
Raider’s Intent

Orcs are violent creatures. By nature, they live for blood and War. Their very blood seems to grow restless when peace is abundant. 

And despite this, they can be a very spiritual race. It just so happens that that spirituality dwells still in Violence and battle. Their Shamans (for the tribes that have them) always require some blood sacrifice to appease some god they worship. 

Their magic, for the casters among them, is almost never elemental. It is always just a force of Mana tinted red by their natural predisposition. 

Anyway, a lot of the casters had set their eyes on a few notes of interest. People who possessed a kind of interesting sensitivity that just made them seem dangerous whether or not they were;

The Clerics were one such people of interest. Eloise who had been slammed away was one such person of interest. And then, there was Henry.