at the same time it ram the whole Cardin while they try to run away crying which to no avail led to them head first to the wall with a red aura then it return to my location and sit in front of me.

Y/n: "Great job boi" *Pat it's head*


[ systems update ]

The user now can customizer of subjects that got caught in their eyesight during the breakdown

Y/n: 'Oh new skill...  Wait so I can summon the whole ship when I caught it?  Dam it op' "Look like I make a mess here so I vent first see you, guy"

Rwby/jnph:" Yeh see you"

Y/n: 'Look like they are still dumbfounded'

*time skip*

Y/n: ' Well back to my Connor it is'

As I open the four surprisingly Weiss is in front of me.

Y/n: "Hold up,  aren't you just at the mess hall? How are you here so fast?!"

Weiss: "There is a hallway connected to the dorm sector.  Wait which path did you go?! "

Y/n: "Ehm,  I go outside and go back here?"

Weiss: "*sigh* why in a team with this idiot"

Y/n: "If nothing then I go to sleep early. "

Weiss: "Stay there"

Y/n: "Hm?"

Weiss: "How did you do it? "

Y/n: "Do what?! "

Weiss: "Summon the grim! Only the Schnee can do that! "

Y/n: "So now you just realize that? "

Weiss: "What do you mean? "

Y/n: " John is also a summon"

Weiss: "Wait he summons too? *y/n nod*.  urhh, it took me 2 years yet to summon one so how can you even summon him?! "

Y/n: "Our summon system is different"

Weiss: "What so different "

Y/n: "Mine is only summon thing that it's programmed to.  Meanwhile your it base on imagination. What makes out ice "

Weiss: "Water?  So What?!"

Y/n: "Water doesn't have the form its structure is too weak to hold it together. So your job is to give it a form through your imagination and solidify it."

Said so I turn my back to her with the illuminated moonlight making me feel like I said something wise.  Why I never have this feeling before...

Y/n: "Look like them back"

As the door opens Ruby immediately jumps toward me.

Ruby: "How did you do that it's so cool! Please teach me"

Y/n: " I may but can you release me?

Ruby: "Oh-h sorry"

She immediately release me while her face was red which make Yang tease her they also notice Weiss's face with a few hints of red so Yang also try to tease the girl which make her buy back again but I don't care I just want a sleep.




LV 7

9% exp

HP: 97/97

BIT: 20/20

Side: neutral

Mental state: risk(1)



something wrong with the sever... better to check it

weeb_xoaicreators' thoughts