
Birthday Party [PT.1]

Michael and Edward had a car waiting for them outside, drawing envious gaze from those fortunate enough to see this luxurious car.

Michael had never been to Elizabeth's house and was relieved he was going with Edward as he was certain he was going to hate every second of it. Elites are such pompous assholes that think they are better than everyone even though the only thing they have going for them is their money.

They reached the house after a few minutes and both boys could believe such a house existed. It was something straight out of a movie, the house was big. No, it was huge.

It sat in the middle of a spherical compound protected by metal bars; one could fit a football (soccer) field in here, and still have additional space.

They admired the expensive cars parked, numbered in the fifties, Edward could not help but feel intimidated as he felt like an outcast even without stepping foot on the floor but Michael was the complete opposite. The only thing he was envious of was the cars and how lucky they were to drive them but he felt nothing for them as individuals and didn't think they were better than him.

The car parked and Michael jumped out without hesitation, stretching, with his body shaking like he was having a seizure but that was simply how good that stretch hit.

"Edward? Don't tell me you got cold feet?" Michael questioned as he was confused why Edward was still in the car despite them having arrived at their destination.

It didn't take long for Elizabeth to come out to personally welcome them, something that surprised both Edward and Michael.

"Welcome! I'm so glad you could both come!" Elizabeth was happy, but her gaze lingered longer on Edward as she said you.

"You look good… B-Both of you!" Elizabeth quickly saved herself, she had complimented only Edward initially but quickly regained herself and included Michael.

"Happy Birthday, Elizabeth," Edward said and Elizabeth couldn't help smiling.

"You can call me Lizzy and thank you!" Elizabeth thanked Edward and a loud silence soon enveloped the area as Edward quietly nudged Michael lightly.

Michael was confused as to why but he soon remembered that it was her birthday. Obviously, that's the reason they were here in the first place even though he didn't understand why people celebrated their birthdays.

"Happy Birthday?" Michael said, like a student unsure of an answer, and this was enough for Elizabeth as she thanked him right before ushering them in.

"I hope your ride here was not too rough, I can't wait for you to meet my friends!" Elizabeth said with Michael rolling his eyes, he could already tell how exhausting this would be.

"Hey! Be nice!" Edward whispered to his friend as they entered the house.

Music was buzzing, drinks were being served and with Elizabeth being of age, alcohol was in the mix. They all looked stuck up and it didn't take long for one of her friends to come over.

Michael and Edward could feel eyes on them, and the person that approached Elizabeth at least had the gall to approach.

Michael only heard murmurs, and whispers, then the girl's eyes looked at Edward and him followed by giggles from both girls.

"This house is massive! I would never want anything if I had such a life," Edward couldn't help himself but Michael wasn't a fan of such a mentality.

"Don't do that…." This was all Michael said before refocusing his attention on Elizabeth who was rounding up with her conversation. Edward knew he shouldn't compare his life with others but he couldn't help it.

Edward felt his insecurities creeping up on him and was surprised at how Michael carried himself.

"Oi! you two!" This was a boy's voice and judging from Elizabeh's irritated face, he was not a friend.

"I didn't know sewer rats had invitations, I would have brought some leftovers!" The boy teased and his peers found it amazing but Michael had on a poker face as he was unaffected.

"Why would sewer rats need an invitation to a party? Won't they just get in from the sewers? For someone with access to the best schools, you're quite stupid…." Michael said and everywhere fell silent, Elizabeth giggled because this was a clever retort.

Edward was stunned by Michael's pose. If it was him, he would have chosen to ignore it but he was glad that Michael said something but this only put him on people's radar. Edward wanted Michael to fit in with his new friends but now that was out of the window. Michael soon fell to his knees, clutching his head in pain.

"Michael! Are you okay!?" Edward quickly asked, dropping to his knees.

"LIAM! STOP RIGHT NOW!" Elizabeth commanded the boy that Michael had just embarrassed but Liam didn't listen to him.

"He had a smart mouth on him, let's see just how good he is with a fried brain," Liam joked, and his clique laughed but Edward wasn't worried about Michael, he was worried about what Michael would do to these boys and he was right to worry.

"Michael, breathe!" Edward encouraged his friend, but Liam's outstretched hand was grabbed by Vlad, he tried to wriggle his way from Vlad's grip but Vlad had insane strength,

"I think you gentlemen need to leave," Vlad instructed, serving as Elizabeth's bouncer, and Liam reluctantly complied, leaving with his clique.

"That was too close! I can't hold it in much longer!" Edward thought to himself, as he was breathing heavily despite having not done anything, he met Vlad's eyes and Vlad looked at him with suspicion.

Michael got back to his feet and sighed as loud as he could, he looked to be fine and the party continued. Elizabeth was soon dragged away to give the boys much-needed space.

"A-Are you okay?" Edward asked hesitantly.

"The hunger…. I felt it…. Edward... I felt the hunger...." Michael responded and the smile that crept on his face made Edward shudder as he knew something was fundamentally wrong with Michael.

"This is bad…" Edward thought to himself, all the while with Vlad watching both boys with intent.