
A Heart's Desire

Lee Jin-Ae has to choose between her duty to become a doctor and follow her family's wishes or become an artist, travel the world and live her dreams while balancing her new school drama with demanding boys and painful heartbreak. Park Ha Joon is secretly a billionare's son and it's his destiny to take over his father's company when he's older. He has a liking and talents for other things, but they have to be hidden from his family as he tries to bring them honor and wealth, even at the cost of his own happiness and dreams. What will happen when these unfortunate souls collide and a spark of hope is set aflame for their dreams to take flight? BY CO-WRITERS: Saliday & Erina_Matchax17

ERINA · Urban
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17 Chs

You Have Me

Jin-Ae's POV:

I stared out into the car window and saw the trees and scenery we passed by. Ha Joon sat next to me, he sat in the driver's seat and his eyes focused on the rear-view mirrors and the road in front of us and he gripped tightly on the steering wheel.

"You know, you didn't have to skip school for this," I said with guilt, but he put rested his hand on my lap.

"Don't worry about it." He said as he brought the back of my hand to his lips and kissed it gently making me blush.

"I still can't believe Mi Young was able to change the date of the prom!" I exclaimed with disbelief as Ha Joon chuckled.

"You should've seen the principle's face..."

Flashback in Mi Young's POV:

"The thing is m-maybe Monday isn't the right date for it," I explained nervously as I fiddled with my thumbs and stood in front of the principle and Ha Joon sat on a sofa in the corner and sorted paperwork.

"Why not? I heard that everything is already decorated, the caterers are ready and everything is perfect, so why can't we do it on Monday?" asked the principle as I racked my brain and tried coming up with a better answer which wouldn't involve anything with my friends because secrets and promises were meant to be kept, not broken.

Welp, I hope the principle is superstitious.

"B-Because... IT'S BAD LUCK!" I exclaimed as the principle looked taken aback by my sudden outburst.

"Isn't this whole prom YOUR idea, Seong Mi Young?" asked the principle and I nodded.

"So why would you try and jeopardise this opportunity after trying for weeks to convince me?" she asked as I gulped.

"Because it's bad luck," I said with as much confidence I could muster up.

"Okay, then, please explain to me how a school prom next Monday bad luck is." Challenged the principle as I retraced my memories of calendars and folklore.

"Cheonyeo Gwishin. You have heard of this ghost before, haven't you?" I asked as the principal nodded.

"A virgin girl ghost which haunts her family. What does that have to do with next Monday?" asked the principle as I noticed that she was becoming more interested in my story.

" My very very very awesomely wise Great Grandma once said that sometimes the ghost might visit the school they went to if they were bullied when they were alive and she also told me a story of a girl which died in this school long ago before me or even you transferred here. She died on April 13th which is next Monday AND 13 is an unlucky number!" I started hiding my nervousness with an extreme amount of confidence.

"Yes, I guess it is, but since you oversee this sudden change and the prom. You will take care of all the details." Said the principle and my eyes widened in shock.


"Ok Ms, you can count on me! There will be no ghostly murders as long as I oversee this." I said with a salute and a bow before she dismissed me.


"Yea, I changed the date!" I shrieked with joy as I jumped and danced with Jin-Ae in excitement.

"Thank you thank you thank you so much!" she said as tears slid down her face and she bowed before me.

Oh shit, the hormones are kicking in...

"Aww, it's ok Jin-Ae! Erm. please stop crying! It was my pleasure to do this." I said in a panic as I quickly made her stand up straight and hugged her tightly.


"Thanks again Mi Young!" she said before walking to her class.

"Heh... no problem!" I said waving to her.

"Ok, time to rearrange EVERYTHING and spread the new and different news to the ENTIRE school. Heh... I can do this!" I said with a hint of sarcasm to myself once Jin-Ae was out of earshot but didn't notice Ha Joon listening.

End of Flashback, Jin-Ae's POV:

"Woah... the principle believed her?" I asked in shock and Ha Joon nodded as he turned, and I saw the hospital building.

"I think the principle knew she was lying but pitied her and let her change it." He chuckled and I smiled.

Moments like this make me forget all the troubles of life.

The rest of the time we just talked about anything and everything. For some reason, Ha Joon made me feel comfortable and safe, we had many interests as well and whenever we have opposite tastes then it would always end up being a playful debate. Then suddenly his phone rang, and he gestured for me to take it and put it on speaker.

"Hello?" he asked loudly as I heard muffled from the other side.

"Hello, Ha Joon-ah! Where are you? You were supposed to meet us at the mall for lunch today with Kyung Mi! It's very disrespectful to your fiancé and her family." I heard a female voice, which I assumed was his mother, say.

"Mom, she's not my fiancé or my girlfriend or even a friend! And I'm busy doing something important right now, so- "Ha Joon explained before he was cut off by a male voice.

"Park Ha Joon! You better come to the mall right now or so help me, boy! I will find you and drag you there myself if I have to!" roared his father as I slightly decreased the volume since the loud shouting hurt my ears and scared me.

Ha Joon's grip on my hand tightened, but he made sure it wasn't tight enough to hurt me and I saw him mentally fight between the choices.

"Ha Joon-ah! Are you still there?!" yelled the voices continuously as I felt a headache start thumping into my head.

"Yes, Dad! Yes, Mom! I understand what you want! But I am in the middle of something very important right now, so I'm sorry, but... goodbye." He said before he hung up.

"I'm sorry about that... my parents can sometimes be..." he sighed as I thought of my situation as well.

"Overbearing, controlling, annoying, strict? Yea, you're not the only one who has parents which think they can control every single aspect of your life." I chuckled humourlessly as I thought about how they would react if they knew about the baby.

He noticed my mood become sad and gloomy, so he started rubbing small circles with his thumb onto my hand.

"Everything is going to be ok." He reassured.

How is everything going to be ok?! I am 18 and pregnant! If I get an abortion, then... I can't do that, I want to keep the baby, but how? Seojun is off with his gang and doesn't know about the baby, poor Mi Young has to redo and change everything because of me... heck, soon she'll leave too once she finds out what a failure I am, just like Baek Hyeon just ignored us and acted as if we disappeared! Even Ha Joon... he will leave too, and my parents will bend me to my will. I would become their perfect and beautiful puppet living life and destiny which they wrote...

Tears slipped from my eyes as I struggled to quickly wipe them away and keep my breathing calm.

Ha, Joon immediately saw my distress and quickly parked the car and focused all his attention to me.

"Shhh Shhh, everything is going to be alright. What's wrong?" he cooed while pulling me into a hug and stroking my hair.

" I-I don't know w-what to d-do if I-I" I stuttered out as I breathed in and exhaled deeply, his scent of sweet, aromatic vanilla which immediately relaxed me and I calmed down as he comforted me.

"If I have this baby and keep it, then it might not have a father and my parents will kick me out. I-I'm just trouble... completely worthless... soon everyone will understand that and leave, just like Baek Hyeon and Seojun did." I explained as a glint of anger flashed through his eyes and he pulled me closer and wrapped a little tighter, but not so tight so that it didn't hurt.

"Baek Hyeon is just acting like a child and Seojun is being an asshole. Mi Young is and will forever be your best friend, your parents need to grow up and understand that it's your life and not theirs." He said as his angry voice turned into a whisper at the last comment.

"B-But I heard Mi Young speak about her dreams to study abroad and I don't want to ruin that for her. My parents have taken care of me my entire life... it's just that sometimes they... don't understand that they're hurting my feelings." I said as I felt a little nauseous with all the crying I had been doing.

"In the end. Everyone leaves." I said as a single stray tear fell and Ha Joon quickly wiped it away with his thumb.

"Maybe that's true, maybe most people leave, but I promise you... I won't leave, I won't run no matter what and I will support whatever decision you make in this situation. You will always have me." He whispered as I relaxed against his warmth and touch and let the tingles spread all over my body.

He let me hug him and calm down for a while as we talked about things and he reassured me and made me feel safe.

"Now, I think it's time we see the doctor. Are you ok with that?" he asked, and I nodded before we got out of the car.


"Yes, the results came back, and you are about 5 weeks pregnant. Congratulations!" said the doctor supportively.

"Oh..." I said lost in my thoughts.

"Well, you and your boyfriend can come back again next week for the first ultrasound, but so far I think your baby is healthy." She said meaning Ha Joon and I.

"Oh ok," I said with a small smile and ignored the part about Ha Joon being my boyfriend.

"Want to get something to eat?" asked Ha Joon and I nodded before we thanked the doctor and left.

"So, you are officially and pregnant. How do you feel?" he asked as he ate his Steak and Cheese subway sandwich.

"I-I feel... happy!" I said cheerfully once I registered everything in my brain.

"That's great! By the way, does the sandwich taste ok? I asked them to put extra pickles and thousand island sauce." He said nervously chuckling at the last sentence.

"It's perfect, just the way I like it. Thanks, Ha Joon-ah." I said before taking another big bite of the sandwich.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around and coughed at the smoke blowing in my direction. A tall and shady man towered over me and smoked a cigarette. Ha, Joon immediately stood up and pushed the man away from me and stood protectively in front of me.

"It clearly says no smoking. Put it out or leave." He said pointing towards the no-smoking sign on the wall.

"And who are you to tell me what to do?" asked the man as more smoke blew from his mouth, but Ha Joon blocked me so that none of it would reach anywhere near me.

"Sir, this is a non-smoking area." Said the waitress as she ran towards us.

"I just wanted to speak with her." He said as he pointed at me and Ha Joon gripped onto my hand and didn't move his position so that he was still blocking me.

"Jin-Ae, do you know this man?" he asked glancing at me and I shook my head.

"Please leave sir." Said the waitress as she led the man out of the restaurant.

"Sorry about that. Please have a few cookies, on the house." She said as she came back to us holding a large tray of freshly baked cookies with many different flavours and selections to choose from.

"Thanks." We said and took three cookies each.

The next day...

"Hey, Jin-Ae. How are you?" asked Baek Hyeon as he walked next to me.

"Hi, I'm fine. You?" I asked and tried to ignore the extreme awkwardness between us.

"I'm fine. Want one?" He replied and showed me a bag of flaming hot Cheetos before I felt my stomach churn and became lightheaded.

"Are you ok?!" his voiced laced in concern and panic as he saw me tip sideways slightly.

"O-One second," I said showing up one finger before running to the girl's toilet and locking myself in a stall and throwing up.


I groaned in annoyance and pain as I quickly got up, flushed the toilet, and opened the door to reveal Baek Hyeon.

"What's wrong? Was it something you ate?" he asked suspiciously and with concern.

"Probably." I shrugged before changing the topic.


"Jin-Ae! Jin-Aeeeeeeee!!!!!~" yelled Mi Young as she charged towards me and stopped right in front of me and struggled to catch her breath.

"What's wrong? Is everything ok?" I asked in worry as she breathed and stood up straight.

"Everything is perfect! I made sure no alcohol there is no alcohol AT ALL in prom and hired security to check students before they enter in case, they brought anything like that. The date changed and I made sure the food fits with your cravings and everyone else's likings as well. So, you and the baby are safe." She said making her voice softer at the end.

"Oh thank you so much- "I said, but I was cut off by Baek Hyeon.

"You're pregnant?!" Exclaimed Baek Hyeon in shock as Mi Young immediately clapped a hand over his mouth to muffle his next words.

"Shush dummy! It's a secret." She whispered angrily and Baek Hyeon nodded in understanding before she removed her hand.

"You're pregnant?" he asked again, but as a whisper this time.

"Yep," I said nervously scratching the back of my neck.

"Seojun's?" He asked and I nodded before he broke out into a wide grin.

"Congratulations!" he yelled as he quickly hugged me, and I chuckled before hugging him back.

"Please don't get an abortion! I want a chance to be an uncle! "pleaded Baek Hyeon as Mi Young rolled her eyes at him.

"Yea, I'm keeping it." I grinned as his face mirrored mine.

"And yes, I won't tell a soul." He said making a gesture of him zipping his lips and Mi Young stopped sending glares and daggers at him.

"So, look who finally manned up and comes to talk to us." Said Ha Joon playfully as Baek Hyeon chuckled.

Finally, everything feels almost perfect at this one moment... but that's how everything feels before it's soon ruined. I still have my parents and Seojun to worry about.

"Come on Jin-Ae! We're going shopping!" celebrated Mi Young as she hooked my arm in hers and we walked away from the chatting boys.

"Wow... is it weird that I feel a little jealous of Mi Young now?" laughed Baek Hyeon as Ha Joon burst out laughing as well.

"Well, she did that so they could go shopping for prom, so I think she has a valid reason for stealing Jin-Ae away." Chuckled Ha Joon.

"Yesterday, I was scrolling through pictures from the internet and I saw this pretty floral dress and..." ranted Mi Young as I smiled.

I may not know much about my future, but one thing's for certain. This group of weird, funny, and interesting people will always be my friends.