
A Heart's Desire

Lee Jin-Ae has to choose between her duty to become a doctor and follow her family's wishes or become an artist, travel the world and live her dreams while balancing her new school drama with demanding boys and painful heartbreak. Park Ha Joon is secretly a billionare's son and it's his destiny to take over his father's company when he's older. He has a liking and talents for other things, but they have to be hidden from his family as he tries to bring them honor and wealth, even at the cost of his own happiness and dreams. What will happen when these unfortunate souls collide and a spark of hope is set aflame for their dreams to take flight? BY CO-WRITERS: Saliday & Erina_Matchax17

ERINA · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Mi Young's POV:

These damn lovebirds are going to make me throw up my lunch! I watched as Jin-Ae and Ha Joon's hands intertwined and they looked each other in the eyes while Taeyang and Kyung Mi were laughing, talking and standing questionably close to one other so that their bodies brushed against each other every once in a while. Look, don't judge, but I have a feeling that Kyung Mi might not be... fully straight...? Like I think she might be a lesbian and she might like Taeyang, not like that's a bad thing because those two look like they were made for each other. And then, of course, we have those clueless and...I'm starting to think brainless... pair which keep on insisting that they're 'just friends'.

" Hey Mi Young, you've been a little quiet. What are you thinking about?" asked Jin-Ae and I subconsciously bit my bottom lip nervously.

" Nothing..." I trailed off. Wasn't thinking that you and Ha Joon would be relationship goals.

"So, we're just going to bust in there and ask for Jae Sang?" asked Kyung Mi and I nodded. There were other details to the plan, but I'll just save the complicated part for when we're enacting the plan.

My eyes wandered to Baek Hyeon who was trudging behind us with his eyes kept on the gravel road and earphones plugged in. I felt sorry for him, but there was nothing I could do...


"Annyeonghasseo! (Hi) We're looking for Jae Sang," I said politely to a man sitting behind the receptionist desk.

" Who's asking?" he grumbled and my eyebrows furrowed in anger, but I quickly hid it with a calm and kept expression.

" A group of friends," I said with an award-winning smile as the guard looked at me with a bored expression and I bit my lip back to its original position.

"I'm going to need more information than that- "he grumbled while rolling his eyes and I felt something in me snap.

I grabbed him by the collar and forced him to look straight into my angry eyes.

" Listen here, you will show us where Jae Sang is or else you won't be able to walk ever again," I said coldly and he nodded hurriedly before I dropped him and he quickly stood up, brushed himself off and led us to an elevator.

I saw him visibly gulp as we waited for the elevator, whereas Ha Joon, Baek Hyeon and Jin-Ae had a smirk resting on their lips, but Taeyang and Kyung Mi looked a little frightened.

" What?" I asked in confusion as they chuckled and shook their heads.

"You kind of snapped a little." Said Taeyang nervously with her thumb and index finger close together to show the measurement of how little.

" Heh... sorry, I'm just a little sleepy right now." I lied. Honestly, I wanted to kill Seojun, I wanted to vent my anger out on him for what he did to Jin-Ae, but of course, after prom, he disappeared from school and none of us had heard from him since. And this worker so happened to accidentally become my victim.

" But you drank coffee...?" said Kyung Mi in confusion, but I just shrugged and repeated the lie that I was just sleepy.

he elevator finally reached the ground floor and it opened to reveal a very interesting person.

" What are you guys doing here?" asked Jae Sang and I took a moment to notice that he was dressed in a sleek black suit and his messy black hair was styled neatly, his appearance was powerful, but under all that he seemed nervous and did not expect us to be here, but he hid it with a composed expression.

" Do you know these kids?" asked the worker in a monotone voice.

" Yes, these kids wanted to interview me for a school project." He lied and the worker nodded before brisk walking away.

" Well then, can these kids talk to you with privacy from prying eyes and wandering ears?" I asked innocently, but his eyes widened and I knew he could trace the venom laced in my voice.

" Sure." He said with a shrug as he led us into the elevator.

Suddenly the most embarrassing and funniest thing ever happened. Baek Hyeon reached out to Jae Sang and lightly poked his cheek with his index finger.

" Cute dimples." He stated before retreating to his spot in the corner and leaving a flustered and confused Jae Sang completely dumbfounded and I giggled lightly before quickly shifting my gaze to ignore Jae Sang's glare in my direction.

Jin-Ae's POV


"Seojun! Why? I don't understand why! You have a beautiful and perfect girl right in front of you which is pregnant with your child!" roared Ha Joon as Seojun still kept a smug look on his face.

"Do I look like I care?" he chuckled before walking past us and letting his shoulder hit a mine on the way out."

End Of Flashback

" Hey, you ok?" asked Jae Sang with a raised eyebrow and I nodded and moved a little closer to Ha Joon when more people entered the lift.

" You sure?" he asked again with curiosity piqued in his voice and I nodded.

Meanwhile, Mi Young was staring intently at him with her nose a little scrunched, eyebrows knitted and total confusion washed into her features. I made a mental note to ask her about it later, then the lift stopped at the highest floor and we were welcomed into a penthouse.

It was stylish and modern, but it looked a little too clean. It didn't give off the homey and comfy vibe, it felt like we were in a deserted office.

" Woah..." gasped Mi Young as she stepped onto the polished shiny wooden floors and it created a light tap as she quickly started to remove her shoes, but Jae Sang chuckled at the sight.

" Wow, already removing your clothes for me." He laughed and we accidentally let out a few snickers at Mi Young's shocked face before it became completely beetroot red and she scowled at him while sending a dozen death glare before putting her shoes neatly against the wall.

We followed her since in Korea it is important to remove our shoes before entering someone's home since it's a sign of respect and it takes care of the hygiene issues. The floor felt warm against my cold feet and I instantly relaxed my posture and followed Jae Sang to the living room, but I noticed that Mi Young was slightly uncomfortable and tipped toed a little, so I walked a little behind the group and tapped her shoulder. She looked up to me and I gave her a questioning look, but she just shrugged it off and continued walking ahead.

" So, what can I do for you?" asked Jae Sang as he sat onto a couch and we followed.

" What did you do that for?" asked Kyung Mi seated with her back straight and her legs leaning slightly towards the side, making me copy her lady-like position as well.

" Do what for?" asked Jae Sang in confusion and Mi Young stifled back a laugh which didn't go unnoticed by all of us, making her uncomfortably clear her throat and blink a few times, before Taeyang continued.

" Why were you working for the press and yet you saved Kyung Mi's dignity?" explained Taeyang as Jae Sang grew silent for a moment as if contemplating what and how to respond.

" Exposé is my father's company and getting 'tea' of celebrities and famous people gets our newspaper attention and attracts a lot of viewers." He answered, but it didn't relate to the question.

" So why did you help Kyung Mi if it meant that you would lose the opportunity to get more viewers considering Kyung Mi's mom is Kiana Mi?" asked Ha Joon in confusion and Jae Sang's eyes widened with realisation that he hadn't answered the question.

" Ohhh. It's because they already took pictures of her drunk and it would be too much if they started invading more personally." He explained and Kyung Mi practically fumed with anger.

" SO YOU JUST LET THEM TAKE VIDEOS AND PICTURES OF HER WHILE SHE WAS DRUNK?!" shrieked Taeyang which looked like she was about to explode with anger and took us all by surprise, except for Mi Young who looked like she was in deep thought and about to start laughing.

" N-No I-I" stuttered out Jae Sang and we all watched in amusement as Taeyang grabbed a paper fan from out of her pocket and started hitting him with it.

" Oww." He whined out after about 49 whacks, but Taeyang kept going until the red marks on his skin became permanent.

" That hurt." He choked out while giving us the puppy dog eyes which didn't faze Taeyang because she rolled her eyes and folded her fan before stuffing it back into her pocket.

" Well... as I was trying to say, I didn't know that they took pictures of you or wrote an article about that, I only found out after the article was published." He explained and I involuntarily let out a snicker at Taeyang's horrified expression and red coloured face.

" Hehe...heh..." chuckled Taeyang sheepishly before sitting back in her spot next to Kyung Mi.

Taeyang's POV:

Oh my gosh oh my gosh ABORT ABORT MISSION ABORT!!!! SAVE DA TACOSSS!!!!!

" Thanks by the way." Whispered Kyung Mi to me as the others carried on the interrogation and I felt my breath hitch as I slowly nodded.

" Look, I'm so sorry about what happened to you, but I have a meeting which I have to attend which discusses the article situation, and if I join, then I might convince them to take it down." Said Jae Sang after he checked his watch and abruptly stood up.

" Listen, there will be no 'might's or 'ifs', you will take that article down and stop it from printing on the new newspapers or else your face will be so disfigured that your mother won't be able to recognise you!" threatened Jin-Ae and Jae Sang nodded his head simultaneously which was a funny sight to watch since his bangs had become loose (no longer slicked back with the gel) and were bobbing up and down.

Later, Kyung Mi's POV:

"So, we did it huh?" sighed Taeyang in relief as we walked to her house together after everyone left.

Jae Sang managed to remove the article and almost all the problems was fixed...almost... I was going to stay the night at Taeyang's house and I have no clue how I'm going to face my mom tomorrow. She should be happy that the article is gone right? Or maybe she'll just be angry that they were given the reason to write the article in the first place.

"Hey, your phone is ringing." Said Taeyang as she shook me lightly out of my inner monologue.

"Thanks," I mumbled before quickly answering.

"Kyung Mi how are you and your mother?" said a scratchy masculine voice which I dreaded. Did he see the article? Was he going to talk to me about it?!

"Mr Joon, hi... my mom and I are fine. How are you?" I said with a polite tone which my mother drilled into my mind since young.

"We are all ok, but it would be better if my son stopped coming home late after school. Do you know the cause of this?" he asked in frustration as I mentally scolded myself for getting Ha Joon in trouble.

" He stayed back in school to help me clean the classroom and gym equipment." I lied calmly.

"Have you two been getting closer? The engagement is in a few months and I think we should bring the date closer. What do you think?" he said with a bright and happy voice, but it made me feel the opposite. Taeyang looked at me with worry in swirling in her eyes at my horrified expression, but I cleared my throat and gave her a thumbs-up sign.

Ha Joon and I, dating and getting married... eww gross no way! I'm already hoping that it gets cancelled and yet they bring the date closer, how nice.

"Erm, I don't think we should do that, since all the preparations are made, and it would be a nuisance to change the plans," I said confidently with a light chuckle at the end.

"But we are rich! The plans aren't a problem we can just pay them a little extra and- "

"With all due respect, a bride would like her wedding day to be perfect, so I think we should keep the date as it is for now," I said with dignity and elegance even though I had started to fidget with the hem of my skirt.

"Ok, if you think that's important. Goodbye and give my regards to your mother." He said before I whispered a quick goodbye and ended the call.

"What was that about?" asked Taeyang in confusion and I just shrugged.


"Hey Kyung Mi. Are you asleep yet?" Whispered Taeyang softly as I felt her hot breath fan against my neck.

"No, I can't sleep," I replied and felt her shift slightly closer to me on the bed.

" Same." She said as she adjusted the blankets and I turned onto my side to see that our faces were only inches away. If I were to just move a little closer...

"What are you thinking about?" she asked breathlessly, and I felt my lips part slightly at the warmth.

"Nothing..." I replied softly and her face moved a little closer, making me get lost her beautiful eyes which reflected the stars splashed onto the sky peaking from the slightly parted curtains.

I slowly leaned closer to her and let a hand run against her smooth face and pale skin which looked like it glowed a little under the moonlight. She let her eyes flutter shut at the gesture and she rested against my hand, I felt her hand crawl under the sheets and hold onto my waist and I looked at her beautiful face with long eyelashes brushing against her cheeks which had a pattern of cute tiny freckles, pursed plump cream coloured lips.

She closed the space between us and took me by surprise by pressing her soft lips against mine. I didn't waste any time to move my lips in sync with hers and let my hands wander to the rest of her body hidden under the blankets.

Hey there! This week had been exhausting for us so, we'd appreciate that you would vote and leave a comment to cheer us up. ^w^

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