
Nyx Returns

Eloise raised her hand and almost like a reflex reaction to Henry's greeting, she smiled and said,


Louis' eyes were as wide as usual as he nodded a few times and said Hello as well. Andor did the same. 

When Eloise put down her hand, her smile became a slight frown as her hand went to the handle of the sword hanging off her waist. 

"Where's the slaver?" She asked. 

Aurelius furrowed his brow and said in a voice of caution,

"Eloise, don't."

Eloise shook her head,

"We're inside the Dungeon now. What better time to get rid of that piece of shit than now?"

Every word Eloise said was back with a forceful righteous vehemency that had her grey eyes flaring almost in rage. Henry could have sworn he had seen eyes like those before but he didn't bother to think too hard on it when there was clearly a misunderstanding. 

"Oh, hold on—" he started to say but Eloise interrupted,