
A Heart's Desire

Lee Jin-Ae has to choose between her duty to become a doctor and follow her family's wishes or become an artist, travel the world and live her dreams while balancing her new school drama with demanding boys and painful heartbreak. Park Ha Joon is secretly a billionare's son and it's his destiny to take over his father's company when he's older. He has a liking and talents for other things, but they have to be hidden from his family as he tries to bring them honor and wealth, even at the cost of his own happiness and dreams. What will happen when these unfortunate souls collide and a spark of hope is set aflame for their dreams to take flight? BY CO-WRITERS: Saliday & Erina_Matchax17

ERINA · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Hotel Room


- Some content may be uncomfortable to some readers that may include: violence, inappropriate usage of words, sex, etc. Please refer to age content before reading this chapter. Readers are advised.

Jin-Ae's POV:

Today is Wednesday, the school already finished and now I am sitting behind Seojun on his motorcycle. My hands wrapped around his waist, holding on to him tightly. My feet hovered across the road while we drive along the bright and busy streets of Seoul and to Namsan.

He texted me last night and asked if he could take me out on a date and bring me somewhere: so, this is how we end up here.

I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday: Did I accidentally hurt his feelings? Flashes of memories went across my mind, rewinding itself. I couldn't help myself biting my lips harder and gripped his waist harder, pressuring the weight of guilt on myself.

Did I hurt him?

He parked his bike under a streetlight and we both got on our feet. We padded our way until a tower stopped us. He held out his hand and we were walking around the tower.

"By the way, there's something I didn't tell you," He said as our foot took a step up the flight of stairs. My eyes peeked at him.

"Yesterday was all an act," He continued.

"I must act tough and rough in front of those guys so that they don't kick me out. and by kicking me out, I mean - kill me. I messed up so bad Jin-ae. I needed the money for my mom, who is a workaholic, and my dad, who is ill at the hospital. They said they were going to give us money as long…as I join them," He explained as I listened attentively. It took me a while to take in what he just said.

I feel dumb, that's sure enough.

I let out a sigh and covered my frail fingers over my lips. "I'm so sorry. Is there something I can do to help?" I asked in conscience. Seojun was hurting, and I wasn't there for him. This puts me in a more depressing position.

He shook his head while he rubs his hand on his neck.

He stopped and I bumped into him. He turned around and faced me, holding my cheeks with his palm. "Just be with me now and take my mind off it." He pushed my hair behind my ears and gave me a soft kiss on my cheeks.

I looked over the edge of the railing and saw the beautiful view of the city skyline. The sky was painted with streaks of orange, violet and hot pink. The sun was slowly setting, and tiny stars speckled across the sky.

I felt Seojun's arm slithering across my waist and rest at my lower back, as watched the gorgeous scenery unfold in front of us with a handsome and genuine smile, making me smile.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Seojun as our hands intertwined and I fought a blush from spreading onto my white cheeks.

"Look, about yesterday, I thought about it and I'm sorry. I was just scared and now…" I stopped when he placed a small antique heart-shaped lock into my hands.

"I'm not anymore." I finished with a smile as I looked and traced along with the engraved flower details.

"I love you Jin-Ae." He said with wide eyes – a hint of brown colour- reflected from the bright lighting.

"I-I..." I stuttered. Do I love him? This sweet kind and handsome person in front of me. Isn't he too good for me?

Brushing my thoughts away, I finally got the courage to be with him.

"I love you too," I replied before his lips pressed to mine.

It was sweet and slow as we both savoured the moment. His hands moved down to my waist and pulled my flushed body against his. I tiptoed my feet, reaching his height, and handheld my hand on the back of his neck, another held and pressed against his cheek.

We pulled away, gasping out for air, and gazed into each other's eyes. In our entwined hands, the lock lay before we smiled and clicked it onto a space on the railing which made it stand out and sparkle with the sun behind it.

"Beautiful." Sighed Seojun, as he was looking towards me (but I didn't know that he was looking at me instead of the lock).

"Yea," I replied breathlessly while taking in the moment.

"I'm talking about you." He chuckled and my cheeks heated.

I probably look as red as rose right now.

'How embarrassing' I flushed. My eyes drifted away.

"You look beautiful too," I slipped. How I wished to have slapped my face!

"Thanks, Nerd. I know I do." He replied with a smirk and bit my neck.

Cocky son of a bitch.


"It's getting late." He said looking around cautiously at the dark sky and the bright pale moon.

"Oh, yeah, I didn't realise," I mumbled after finishing my share of Takoyaki with Seojun.

"It's dangerous to drive this late at night, maybe we should stay at the hotel for tonight and leave tomorrow morning?" he asked, and I nodded.


"Here are your room keys sir. Enjoy your stay!" greeted the worker as she gave Seojun the key card.

"This is the key to the suite, right?" confirmed Seojun.

"Yes, you called and wanted it to be reserved." Said the worker as I continued to sit at the lounge and pretend not to eavesdrop.

"Thank you." Said Seojun with a wink before leading me to the elevator.

We were the only people in the lift and soft jazz music was playing in the background. I felt him wrap a hand around me and pull me closer to him. He pushed me towards the wall and started nibbling, sucking, and kissing down my jaw, along with my neck and my collar bone. He spun me around, pinned me against the wall. I winced, letting out a soft cry of pain.

He continued his journey as I moaned in pleasure while unbuttoning his shirt and running my fingers down his muscular torso and traced along the beautifully etched tattoos making his grunt in approval.

I felt him undid my red-laced panties and slide his hand up my skirt while the other slowly pulled down the zipper. As I was slowly crawling my back down, the elevator let out a 'Ding!'

The elevator doors finally opened then he scooped me up and princess-carried me, pursing his hand at my thighs, to our room. Thankfully, it was almost pitch-black, only a few lamps dimmed the hallway. No one could spot us.

With one hand holding me he opened the room door and shivered when I started placing soft wet kisses down his chest. He threw me onto the bed, then crawled on top of me and balanced himself on his elbows while passionately kissing my lips. My hands found themselves unzipping his pants and venturing below.

He unbuttoned my shirt and pulled down my skirt making me lay on the comfy bed with my lingerie. His eyes darkened with lust as his hands roamed across my body, kissing me in all the right places. I whined in pain and I started to move around, but he locked my arms to still me.

My hands trailed lower and down his V line as he groaned, and I arched my back slightly so that our bodies were closer. He removed his underwear and my eyes widened, looking into his ocean eyes before I felt his kisses travel down my chest and he unclasped my bra before smashing his lips back onto mine and gently held his hand next to my breasts.

His lips moved in sync with mine as our tongues danced with fire and passion. His bulge was rubbing rhythmically against me and I felt heat pooling at my core and my panties felt slightly damp. His lips continued their journey and then I felt him slip his hand at the side corner of my black lace panties and slowly slide it off. He licked his lips and his eyes locked with mine.

"This might hurt." He said in a deep husky voice filled with lust as he tried to control himself.

"Do it anyway," I replied breathlessly as my heartbeat quickened and I braced myself.

Next to me, there is a TV remote. As I slightly adjust my body, it tipped over and clicked on a channel – Channel 9.


"The Shanghai Maglev did it again! It's now the fastest train on Earth. Now, we're going to witness as it rapidly travels from Shanghai's Pudong International Airport to the Longyang metro station on the outskirts of Shanghai…"

He chuckled, I would never get tired of hearing that, and that's when I felt it rub against my hole. It slowly pushed its way inside of me and I became a moaning mess.

"And now at 120 mph…"

I gripped onto the bedsheet as the thrusting became slower but stronger and the bed shook a little. I felt his cum burst all over it and he groaned my name loudly before continuing, but quicker and more intensely and I whimpered at the fierce force of it nearly reaching my stomach. He furiously bit from my neck and down to my legs.




"…200 mph…"

Cloud of pants vapoured the room, making me sweat more.

Then, I felt his warm cum filling me and sighed in pleasure as the pain stopped for a while and we breathed heavily. He slowly pulled it and removed it and small drips ran down my thighs.

He clawed his nails into my thighs. Ouch, how troublesome.

My turn, I smiled.

I pushed him down and placed myself above him. I chuckled and went for it.

"Darling you're so pretty it hurts," he laughed.

"Are you ready for more?" I whispered into his ears. His eyes drifted away, and his face is red…

I gripped his neck and scrammed my fingers through his soft hair and pressed his face against my breast. I bit at the back of his head, then moved to his neck.

Pretty face with a pretty body. Not bad.

He pressed his lips onto mine again kissed me softly and gently before getting off me and putting a blanket over me.

With the blanket covering us, I sat above him as he laid down. His hands were under lock on my waist. I bend down my back and held his waist, positioning for more.

"Aah, it hurts," I yelled as I tore. He did it too hard and enjoying himself. It's alright…I can endure this.

The night filled with our moans and breathless whimpers. Surely, I don't think that he's satisfied.

"The train is going to its highest! 224 mph-unbelievable,"

He crawled into space next to me and brought me closer so that my head lay on his bare chest and our legs tangled together. We finally stopped.

He wiped the sweat off my face. I grabbed his hand and locked our fingers. "How was it?" He asked as he turned to me.

"What kind of woman do you take me for? You were the worst," I joked. I snickered and the smile on my face grew tired.

"Goodnight." He whispered into my ear before I fell sound asleep. He took my hands and kissed it.

Ha Joon's POV:

Prom is around the corner…ugh... why do I have to even go to prom?! Oh wait, I must perform… well that's something to be excited about!

"Morning," I greeted Mi Young as she walked next to me.

"Good morning!" she chirped, but I could see through her fake smile.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Her body took a quick pause and turned towards me.

"I have a bad feeling about something. Something bad is going to happen and I know it," she warned mysteriously before slamming back a fake grin onto her face. Did a déjà vu hit her so hard?

"But it's probably nothing. Isn't that Jin-Ae?" she asked worriedly as my attention and gaze drifted towards the girl with short wavy black hair and dressed in an oversized hoodie covering her white uniform that drags just a little below her waist, but not completely over her short navy blue skirt so that she still looked like she was wearing the proper gyobok (school uniform).

"Hey, Jin-Ae! What's up?" asked Mi Young running over to her.

"Oh, nothing really, I just felt like trying something new." She replied, but she was lying and thank goodness Mi Young noticed.

"You look cute! But I know something is up, so spill." Said Mi Young while taking Jin-Ae's hand to stop her from walking away.

"Well, something has been bugging me…" she started as a single tear ran down her face and I snapped.

"Is it Seojun? Did he hurt you? I'm going to smacks his ass if he did and toss him off the roof like the worthless piece of trash he is!" threatened Mi Young as her face became bright red with anger. I tried to breathe in and out to calm my anger as well.

"Look, you can tell us anything, we promise we won't tell anyone," I said as Jin-Ae inhaled sharply and blinked away her tears.

Mi young pulled down Jin-Ae's hoodie and right underneath her neck, adjusting it, I could spot a hickey mark. Damn it! What kind of tricks is he pulling off with her?

"Jin-Ae, you need to tell us!" I demanded while slamming the table and sat myself down with my legs crossed.

Mi Young and Jin-ae pounced and shivers came down her spine. Jin -ae covered her mouth and words started escaping themselves out of her mouth.

"So, um, Seojun w-wanted to h-have sex and I-I said yes, but I'm not sure if he liked it or not, because the next morning we didn't talk about it and since it's my first time, he might think I'm inexperienced and not be ok with that." She sniffed as Mi Young was gently comforting her by rubbing circles onto her back.

It suddenly became so clear… that man whore only wanted to use her and then he was going to leave her and break her heart.

On her left hand, she was scrunching tight a packet. I took her by the hands and forced-open it: It was a pill…a birth control pill.

"Where is that son of a bitch?!" I snapped and roared as I ran into his classroom. Behind, the girls were following me.

I saw that dumbass slouching his back on the wall in the corner and grabbed him by his collar and slammed him up against the wall painfully. His eyes widened in shock before returning to his lazy gaze.

"Aww pretty boy over here wants to try beating me up!" announced Seojun and from the corner of my eye, I saw the same group from yesterday enter the class.

The rest of the class burst into screams and terror and ran away, I wouldn't blame them, who would want to get caught in a show of South Korea's biggest and worst mafia.

The gang surrounded us, and the girls were terrified. Then, Mi Young did possibly the bravest or dumbest thing in this situation…

"Hi, erm, you see that dude over there?" she asked the man with snake tattoos nearby her as she pointed at me.

The creepy dude nodded, and I noticed his collection of knives hanging on his belt.

"Well, the thing is, he is like a kyung hyeongnim (big brother) to me and I would much prefer it if he didn't get hurt." She continued as Seojun suddenly flipped us around and I was the one struggling against the wall.

The guy with the tattoos nodded in understanding and my mouth hung open in awe.

"Hey Seojun, they're just a bunch of reckless kids. Can we leave now? We need to prepare for the drug deal later." Said the man as he reasoned with Seojun.

"Come on Baem-ah! Let me have a little fun!" complained Seojun as he positioned a fist to my face.

"NO!" screamed Jin-Ae, clearly terrified.

"Hey, Tattoos! Do something about this!" yelled Mi Young as she poked a finger at Baem's shoulder.

"Sorry. Once a fight starts, it's a disgrace to the fighters of Yakuza if someone stops it other than the fighters themselves." He shook his head.

I suddenly felt a hit of pain burst onto my cheek making my head spin and my vision blurry. I saw a slight silhouette of Seojun and punched it with all my strength, I was let go and my feet touched the ground again.

"Oh. You are going to pay for that!" roared Seojun as he charged towards me again and the girls screamed and fought against the men's grip but failed miserably.

I blinked a few times and regained my vision just in time to avoid a punch to the stomach and instead I punched him in his side and his eyes shot up at me and glared viciously. Then he was like lightning, two to my stomach, three at my chest and one strong blow onto my face and near my eye. I stumbled back and held onto the wall for support as he chuckled victoriously, and it scared me and the girls. His eyes darkened with evil as his fist was ready... he was going to end it...

"No! Seojun, if you do this, I will never trust you ever again." cried Jin-Ae coldly with tears streaming down her cheeks as she slowly dropped down. I noticed Seojun's features soften, but his eyes remained full of anger and jealousy.

He let me go and I dropped to the floor and coughed blood into my hands.

"We have other things to do than deal with than a worthless little piece of shit like you." He said before giving me one last kick and leaving with the gang.

"And Jin-ae," He stopped. He turned around and squatted to height himself with her.

He held her face with force and looked at her with disgust. "You better take those pills. And the fact, you are the worst," he said with a cold voice as he stared into her pitiful soul.

That was no longer the fun playboy we knew. He's changed…