
A Harry Potter fanfic - Magical me - Technical scholar & the magical world

Yes, dear readers its a story about a technical scholar who is a little different from your average john doe. He is ambitious, cunning and fuckin prideful. Harry will be his right hand and he is adamant on making voldi his slave. Normal scholar makes his entry to Harry Potter world to stir the shit up. I will write later ;-). Let me write some first.

Nongameonlynovel · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

A chance

A thought occurred to Andrew ' should i test him? Although his will power is strong but what about magic aptitude. And he is already a young man, he is already passed the school age. '

"Alright you have your chance. Strangle yourself" said Andrew.

Pamla was overjoyed when he heard that he has been given chance but the last part of the sentence made him curse inwardly ' fuck me.....'

His arms started moving slowly out of his control. Slow but with a steady pace they moved towards his throat.

Let me remind you HP fans that he is still under imperious curse.

Pamla was furiously thinking about what to do. He has been very foolish thinking that without enough power the wizard will even consider his words. Afterall why should the wizard help him learn magic?

For assistance? No.

Then gratitude? Maybe

If we think that even if a wizard need assistance with any type of work, he can invest in any poor child within magical world. Even if wizard want to produce a wizard with thoughts of both societies, muggle and magical, he can still search for a good child with magical aptitude and have him learn from both societies. So, why should a wizard invest in our dear 'Pamla'?


Pamla also thought about these things 'how should i convince him? How?... Even if I want him to invest in me, what's his benefit?...think Pamla think... I am mature, have rational thoughts from my society (muggle society), only if I have good magic Aptitude then...oh. one more thing I am a scholar. Yes a technical one. Although I am not a proper researcher, I can be considered almost there.'

" I ....am .... a .... researcher....." struggled Pamla to speak. His hands slowing further down. Pamla thought again ' its just in my head. I can stop myself from being controlled. But how? Alright there is power in emotions, they can be used to fight the control. Besides I don't have any option, I am dying. How is he controlling my hands?....yes through my brain. Yes I have to interfere with these fucking waves that are interfering with my brain. But how? ..... Yes , let's overwhelm my brain with confidence and belief. Yup, I can do it. Pamla can do it. He is just a fucking wizard. He hasn't tortured himself by studying technical fucking books, even if one doesn't wanna study, I have killed my wills and have forced myself to study and learn so much. So many hours on daily basis, getting tortured by studying. Instead of enjoying. Yup, whiskey, beer, rum, weed, sex, novels, series.....I have kept myself from these things for such a long time, just to bring myself at this position. I can't waste my sacrifice by dying by my own hands. Fuck him . Fuck the Masters degree. Fuck the studies and fuck you too Andrew the shitty insane wizard. Fuck the world.....I am not dying by my own hands.....'

Pamla's eyes were closed. His face livid with anger. He opened his eyes and glared at Andrew.

" Y....ou.....wannnnaa....killl meeee...huh" Pamla uttered these words in ghastly manner. Voice almost not understandable. His hands stopped moving towards his throat.

Andrew saw all these things. He was surprised again.

Pamla started to take slow step towards Andrew. He was still angry. His body shaking slightly.

Andrew put more magic in his spell i.e. imperious.

Pamla stopped for a second then starting moving again like a heavy train moving slowly.

Andrew put more magic and will power in the spell.

Pamla stopped again and started struggling intensely against the spell.

Andrew knew that the young man is nearing his limit. So he stopped his spell. "Alright you have done good" spoke Andrew.

Pamla fell on his knees due to the force of spell being stopped suddenly. He drew heavy breaths. He was exhausted due to intense struggle. "Am i worthy of being given a chance by the great wizard, the mighty Andrew" said Pamla in a angry and little bit sarcastic voice.

Andrew didn't respond. He let him recover his breath. Then spoke " ok I will give you chance. Even in case if you don't have a good aptitude for magic you can be useful in muggle world, handling some affairs."

" Alright, I am listening...." agreed Pamla.

"I will give you instructions later, first i have to leave. I have been unconscious for quite a few hours. I need to attend to my affairs." spoke Andrew then vanished from there.

Pamla still down on his knees, searched his pockets for a smoke. He lit a stick and started smoking by leaning against the tank pillar.

Dear Harry Potter novel fans. I urge you to give a review or a comment. For god's sake, let me know whether i am wasting my time? or should i continue writing...?

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