
Troublesome Past

My name is Eve, at least it was at first.  There were many Eves in the compound.  The compound was where the Half-Breeds were kept, as well as their human mothers. My siblings and I were kept separately from the rest of the compound.  The vampires who sought to us told us we were "special."  I only came to understand why this was later in life.  My mother was an Archmage, she had fallen for a pureblood's scheme, now she was nothing but pathetic.  She was locked within the compound and forced to give birth as a part of these monsters' breeding project.  Why?  To produce an army of fodder to do their master's bidding.  Being sons and daughters of mages and these vampires meant we were born stronger than a usual human, yet so much weaker than a vampire.  That was until a halfling consumed human blood, that was when they truely inherit their vampiric powers.  They'd become strong and would also be bound to their master, as usually shortly after the consumption of blood the halflings would consume a small portion of their master's blood, further sealing their contract.

I refused to be bound by such things, even at the age of 10 the vampires, including my father- who was one of the most powerful pureblood vampires there ever was, second to his own father, would try and convince me to consume blood.  He wanted to pawn me off on some suicide mission to prove how powerful his project was.  I'm stronger than the other subjects, I never got sick, and I developed my own magic power on my own at an early age.  Yet my vampiric power, which was limited, was unstable but powerful.  I knew I needed to find a way to leave, as much as I cared- no pitied my mother I knew I would have to leave them all behind.  I always contemplated ways of escape in the small amount of free time I recieved, between training and beatings.  The beatings were daily, as I continued to refuse to drink blood, and because I was a rebellious subject.  It was after another try of getting her to drink blood that it would happen.  One of the first memories I'd have, where I felt something.

"That useless wench, how dare she use her magic against us?!" One vampire cried out, nursing his arm, which had been burned by her spell.

"It won't change that wench, so we will have to kill her, she will not be of any use to us with how she continues to fight."  Another responded.

I just sat in the corner, waiting for the beating once again, but had they spoken of killing her?  No way they could I'm was too strong for that.  I have to get out of here. I would finally stand for once, my amber eyes glaring at the two vampires, who were dressed nicely, with lab coats to keep stains from reaching their suits.  

"I don't think so.  I will not die by your hand."  I spoke, it had been the first words in years after I had gone mute.

The two began to try and restrain me, while a new man emerged with a gun.  I continued to fight and struggle. Kicking, biting, punching, and thrashing as much as possible as the armed man came closer.

"Stay still bitch!" One spoke, he then rose his fist, and punched me flat in my stomach, winding me.

I gasped for air as I would continue the pointless fight, that's when I felt the unstable dark power within me grow larger, and larger.  I felt like my body was on fire, like it would combust right now.  I could see within the reflection of the glasses on the man on my right that my eyes had become a deep red, even my hair had changed color, to a deep purple.  Then a huge flash of white.  

All I could hear was ringing, I couldn't see a thing, nor could I move right away.  My body felt heavy, so heavy...  No I have to get up, and out of here.  I began to get to my feet, my eyes adjusting to the surroundings now around me.  I was in the same room, though it had all caved in,  there was a path to the open door.  As the dust began to settle I began to try and find my way out.  Blood was everywhere.  Vampires and subjects alike, their blood painted the stone walls that had come crumbling down.  I had wondered only briefly if my own mother and siblings had been killed too, but I would continue my way foreward, using magic to move any obsticles out of my way.

"What in the world did I do?" I spoke only to myself, not expecting a response.  

I would continue further down the halls, coming to a turn that would have a sign on a door, it was stairs.  I pushed open the heavy door, having to push any rubble left behind it, it only opened just enough for my small frame to fit.  So I would push through the door, once through the door shut with a loud slam.  I looked back at the door and would walk down the stairs, feeling the rumbles of the unstable bulding collapsing in the other wings.  I continued my decent untill a violent rumble came through the bulding, shaking the ground beneath my feet in turn, sending me tumbling down the last flight of stairs.  I quickly scrambled to my feet and burst through the door labeled "Emergency Exit" and ran, as fast as fast as I could.  I knew the building would collapse on top of me if I didn't run.  The sound of the building crumbling behind me motivated me further, despite my body aching all over.  There were also sounds of small explosions within the crumbled building. Caused by what I had no clue.  I would finally stop once I was atop a hill, in a clearing of brush.  The sight left me breathless.  The plase of my imprisonment burning, and now crumbling into dust and steel.

"It's what you monsters deserve." I spoke with a sense of glee.  I was free, but now what? How am I going to survive?