
A Gun in Another World

Sie Ryu and his classmates were having a peaceful school life, until a mysterious circle appeared and transported them into another world, normal people would freak out but Sie is not normal. Then they were given an enlightenment and given a choice to choose their weapon of their choice and Sie's classmates chose normal weapons, like swords, bows, spears, and their fists, but Sie chose the most obvious and logical weapon to anyone would choose if they got sent to another world.

Sie_Ryu · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 2: A vague memory

As I'm laying down, thinking I am dead because of what happened from school, that I'm in heaven that god is about to judge me...unfortunately that was not the case, because as I began to show signs of waking up I hear a voice that so vague I can't tell if their a guy or not.

"Was the summoning ritual a failure? Because, these people are unconscious and some of them are shaking."

When I heard that, I opened my eyes because I want to know what is going on, how am I still alive?

As I open my eyes someone was in front of me, a beautiful girl in a white dress, and stood and ran away and said, "Your highness, one of them woke up, please you got to come here quick!!"

After she ran away everyone started waking up, I looked around and saw Syouma-san holding Natsuki-san unconscious, crying and saying things like, "You're safe now, I won't let anything harm you from now on."

When I heard a chill went up my spine, because of how cringy it sounded.

Does he not hear how cringe that was or is it just me, or is it because of what happened so he's unconsciously saying something cringy, I know they heard him as well, when I looked around almost all of them are tearing up because of that.

Oh so it was just me, or maybe I'm to toxic when it comes to romance, hmm...

As I still wonder if I was toxic or not, Natsuki-san started to wake up, and I can see how happy and glad Syouma-san is, I can see it in his face, he doesn't even hide it.

When she opened her eyes, her eyes went wide open, and stood up immediately and gasping as she looked around and see her classmates and when she saw Syouma-san she started crying and held his hand.

"Y-You're all okay, I'm so glad."

She said while crying bucket, while everyone started crying as well, am I the only who thinks crying is unnecessary.

As she started to calm down she started asking Syouma-san, "What happened to us? The last thing I remember was everyone turning to dust..."

"I don't know too, the last thing I remember was me turning to dust as well."

"T-That was the last thing I remember as well." Tamiko-san said.

Everyone as well said that them turning into dust was the only thing they remembered.

Meanwhile, I was in a corner trying to figure out what happened to us as well, I don't remember what happened after I turned to dust.

As we were trying to figure out what was going on, we heard a door opening and looked at where the sound of the door was coming from, and what appeared behind the door was an old man and the girl I saw in a white dress.

"Ah, I guess our summoning ritual was a success."

We couldn't understand what they were saying, so we just stared at this old man.

"Ah, it seems they couldn't understand me, priest san you cast a translation spell on them so that they could understand us."

"As you wish your highness."

What are they talking about? We can't understand them at all.


She started reciting something that's making me and my classmates uncomfortable.

After she was done reciting a beam of light starts to flash us and one of my classmates named Mizuki Tsukiko started getting mad and annoyed.


She's one of my classmates that I try to avoid, because of bullying and assault, the reason why she always gets away with all these crimes is because she comes from a wealthy family that bribes the lawyers of the people suing them, and the police trying to get her arrested.

Her father always spoils her so much that she throws a tantrum when she doesn't get what she wants, that includes at schools as well she throws a tantrum when the teachers said that they will fail her, or tries to confiscate her phone, and make up.

Honestly, it's pretty annoying, throwing a tantrum at her age is just ridiculous and immature that it irritates me when she gets what she wants because their scared of her parents.

After the light started to disappear, she began to introduced herself.

"Hello, saviors my name is Ava Genevieve Gertrude, and I am the priestess of this Cathedral, and this is..."

When she was about to introduce the person beside her, Tsukiko-san interrupted her and said, "WHAT WAS THAT FLASH OF LIGHT JUST NOW?! DO YOU WANT ME TO SUE YOU AND RUIN YOUR LIFE?!"

After she said that the old man beside the priestess said, "Ooh it seems they can finally understand us."

When he said that I just realized that we can understand them, I just went with the flow because I forgot we can't understand them.

But that didn't stop Tsukiko-san from trying to sue them.


After she said that the priestess was flustered and confused why was she so mad at her, so she started talking.

"U-Umm, may I ask why are you mad, because I..."

When she started talking, Tsukiko-san got pissed and said, "You bitch...what did you just say?!"

Then she started approaching her, and the priestess got scared and hid behind someone with armor almost like a knight.

After she hid, Natsuki-san stopped her and said, "Tsukiko-san, stop it can't you see that you're scaring her?"

When she said that Tsukiko-san got annoyed and said, "So? Why should I care whether she's scared or not she tried to do something to us and tried to blind us, and we don't even know who this people are!!!"

"They might be trying to help us, I mean sure she did flashed us with bright light but that doesn't mean you can just get mad with just that right?"

After she said that Tsukiko-san snapped and said, "You fucking attention seeking bitch..."

I know why she called her that, because after she also transferred at our school before me Syouma-san started developing feelings for her and attempted to become vice president of our class so that he can be with her.

That didn't make Tsukiko-san pissed so she started bullying Natsuki-san and harassing her, and started a rumor where she said she's a whore and a slut trying to get the attention of the pretty boys while having a kind girl persona.

Of course Syouma-san got a whiff of the situation and got angry at Tsukiko-san and said to her, "Tsukiko, you've gone too far, she's our class president try to respect to why don't you, and stop harassing her!"

When he said that, she was in disbelief, because she's in love with him so when he said that, she doesn't know what to do, and the whole class started to look at her and she started to panic, when cornered she agreed to stop harassing and bullying her.

That's why she hate her so much, the fact that she tried to stop her trying to protect to priest, she assumed that she's trying to get attention again from everyone, so that everyone will think that she is a kind person and a reliable leader to look good in front of Syouma-san.

This is like a romantic drama I can't stand this much drama.

When she said that Natsuki-san got taken aback and got shocked of what her own classmate said to her.


"So you're just gonna take a random girl's side which we just met by the way, over taking your own classmate huh?!"

When they were still arguing, the knight person started escorting the priest outside the room.

After she left the old man in a red robe interrupted them and started to calm down the two of them and said, "Okay kids calm down, look you guys are classmates you say?"

He asked Natsuki-san, she is very cautious of him even Syouma-san went by her side.

Then the old man started saying to us, "We can talk about the important matters tomorrow, so you can get some rest, and I'll let my butlers escort you to you personal rooms."

When he said that Syouma-san said to him, "If we do as you say you won't hurt us?"

Dude thinks we got kidnap...oh wait yeah we are to our perspective.

Then the old man said, "Of course, I will never hurt young, fellow, because you're gonna be saving us one day, hohoho."

After he said that Syouma-san turned to us and said, "They seems to be telling the truth, so just do what they tell you, so that they can escort you to your rooms and we'll meet here tomorrow that sounds good?"

After he said that, the old man interrupted, "Uh actually, one of my maids will come your rooms and wake you up and tell you where we will be having our meeting tomorrow."

Then Syouma-san said, "Oh...so are you guys good with that?" he ask us, and the whole class agreed.

"Splendid, *Clap*x2 Bernard, please call the other butlers and escort these young ladies and gentlemen to their personal rooms."

"As you wish."

This Bernard person escorted Syouma-san and escort him to his room, meanwhile I was being escorted to my own room too, as well as the rest of my classmates.

When the butler stopped and said, "This will your temporary room from now on, and please make yourself at home, and have a good night sir."

As I entered the room, and the door closes, I thought for a second I was his master there.

Then I looked around the room, what I saw first was this big bed, looks like a king sized bed maybe even queen sized!

When I was done admiring the size of the bed, I lied down on the bed and looked at the ceiling and I said, "I wonder how my parents are doing, did they file a missing case on me including my classmates?"

After saying that, my head started to feel pain, it feels like needles are piercing through my head.

When it was getting a lot worse, I started having images on my head, like it happened already, it's so vague that I started believing it happened.

When the pain started to go away, I opened my eyes and finally remembered what happened before I completely turned into dust.

I was grinning so much that I want to scream, but I know that is a bad idea.

So I grabbed the pillow beside me and screamed, "WE'RE IN A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WORLD!!!"

After I said that I fell asleep.

Warning: All of this are all fiction, so please don't take it seriously.

Thank you. :)

Sie_Ryucreators' thoughts