
Operation: chase

➜➜The comment at (Design) is where the pictures of the aliens are shown ➜➜

➜ [Coal-bolt Gas Station]

A red and sliver rusted BMW stopped near the gas station specifically behind it. The BMW was rusted at its silver points and the number plate was colored out in black, the front windowsill had small cracks originating from the corners only.

Two men walked out from opposite sides of the BMW. From the drivers seat a man with long slick black hair stepped out, on the other side a bald man with a clearly shaved out beard stepped out.

"So Matt." The bald man spoke. "You think this guy is legit?"

"The boss says he is, so why go against his word."

➜ [Coal-bolt Gas Station]

The bus stopped for a few seconds waiting for a car to drive out before driving in to get gas. While the other buses drove off, the last bus stopped at a gas bank ready to receive gas.

The last bus was the bus Cameron was situated in, with him Aiden.

With the bus at a stop the students were once again allowed to freshen up before heading back into the bus.

The students rushed out like they had just seen a pile of money laying around.

The teacher keeping an eye on them was even overwhelmed by the amount of students that needed to freshen up. Some of the students didn't even go to the rest room, they just stood around relaxing, others went to the store to buy a snack for the road.

Cameron was one of the two students that actually needed the toilet. The dark skinned boy went in alone, since Aiden stayed up all night coursing him to fall into a deep slumber.

"Come on, come on." Cameron fiddled with his pants, "Come on!... Finally... That's good~"

Cameron took in a good breath of relief. "That feels amazing. I really shouldn't have drank all those smoothies from the Shakie store. This is a lot of pea..."

The dark skinned boy after finishing his business zipped up his zipper and walked to the door, that's when he felt his stomach grumble. He swallowed his saliva realizing what was happening and what he needed to do.

"Back to the toilet!" He ran holding his rectum.

➜ [Meanwhile]

The two men stood in a dark room with an old man who looked to be in his seventies. The man threw a bunch of weapons on the table.

"Take your pick."

Matt smirked. "Level four weapons. How did an old guy like you get your hands on these bad boys?"

"I rather not tell."

"Gotcha. We'll be taking these four." Matt pulled some weapons to his side of the table. "Thanks for the-"

The man raised a mini sized bazooka at Matt, "Your not leaving without paying."

Skipping ahead. Cameron ran out of the stall and tackled the door open, he looked forward noticing the bus revving up it's engines to leave. He breathed in relief noticing he still had time, on his way to the bus he noticed a bald man run from behind the bus to the back of the gas station.

Being the curious type, the dark skinned boy followed behind the man and peaked from the front of the gas station. He watched as another man appeared from a door located in the back of the gas station with weapons.

The bald man opened the trunk and the men threw the weapons inside of the trunk.

"Seems like you completed your part of the job well." The bald man commented.

"Yeah. The old guy proved to be troublesome, but I found a way to knock him down a notch. Did you complete your part of the job?"

"I planted the tracking device, now we'll know easily where the NeRd Olympics are being held."

"It's probably the same place as always. When the boss gets the trophy after killing a few people, we can go get some burgers."

Matt opened the drivers door. "I know a good burger joint."

The same time the bus started up, the car started up as well. Cameron turned to the bus ready to leave when he was hit with a struck of realization. "Ruby. She worked hard for this. She'll be devastated when she finds out the Olympics are canceled... But those guys... Yeah those guys... They are just guys... I beat a freaking monster, and the Doc won't know."

Cameron ran out from his hiding spot and watched as the bus started leaving. "...this is the right choice... I need to track that bus down, I can do that by tracking Ruby's phone. Now I need glue or something."

Cameron ran into the store and bought tape. He ran out and watched the bus leave, and behind it the red vehicle followed. The gas station was empty so he didn't have to stress much about someone spotting him.

He pulled the tape out and attached it to the ground besides his phone. "Alright which one of these guys can catch up to a moving car."

Cameron squeezed the two buttons and pressed the dial that had popped up. The first alien was the first one ever used, "Static-Brain? Nah, he doesn't serve a purpose here, I need to be fast."

He pressed side dial buttons revealing another figure. "0verspeed? he's fast... their gonna see me coming and then the whole thing will go on the news and the doc will probably turn crazy."

He pressed again and the silhouette revealed a winged alien. He pressed passed the alien revealing his second used alien, he shook his head and pressed back to the winged alien. "I know these wings aren't just for show. Paradox last time hinted to this alien being able to actually fly so why not take a bite at it." Cameron slammed his palm onto the silhouette.

Silver rings circled around him the rings moved in and attached themselves to him, from the Omnitrix symbol which was located in his chest metal started building onto him while the metal was building slowly he was shrinking, the iris of his two eyes both moved to the center of his face joining to create one green circular eye, the metal built up from his face passing his eye and reaching the back of his skull which it stretched out to look more sharper. At the exact same time the metallic build stopped the shrinking stopped,he was now a small organism falling into the green void, but was quickly caught by wings that popped out from his back, he did a small flip and mid way in the flip his legs grew extra points.

!!! Design !!!

Cameron turned to his phone and was almost taken aback by how huge it was, "This little guy better come with super strength or something. Because that phone is gonna be a drag to carry." He spoke in a robotic tone, with a young adults voice.

The small alien held the phone up using it's back and quickly strapped the strip of tape around it. The alien lightly flapped up using its green wings.

"At least I'm able to carry the weight. Now where is that red car." The alien scanned through the many cars that were driving beneath it and after a minute caught sight of the car.

➜ [ Moments of flying later]

"I should focus on the task at hand, are these guys really after some old dusted trophy? That things been around for like centuries there's no way their after that. Maybe it's something else... Maybe the trophy has something that they- bird!"

A bird flew directly towards the small alien, the alien noticed this at a later stage because of that it didn't have much time to spring up. The circular green eye of the alien shined green and a green laser fired, shooting the bird down to the road.

"Oh shit! I killed it... But that bird had it coming, how the hell did it not see me I'm not some microscopic orga- microscopic... Hey that's actually a good name... Microscopic bug or microscopic bee... No... Micro.. Micro... Blaster... But I'm a robot it should be like a sting in the tongue... Microbot? No... Microdroid... Micro Mac- oh?! I'm close behind, I better swoop down." The small alien flapped down to the height of the car, "Wait. MM... Micromachine.. No... That's kinda offensive to robots and who's to say I'm even a robot, my body is mechanical that's allll Oh! Micromech!"

Micromech flew forward trying to fly in line with the red car, when he was in line the alien swooped in through the half opened windowsill. One of the men after finishing what he wanted to say turned to the window and noticed the flying phone which flashed on and grabbed a picture of him.

The bald man covered his eyes coursing the person besides him to turn to see what the problem was and this led to Micromech snapping a picture of the man in the drivers seat, due to this he was unable to focus correctly and started turning the stirring wheel vigorously.

The bald man lowered the windowsill and started moving his palm around randomly hoping to slap the nuisance alien. With the car moving around uncontrollably it proved difficult for Micromech to stay on balance, but the alien still attempted by swaying with the car.

Matt the person in the drivers seat regained a bit of his vision and grabbed his laser gun then started firing at the pestilent alien. With the cars movement, the bald guys hand waving and Matt's firing it was only inevitable that Micromech would get knocked out, and that's exactly what happened. The bald guy was able to slap at the right direction, knocking the alien out of the vehicle that started speeding forward.

Cameron as Micromech crashed and burned on to the hard road rolling under the cars that passed it. The alien opened its eyes and quickly rolled out of a cars way and after doing that another car came. The alien tried to get up and fly quickly, but the car came in fast and knocked it down.

"Damnit! I need to catch up to those goons!" The watch started glowing between green and white.

The alien flapped it's wings and wincing through all the pain, dashed forward speeding further than the car behind it and overtaking the car in front of it. This was all in an effort to make it to the red car, which he ended up doing.

Micromech fired it's green laser at the trunk of the car, slightly opening it. Before the car behind him could knock him down the alien dashed forward and threw the phone into the trunk that was wide open, and before the trunk could close the alien shrunk and entered through the small open gap in the trunk.

"Y- yeah... I think I'm done..."