
A Hero's Path Vol.2

The journey of Reedemer aka Mizuki Ito continues as his goal of becoming a pro-hero has continued to manifest. To understand this fanfic, please read the first book (Vol. 1) with the same title first.

Mizuki_UA · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Master of Master!

pov Akito

I follow Shigaraki with interest out of the bar and walk along a candle-lit corridor "Why are there candles like in the middle ages?" Shigaraki sighs "My master thinks this ambience is nice but for me it's beside the point!" I nod until we finally arrive at the last door, he turns to me "You go the rest of the way alone!" I get big eyes and swallow hard but put my fear back down and put my emotionless face back on.

I continue down the next corridor alone until I find a deep red door and enter the room with only a TV and a huge candle that illuminates the room. "Hello Akito, it's nice to see my apprentice's apprentice" I turn in all directions around "Who's there show yourself!" and clench your teeth.

Suddenly I felt a strong pulsating force that chokes my breath and suddenly the TV flickers on where a person can be seen.

Change of location : UA site

pov mizuki

I've been going to school since Akito was kidnapped 2 days ago annoyed because I'm blaming myself "Damn shit I couldn't protect one of my classmates again" suddenly my smartphone vibrates and I take it out of my pocket "Who's calling me just before school starts?" .

I look at the display "WTF an unknown number how did he get my number doesn't matter!!" and pressed the red handset suddenly someone puts his arm around my neck.

I sighed loudly and looked up at the person who turns out to be Eijiro "Hey bro what's up don't feel like the class?" I shake my head "No I'm just freaked out that Akito was kidnapped and I saw him last" he nods his head "bro we all blame each other for carrying this package together".

Change of location: villain base

pov Akito

I immediately kneel down and look intently at the screen he starts giggling "Stand up students of Shigaraki!" I nod and stand up slowly "Shigaraki says you're ready to be evolved and act as a new weapon" I tilt my head to the side "Master what do you want to do?" he laughs heartily "Please don't call me Mr. Master, call me All for One (AfO), I have the power to give you a second quirk or several quirks if your body can stand it or take everything away from you that is dear to you" me swallow hard and look down.

All for One just grumbles "Now get down on your knees Disciple of Shigaraki I'll give you a second great quirk to fix this mistake and if you survive we'll turn you into the Ultimate Weapon!" I nod with every word "I will be the most obedient and loyal weapon that you and the master can count on" as I stood up, a strong warmth flooded through my chest area as if someone was pressing my chest with their hand until I cramped but stay steadfast and don't forgive mine because I was trained almost painlessly only in the shitty UA I show them so that my camouflage doesn't fly.

When AfO is finished "So now you're ready, unfortunately the transfer didn't do anything without problems, you won't have a quirk for 2 weeks because you have to rearrange yourself now!" I grin diabolically "Thanks All for One, nothing stands in the way of my dream as villain no. 2 now, but what kind of quirk did I get?" He doesn't say anything more and at the same time the TV goes off, I only hear a sentence "You'll have to find out for yourself". .....

So part 29 is done

You read SMASH 👌‼️

Revised 03.01.22 23:23