
A Heart of Astral

“Why am I being treated like this? Is my birth a mistake?” Can a mage and a crown prince vampire stay together even though their destiny is full of roses and thorns? A girl named Euphoria is a mage and a person who will surpass the goddess Cassandra in Casterhamton. It is said that she died but no one knew the cause of death and a prophecy was made that after a century the goddess will reincarnate. After hearing the news of the childbirth the pope was so he faked an oracle saying “Disaster is coming, Beware of the newborn.” Then she was abandoned by her birth parent. She is adopted by her step-parent in Cameline. Her step-parents treat her like a servant and her sister Agatha who is jealous of her makes trouble in her life. she is a wizard renowned as “Queen” because she is a beauty and bully who reigns in the hearts of boys. Europhia has had a best friend since childhood her name is Rubia she is a succubus and that is a secret of hers that has been hidden for years. In the kingdom Cameline all women love the three princes and the most handsome one is Cosmos he is the crown prince and a vampire. Also, both his siblings are vampires and princes in Cameline. The second eldest son is Marcus he is a Casanova and immature but good at studies. The youngest is Theodore and Agatha is his fiancé but she falls in love with Cosmos to win his heart she will go to any extent. But Theodore has loved Agatha since childhood and wants to fulfil all her desires even though she doesn’t love him. Cosmos is Cold, aloof and handsome, but he hides certain secrets inside his heart. Marcus Falls in love with Rubia, but her family will go to any extent to save their daughter from him. But will there be sparks of love between them and face all the challenges bravely? Also, it's an open door to a secret hidden deep down. (Please Don't forget to check the review section where I will leave spoilers for you all. Kindly leave your valuable comments, reviews and power stones so I can do a mass release.)

Night_genius · Fantasy
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6 Chs

A new place and a new challenge

When the basket reached its destination after all the pain and tiredness and suddenly a stranger came and was taking a glimpse of her.

He was an old man who was disabled and was sitting on a wheelchair. He was having a white moustache,a iris purple colour eyes light red lips with wrinkle on his face and skin.

He was a wearing a hat, a cloak and a pair of gloves because it was December.

Because in Camelines there is abundant amount of snowfall. But in Casterhamton it was still autumn. People say that people can wish anything in this period. As today was the day where people and other living creatures were alive.

The person who was in a wheelchair was thinking about his grandchild that will be born in the coming year.

He was Marquees Aphelion of Camelines.

He is a close subordinate to the royal family. They are one of the most powerful people in Camelines .One day a enemy of Marquees Aphelion burned the Villa of the family of Aphelion's due to which he was crimpled.

Also leaving behind everyone in his family dead except his elder brother who was declared brain dead after the incident.

He was taking a stroll around the garden and suddenly there was a sound of wailing.

To which he went near the river bank and saw a basket where the Child was tearing up and having hiccups continuously he called for help and took her to the hospital.

After Euphoria was checked . The doctor asked the marquees about whose child was it.

He replied that this child was abandoned and after that he suddenly remembered about a paper. He kept it inside his pocket in which there was a name written

And that was "Euphoria" to which everyone was puzzled because in Camelines this name was very strange and unique.

So the doctor said that the girl was not even a month old.

So he asked him to give the child to an orphanage but…..

Viscount Aphelion had something else in his mind he thought of adopting the child

Because last night in his dream he was asked to do a good deed so that all his sins would be washed away.

So he said in a very hoarse voice after coughing numerous times as if he was sick

"I will adopt this child and her name will be Europhia Willow Aphelion."

"No one should dare to insult her or else the person will pay a very high price,"

"And this thing shall be kept secret from her."

Soon after this declaration was made the Aphelion's were satisfied except his eldest son's wife Marchioness Arabella who was pregnant.

She was an elegant,noble and graceful woman. She had Silver hair, golden eyes, beautiful skin and deep rose red lips.

She was unhappy with the fact that there will be someone who will elder than her daughter and also she will be an adopted sister.

Which angered the Marqueess and asked him not make her one of the members of Aphelion.

Which angered the Marqueess eldest son Grabriel and he screamed at his wife.

Marqueess Grabiel was a very highly professional businessman,he is a hard working person who is kind hearted and warm. But has a cold nature.

He asked his father that he will adopt her because he want to full fill his mother's dying wish which was to do a a good deed.

Marguess Grabiel lost his mother at a very young age but still he made a promise her and fulfill it.

But this decision made Marchioness Arabella much more hatred towards Euphoria.

But nonetheless she accepted her for the well being of her child and husband.

After the old marquees gave Euphoria to Grabriel.... Suddenly Euphoria started shinniing as if she was trying to convey something.

As she was shinning a beautiful women was sparkling…

She said to the family

"You have done an auspicious work....

Sooner or later this girl will reward u something much more than u have done...….

But please don't abandon her...

If you do the goddess herself wont forgive you….

And remember children tie a silver braclet with a mana stone that I am giving you right now.....

This Child has extraordinary power...…

As i said mark my words and be happy my children."

As soon as the beautiful women finished saying everything she showered her blessing on the stomach of Arabella and gave the blue mana stone in the hands of grabiel disappeared.

After such incident happened everyone was scared of Euphoria and promised themselves not to treat her harsh and never reveal the truth about her powers.

But Arabella had something else in her mind.

She was cooking a scheme how can she use her in her plans.

After few months..... There was incident where Marchioness lost her child due to a miscaariage.

That day was 19 August 1688

It was a very devastating moment for all and also Marchioness was very depressed that she cursed the baby to be a demon who harvest on souls.

Because of this the anger of Marquess was so high he couldn't handle it anymore and slapped his wife for not staying in limits

Marchioness was so depressed that she went to her room and the marquess came towards Euphoria gave his head on top her head and they shared a father and daughter conversation.

He asked her to be happy in order to fullfil his rights as a father.

Which made Euphoria touch his hair and giggle.

This warmed marquees heart even more than before.

On the eve of christmas of 1690 Marquees and Marchioness got a very beautiful gift from Euphoria.

And that was a life.

That time Euphoria was three year old

They thanked Euphoria for the miracle again.

But Euphoria didnt understand that why were they thanking her when she did nothing for them.

Then slowly marchioness asked the kitchen for a Blueberry muffins,mini strawberry tarts, Choco lava cake, cherry pie, Mango smoothie and lemonade

Every dish was Euphoria's favourite snack they were sitting in the veranda

Looking athe view of snowfall. Marquees burned some woods in the hearth for warmth and then they shared a piece of news to Euphoria.

That she is going to be a sister.

She was so happy that while eating food she was jumping on the sofa. She asked that whether she can name her sister.

Marquees allowed her to do the needfull.

The night was long and fun for the family of Aphelions they were eating, giggling and talking as everything is fine.

After few months passed.It was day where Euphoria was waiting for her sister.

It was 27th August 1691.

When Marchioness delivered the baby and Euphoria went to the room to see her baby sister she was very delighted to see her baby sister and named her Agatha.

Agatha had deep green eyes like grass,White hair just like her mother and white skin.She was checky but very beautifull.

Which was beautiful and powerful. They also came to know that she was also not ordinary she could cast very powerful spell which was not possible for any wizards or witches to cast .

After she saw her sister she was asked not freely roam around the house. Also this saddened Euphoria as she had no choice as to accept the order from her mother.

She didnt come out of her room for past 20 years but suddenly.

On 1st January 1711

It was new year her father marquees Grabriel came the doors of her room opened she came outside of the room with two of her lady-in-waiting.

She was very tall her eyes were deep ocean blue eyes, her hair were golden and her skin was snow white. She was thin and fragile like glass.

She was 23 years old and she was at a marriageable age.

She came downstairs and greeted her father with respect politeness.

Her words to her father were

"Good Evening Father

how was your trip, were you uncomfortable with anything…..

It been very long I have seen you,

I hope your journey was beautiful."

After saying those words she bowed with courtesy and took the bag to lighten his arm's

Then marquees said to Euphoria was

" My dear child it has been a long tme i have seen you....

Last i have seen was you were very small but cheerful but now i can see you is that you have turned into a very beautiful woman."

Euphoria smiled with coursey she was happy to hear complement from her father...

Also she knew that she was adopted at the age of 5.

It was the time when Agatha turned 2.

She wished nothing from her parent except happiness and peace in the house.

She wrote letters to her father to know more about his health and studies.

She was outstanding when it come's to studies

But suddenly Agatha came running from stair towards her father.

She was very pretty. She deep green like grass eyes, Silver hair and rose red lips. She was very pretentious, angry,greedy, noble, elegant and humorous person.

She is so beautiful that she got nickname as 'Queen' because of she reigns in the hearts of boys.

She was 20 year old

She bowed to her father with courtesy and asked her father

"Papa did you bring me my things that i asked you and how are you doing i didnt know anything about you as you responded to my letters very late."

Marquees replied

"Yes dear Agatha I was stuck at work and i am very much fine as you can see me in a good condition. Also, I brought you, Euphoria and mom gift's from my trip."

This angered Agatha when she heard about her sister and started screaming and questioning her father in an unfriendly tone.

"Papa she is not a part of a family and dont you think about us, she is a person who should be treated as servant."

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