
A hero in search of a harem! No retreat and no surrender! (18+)

If you're tired of CHINESE IMPOTENTS, Wretched YAWNERS, and DARK ORS, then this is the place for you! The main character was just an ordinary guy, but he has a unique life ahead of him! Full of adventure and action. Well, and the harem will be replenished. (A SUPERMAN who travels in the worlds of the anime. Gg will not leave other worlds behind. He will live in all worlds at once!) [WARNING!!! FANFIC IS DESIGNED FOR DISCUSSION, RELAXATION AND ENJOY!!!] IN SHORT!!! THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT!!!! READ FOR YOURSELF!!!!

diniskei · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 19! Kurama and Alice's idea!

We had a lot of fun! But we didn't drink! Because they're not of legal age.

Satsuki stopped sulking and pulled herself together and said:

-Tilla-kun...anyway..... I love you! -and blushed like a cancer.

I choked on my ramen and tea. And Naruko and Sakura smiled.

-That's my girl Satsuki, you made up your mind! -Naruko hugged her friend.

-Yes, I've decided that I have nothing to hide and that I want more! I'm fed up with being in a relationship with my friend. I want to be like Naruko and Sakura too! -She stood up and said.

-Hmmm... Satsuki, did they put anything in your food or are you sick? -I came over and touched her forehead. She was about to explode with indignation, but I spoke.

-I love you too Satsuki! -I smiled. Satsuki blushed again.

-Oh how romantic that is! -said Sakura.

-I agree! I've been waiting for this moment for so long! -Wiped away a non-existent tear Naruko.

-Ehh! My life is tinny! I'm like a sorority girl." I muttered tiredly.

-Fit it! -said they.

Two weeks passed after that exam.

During that time, Satsuki got used to it. And now I'm pinned on three sides!

Our team has been formalized. My father knew this would happen, so he smiled. He was enjoying my torment with the girls anticipating how he would be babysitting his grandchildren in a few years. He denied it, but I could feel it!

After teaming up, we did various E-rank missions. Like find a dog or help with the garden.

So I asked my dad to give us a mission in wave country if there was one. He agreed.

And now I'm home having dinner with my wives. The food was prepared as usual by Alice.

Today I decided to tell Tsunade about Kurama and Alice.

-Ino, how's it going in there? Did Asuma-sensei chase you around? Did he use bells? -I asked Ino.

-No he asked us to show our teamwork and our strength!

-Hmmm I see! How'd it go with you guys? -Tsunade turned to us.

We told them everything that happened.

-You were great! You're the first team Kakashi took! -Tsunade pointed her finger up at us.

-He's really picky! And always reading his dirty book. I know, he was my handler when I became Anbu! -Said Itachi.

-Yeah, but it went great.-Sakura replied.

So we had dinner. And as we were leaving by room, I stopped Tsunade.

-Tsu, please stop for a moment.

-Hmm? Okay! -After everyone went to their rooms, I called Kurama and Alice as well.

We went into my room.

-Tsunade, you didn't find any medical cards or ID cards with Kurama and Alice, did you?


-Then you should know that they're not from Konoha! -Said I.

-Are they from another village?

-No! Alisa is my inner power! -I shocked her.


-Yes! Alice is my inner power.

I put my finger to her forehead and showed her the right memories.

-So you're from another world? -she asked.


-And Kurama is she a Kyubey?

-Absolutely! -Smiled Kurama.

-Now I've seen everything. -She sat down on the bed.

-So you're the one who resurrected your parents and you can even travel through worlds?


-And you can take your adult form? And you're older than you look? -she asked.

I have taken another form and now I look eighteen years old. Tall and slender with a muscular torso. I took my clothes off because they're too small!

-Here! -Said I.

-"Wow," said Tsunade, blushing at the same time.

Alice noticed this and asked.

----------WARNING! ----------

-Tilya-kun, since we're all here, I have a favor to ask of you! -She said, and came over and kissed the red-haired boy.

Tila was surprised at first, but then decided that he wanted it too. Alice got down on her knees and started to remove his panties.

Kurama came over too and kissed Tila. She began to take off her clothes. And appeared naked in front of him. The guy took her breasts and started sucking on them softly making Kurama moan.

Alice at the same time took off her boyfriend's panties and took his big cock and started jerking off. She wrapped her big breasts around his cock and sucked and began to make paisuri. The guy moaned approvingly.

After a minute he cummed. After Tila created a clone who began to lick Kurama's pussy. Moans came out of her mouth. Fortunately the guy's room was cordoned off.

Tilya himself went after Alice. She spread her legs in front of him and said.

-Tilya-kun... I want you!

The guy walked up to her and stuck his index finger in her pussy. She moaned and closed her mouth.

Tila approached her and pushed his tongue into her womb. He explored her insides with his tongue. He also sharpened her sensations with the electricity that came off the tip of his tongue. Alice put her hands on top of the boy's head and began to squeeze. After a few moments, she cried out.

-I-I-I'm cumming!!! -Alice collapsed exhausted on the bed.

Tila took his organ and moved it to her pussy.

-Ah! -Tila be gentle! This is my first time! -said Alice, blushing.

-Don't worry, everything will be fine.-The guy moved in and kissed her lips. He gave her a jolt, taking away the pain with his medi-chakra and magic. A streak of blood flowed from the girl.

-Ah!!! You came inside me! -said Alice.

The guy began to play with her breasts while moving slowly. A few minutes later, the guy was fucking Alice with all his might.

-Ahhhhh! This is awesome! -shouted Alice. She wrapped her legs around Thiel and hugged him, helping him go even deeper inside her.

-Yes! Let's go deeper! -shouted Alice. Til didn't have to ask twice, he began to penetrate even deeper. The tip of his cock had already entered Alice's uterus.

-Ah! It went into her uterus! -she screamed. The guy kept thrusting her.

-Shit! I'm coming! -said the guy.

-I'm-I'm-I'm coming too! Let's go together! -said the girl.

The guy wrapped his arms around the girl's hips and pulled sharply on himself and cum in her uterus!

-Ahhhhh! Cum filled my uterus! -shouted Alice and collapsed on the bed with no strength.

Just then Tila got the memory of the clone who had cum and dispersed when Kurama was giving him a blowjob.

She turned to the guy and licked her lips. Tilya moved closer to her and got her on all fours.

-How are the animals? -Kurama asked.

-Exactly! -He affirmed. And he entered her sharply. Kurama's first blood flowed. But Thiel was taking away the painful sensation.

-Ahhhhhhh! I didn't know that having sex was so enjoyable! -He exclaimed Kubi as the guy came roughly inside her.

-There's more! -The guy lifted her right leg and began to enter. Kurama felt Tsunade's eyes on her oozing pussy, and she squirmed even more.

-Oh! You're so tight! -said the guy continuing to pound her.

Tila began to let out clots of electricity from the tip of his cock and came in sharply. His head was already entering her uterus.

Kyubey's eyes widened and she stuck her tongue out and moaned languidly. She lost control and had fox ears and one tail. But Kurama quickly regained control and stopped her other tails.

Teal grabbed hold of her tail and began to fuck Kurama while he jerked it.


But Tila didn't stop there. Bringing his face close to Kurama's head he bit her ear.

-Hyayaaa?!!! -Shrieked the girl.

Tilya continued to enter her with the same force!

Feeling him getting close to his limit, the guy said.


-Yes! -Come inside me! -said Kurama. Tilya cumming sharply came inside her and Kurama lost her strength and lay down on the bed!

Tsunade who was watching all this without moving blushed when the guy looked at her!

-Tsu-chan, come here! -He called out to her.

The girl hesitantly stepped forward. Tilya pulled her to him and sat her down on his lap. Tsunade did not move. But she pulled herself together and kissed him.

-Did you finally come to your senses?

-Yes! -I thought, why am I shy? You're already my husband anyway! And I'm not a virgin anymore! -She said.

Tsunade went down to the boy's groin and took the boy's heated organ in her mouth and started sucking it. The boy moaned in pleasure.

But the blonde decided to finish the guy off. She pressed her huge breasts against the guy's dick and started doing paisuri.

and she never stopped sucking.

-I'm cumming!!! -shouted the guy and cum into the girl's mouth.

-How tasty! -Tsunade licked her lips, and then sat down on the boy's body and began to insert his cock, which had become like a stone again, into her womb.

-How long has it been since I've had sex? It's so exciting! -said the girl, breathing languidly.

He took hold of Tsunade's thighs and pushed forward quickly.

The girl cried out.

-Ah! It's so big! Tila, stop! I have to get used to it! Your cock is against my uterus. If you keep going, it might penetrate it! -but the guy went on.

-that's what I want!

And the guy began to penetrate her hard, ripping loud moans from her beautiful lips. The red-haired man was having a lot of fun.

The tip of his cock had already penetrated Tsunade's uterus, but that made her enjoy herself even more. This went on for twenty minutes. Tsunade had already lost count of how many times she had cum.

And when the boy felt an eruption coming, he forcefully pulled Tsunade and poured himself into her hole. Tsunade arched and cried out and fell on the guy's chest.

-It was great! -she said, and fell asleep.

The boy smiled and kissed the girl on the forehead.

-Tila! -called the girls. Tilya turned around and saw Alice and Kurama standing in a sandwich pose. Kurama was on the bottom and Alice on top.

-Come on! Come here! -called Kurama. The guy smiled, walked up behind Alice, and entered her pussy with force.

-Ooohhhhh! -wailed Alice with a feeling of fullness. The guy began to enter her and play with Kurama's clit at the same time. After a few minutes, he came out of Alice and into Kurama. While Alice sobbed with loss, Kurama moaned with euphoria.

It went on like that for a very long time. The guy went in and out of Kurama and Alice and cummed in Kurama five times and in Alice four times. Here he cum in her womb once more. Alice screamed loudly and fell on Kurama's chest unable to get up. After a few minutes, they found the strength to get up after all. The girls knelt down and took turns sucking the guy's cock. While Kurama was playing with his balls, Alice was at her utmost to please the guy with her tongue. Here the guy moaned.

-Uh! I'm coming! -and he cum on the girls' faces. That was the end of the night. They fell asleep in each other's arms.


The next morning we woke up in a dirty bed. We all took a shower and Tsunade said she had to clean the room and kicked us out.

I was in a great mood and took my first look.

I got a message via fuin to report to the hokage.

I told Kurama and Alice everything, and they decided to come with me.

I arrived at Hiraishin's office.

-Hi dad! How's it going? -I asked my father.

-Hi son. I'm fine. There's just too much paper. Dad yawned tiredly.

-Yeah! At this rate, I'm not going to see a little sister or brother yet.

A crumpled paper flew in my face.

-Actually, I'm still a wow. -said my dad.

-Yeah! -Yeah! I know! Just don't stay up too long. You've got bags under your eyes.

-This paperwork's gonna kill me. -He scratched his head.

-Use the clones.

-Tila, I don't have an endless supply of chakra.

-Well then, here's a present for you! -Said I and threw a box on his desk.

He opened it and saw the glasses.

-Hmmm? These are .....

-It's the reading glasses from Fiore! -I cheered him up. Dad had a man's tear.

-I've never received a more useful gift! Thank you, son! -said he.

-Well, well. Now you'll get the paperwork done in no time, and enough time for your family.-Said I smiling.

-With these glasses all the disadvantages of the Hokage title go to the pluses! -Dad dreamed.

-So what was it you wanted to tell me?

-А! The order from the land of the waves came in.

-Now the others are coming in, and then we'll discuss everything. -Said Dad.