
A hero in search of a harem! No retreat and no surrender! (18+)

If you're tired of CHINESE IMPOTENTS, Wretched YAWNERS, and DARK ORS, then this is the place for you! The main character was just an ordinary guy, but he has a unique life ahead of him! Full of adventure and action. Well, and the harem will be replenished. (A SUPERMAN who travels in the worlds of the anime. Gg will not leave other worlds behind. He will live in all worlds at once!) [WARNING!!! FANFIC IS DESIGNED FOR DISCUSSION, RELAXATION AND ENJOY!!!] IN SHORT!!! THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT!!!! READ FOR YOURSELF!!!!

diniskei · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Chapter 36! End of preliminary fights!

Round 18: Hyuga Hinata VS Koh Samui.


Hinata and Koh Samui. It's going to be epic.


"Good luck Hina-chan!"

"S-thank you.


"Come on, sister! Atsui shouted with all his might.

"Shut up!"


"Here we go! Hayate shouted.


Hinata activated her Byakugan and launched an attack.


Koh Samui took out a short sword and attacked from above.

Hinata dodged to the side and attacked the tenketsu.

"Damn!" said Koh Samui.

- "Kumo Style:-Flame Cross section" - Samui swung her sword in a circle and created a flame. Hinata jumped back and threw an explosive kunai at Koh Samui.

Koh Samui used a replacement. There was an explosion, but Koh Samui was no longer there.


- "Water Release: Strong Water Wave" - Koh Samui attacked from afar. She transformed her chakra into water and covered half of the arena. Hinata was caught in the attack's field of effect.


"You're strong, but you're a melee fighter and you don't have ranged attacks. That's why you lost.- said Koh Samui and turned around and left.


"Yuuuuu! My sister won! Atsui exclaimed.


"Hinata! Kiba, Shino, and I jumped to her side. She wasn't hurt, just suffocated.

I pressed down on her chest and she spat out the water.

"Kha-kha-khakha."Hinata woke up.

"Hinata, you've come to your senses.

"T-tilya-kun?" S-sorry, I'm so weak. You're disappointed in me...? she lowered her head. I put my hand on her head and started stroking her.

"No, Hinata, I'm not disappointed. If you're worried about strength, then come to me and I'll train you! I smiled.

"S-thank you.she took my hand and stood up.


"How does he do that?" Why is it so hot? Atsui started talking to himself again.


- Victory goes to Koh Samui from hidden Cloud.


Round 19: Abumi Zaku VS Aburame Shino.


- The winner is Shino Aburame."Even though Zaku was healthy and didn't have a broken arm, he still lost.


Round 20: Kankuro VS Tsurugi Misumi.


- Kankuro won."just like in the canon.


Round 21: Hyuga Neiji VS Inuzuka Kiba.


Here it was interesting.


Kiba used all his techniques. The smoke trap didn't work. Nagy saw it all.

His speed didn't help, Neiji was faster.

"Gatsuga" made Neiji sweat. But even then it didn't work out with each attack, Neiji knocked out the opponent's tenketsu.

In the end, Kiba lost.


Round 22: Kinuta Dosu VS Gaara.


Dosu couldn't resist Gaara's pressure. The sound didn't help against the sand.


In the end, he lost.


"The Winner is A Dog, no Gaara.


Round 23: Kamizuru Kurotsuchi VS Seiji Hoshi of Hidden Mist.


This is the third Tsuchikage's granddaughter!


Did she come too?" I didn't recognize her as so small.

"My turn!" "she immediately jumped into the arena.

"Is there a girl fighting with me?" Ha! You'd better give up right away. The guy named Seiji smiled and then jumped into the arena as well.


"Ghee-hee!" he grinned.

"Don't underestimate me, asshole! she shouted and immediately attacked. Hayate didn't even have time to announce his opponents.


- "Water Release: Splash" - she transforms her Chakra into water and releases it in the form of a huge jet of water that knocks down the opponent. Kurotsuchi has always been an explosive girl, and she will not tolerate being seen as weak.


"Slowly! Hoshi said and used a substitute.

Kurotsuchi's technique hit palena.

- "Smoke Clone Technique!" - with this technique, the user creates a variety of clone illusions that distract the enemy. The clones used during this technique are illusory. But an enemy mired in countless clone strikes can be easily defeated.


Illusory clones appeared and started distracting Kurotsuchi.


— "Earth Release: Fish Underground Projection Technique!" - Hoshi used this technique to hide under the surface of the ground and started throwing kunai from there. Thanks to this technique, you can set up an ambush.


He threw kunai and immediately moved to another place, so that Kurotsuchi would not find him.

Kurotsuchi couldn't figure out where the enemy was attacking from. She started getting injured as the kunai exploded.

"Damn you!!! Die! "Water Release: Killer Whale Bullet" — Kurotsuchi transformed her chakra into water and unleashed a giant water wave on the arena. Due to the array of waves created, the enemy is restricted in movement.

Hoshi couldn't dodge. After the wave disappeared, all the clones disappeared, and Hoshi fell to the ground and coughed.

"Kah-hkakha ... haa... haa... haa."Seiji gasped for air, while Kurotsuchi held her injured shoulder and smiled.

"Earth Release: Stone Fist!"rocks began to gather in her fist, and she slammed it down hard.

Hoshi flew far away and lost consciousness.


- Defeated Kamizuru Kurotsuchi!

"Mwahahahahahaha! I won't lose! she pointed at me for some reason.

"I'm happy for you." But what's it got to do with me?

-You will be a worthy opponent! I'll prove that girls can be strong too!

"Whatever you say."


She's so energetic and confident.


Round 24: Rock Lee VS Tomayo Shijo.


This fight was a duel between Taijutsu masters.

Rock Lee pulled out a nunchaku, and Shijo pulled out two tonfas.

We fought fast, but in the end Rock Lee beat him.

"I see the flame of youth in you. So you can reach even greater heights! Lee said pompously and left.


Round 25: Choujiro VS Atsui.


It seems that almost all future Kage are gathered here.


Choujuro has short, sprouting blue hair and dark eyes. He also has sharpened shark teeth, a common trait of the Seven Mist Swordsmen Shinobi members, as well as their apprentices. He wears square black-rimmed glasses paired with protective earphones, a blue-striped shirt, and camouflage pants.


By the way, he had two katanas on his back. Looks like he hasn't been issued a Hiramekarei yet.


"Hiramekarei" is one of the famous swords of the Seven Shinobi Swordsmen of the Mist.


- And? What? My turn? "he was getting worried.


Choujuro is a shy person who seems to lack self-confidence.


"My turn!"!! I will defeat you! Atsui shouted and startled Choujiro.

"You're so annoying!" Keep it down.- Koh Samui.

"Well, sister!!! I feel like I'm overflowing with energy!


"Here we go!


They both drew their swords, Atsui attacking first. Choujiro was forced to dodge or block.

"Bugaga! Fight me with all your might! Atsui swung his sword and released a wave of fire.


"Choujiro, come on!" his friends shouted.

Choujiro stabbed his sword into the ground and pulled it out abruptly. Water started to come out of the ground and saved him from Atsui's technique.


"Fire Style: Fire Stream!" Atsui blew out a stream of fire. And while Choujiro was distracted.

"Lightning Style: Electric Fist!"-After he blew out a stream of fire, Atsui predicted where Choujiro would dodge and went on the attack with an electric fist.


Choujiro dodged the jet and saw Atsui rushing towards him with an electric fist, so he started folding the seals. He covered himself with his katana, but when Atsui hit him, he still took damage. Atsui pressed on.

Although Choujiro was in pain, he managed to use the technique.

- "Water Release: Water Prison!" - the water under Atsui's feet began to rise and he was caught in a water ball.

Atsui couldn't breathe and couldn't move. One of Choujiro's hands was inside the ball. After a minute, Atsuya's eyes started to close and Choujiro dispelled the technique.

"Atsui! Koh Samui jumped to her brother's side and started checking to see if he was still alive.

"He's alive, just unconscious.Choujiro said, holding his paralyzed shoulder.


- Choujiro's winner.


Koh Samui escorted Atsui to the infirmary and returned.


- The preliminaries are over! 20 genins passed.


He called out the names of the winners.


Out of 25 fights, 20 genins came out, that's because the rest of the fights were draws.


-The third stage will start in a month, so that important guests who live far away can come.


"Now let's split up!" We will get back to you.


Hooray! It's finally over!


"Finally! This is such a pain in the ass.Shikamaru said.

"I agree. I'm tired.- Shino.

- Bye guys. We went home.I said.

"See you later."


The girls hugged me.

"You could have just held hands.

"It's not interesting.Ino winked.

"All right, then."we moved home.


- Congratulations!!! - everyone else started congratulating us.

"I knew you could handle it!" Are you hungry?" Let's go eat!" Mom led us into the kitchen.


"Is that what happened?" - Tsunade.

"What about Karin?"

"She's in the hospital, exhausted.

"I see. Well then. Enjoy your meal!

- Food is served! -Alice.


We're having a feast!