
A Gun in Another World

Sie Ryu and his classmates were having a peaceful school life, until a mysterious circle appeared and transported them into another world, normal people would freak out but Sie is not normal. Then they were given an enlightenment and given a choice to choose their weapon of their choice and Sie's classmates chose normal weapons, like swords, bows, spears, and their fists, but Sie chose the most obvious and logical weapon to anyone would choose if they got sent to another world.

Sie_Ryu · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 16: Materials I need

"...Well you see... I was trying to lure you out of the training field, b-because I-I have something to t-tell you..."

She has something to tell me..? ...Oh! Is she here to thank me for saving her or something? She doesn't have to, actually I just did it, because I have something in mind that will benefit me... Not that I can tell her that..

So I said, "O-Oh, if it's about me healing you, don't worry about it, I didn't do it, so I can have something in return, so you don't to worry.."

"B-But, you saved my life, I have to make it up to you, i-is there any way to repay you for saving my life?" she responded.

She's persistent huh... but I knew that already, so this might be beneficial for me, I now have someone to do some of the hard work for me.

If she is offering, then I won't refuse, and I already know what I'm gonna ask her...

"Well... if you're keep insisting it, then how can I refuse?" I said.

Her face started sparkling after I said that and said, "T-Then, what is it that you want me to do?"

Don't say it like that, it sounded like I'm about to do something inappropriate,,, I took out my notebook and wrote something on it, then I approached her and said, "What I want you to do, is to get all of the things that are on this list and bring them to my room every week starting today, can you do that for me?"

When I gave her the paper, she looked confused and asked me, "W-What do you need these materials for?"

"That's a secret I'll tell you only if you do it, so are you going to get these items for me?" I said with a smile on my face.

Her face tells me that she's doubting me, then she said, "O-Ok then, but p-promise me this, after I bring them to your room and you finish it, c-can I be the first one to see it...?"

She wants to be the first to see what I made...? Why? That's suspicious... I guess I can't blame her from being curious about it, because one of the materials I asked to bring is so surprising, that she wants to see what I'm going to do with it...

So I responded, "Y-Yeah,,, sure I'll let you see it first, after I'm finished with it..."

"O-Ok then, I'll go and look for the materials and bring them to you at immediately," she said.

"Ah wait, can you bring it at night, I think they'll get suspicious if they see you carrying them all to my room, and they might check what they are, so bring them to me at night, is that ok?" I asked her.

After I said that she responded, "Hmm... you do have a point... ok then I'll bring them to you at night."

"*phew* Thanks, that will be very helpful."

"I'm Sie, by the way, I never got the chance to introduced myself, because of what happened yesterday..."

"Ah, well then, I'm Joy, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too," I responded while shaking her hand.

"Alright then, see you later at night~"

"Hey, don't scream, they will get the wrong idea," I whispered.

I know she heard me, because after I said that as she was running, I noticed her face turned bright red, I guess she just now realized what she said...

*sigh* Well I guess I should train as well, I've rested long enough, my body is still full of energy so I guess I'll run first, then do some exercise

Then maybe go and visit the Library... and talk to a certain someone...

Nah, forget it, I don't want any trouble, as much as I want to get back at her, we still need training, if a fight broke out, it might tarnish the relationship of the whole class, so if I start an argument, the others might start an argument as well, and I'm gonna be the one to blame for it... maybe after this training arc, I might.

Well, I guess I should start running now..




4 hours later

"Hey, look at him, he's been exercising whole morning, is he even tired?" said by one of my classmates.

When I heard them I stopped what I'm doing and went back inside the castle to take a shower and in the hall way I saw Noel, it looked like she just woke up, she noticed me and run up to me and said, "Hey! What are you doing out of bed?! Also why are you so sweaty? You reek of sweat!"

Then I responded, "That's a bit rude, first, I'm fine now, thanks to the priest who healed me, I feel better now, second, the reason I'm sweaty is because I was exercising, now I'm going to take a shower and go to the Library, now if you excuse me."

She grabbed my arm and said, "How are you fine?! Let me take a look," after she said that her eyes began to glow and kept looking at me up and down... is this one her skills? I want to ask her, but I can just look at her status.

[Skill activated: Appraisal] [5 MP has been used.]


[Name: Noel

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Level: ... (can't measure due to being low leveled)

HP: 400/400

MP: 450/450

EXP: 450/500

Strength: (can't measure due to being low leveled)

Defense: (can't measure due to being low leveled)

Vitality: (can't measure due to being low leveled)

Dexterity: (can't measure due to being low leveled)

Agility: (can't measure due to being low leveled)

Stamina: (can't measure due to being low leveled)

Intelligence: (can't measure due to being low leveled)

Luck:(can't measure due to being low leveled)

Stat Points: 10

Profession: (can't measure due to being low leveled)

Skills:(can't measure due to being low leveled)

Main Element Set Attributes: (can't measure due to being low leveled)

Attribute Skills: (can't measure due to being low leveled)

Current State: Concerned]


Damn... based on what it said about being low leveled, means that her level must be pretty high than mine, Level 10? 20? 30? 40? Or maybe even 50?

...Ow, my eyes hurt again...

After she was done checking me, she said in a confused tone, "H-How did you recover so quickly? I didn't see any internal injuries, even the injury you had yesterday, even if you received a healing from the priest, you still need to rest, so you can recover quicker, isn't your recovery too quick? What did you do?" she asked with a suspicious tone on her voice.

The reason behind that is probably when I upgraded my Stats, I'm just guessing, but I think when you upgrade your Stats, maybe it has a trait that can heal you when you upgrade your Stats.

Maybe that's why I was full of energy and haven't been tired the whole time, even though I've been training for 6 hours.

"I-I don't know how I recovered so fast... maybe it's because of the Enlightenment we got, right that's it, maybe because of that, it made our recovery much quicker, especially those with no healing skills, right?" I responded.

"...I guess that makes sense... but still, you need to get some rest, you never know when it will start hurting again right?"

"Don't worry, after I shower, I'm gonna go to the Library, so I can rest there, does that make you happy?"

"O-Oh, that's good then... wait... what do you mean it makes me happy?! I'm just saying that, because I'm your personal maid, so your health is important to me, so that I won't get in trouble from the Head Maid!! *////*"

"Hehe, well, I'm gonna take a shower, so see you later... oh, you want to come with me to the Library?"

"Huh? Why?"

"No reason, I just think that you want to check up on Joy-san, to see if she's doing ok, so you want to come with?"

"...Fine... but I'm only doing this, because I just wanna check up on her, I'll leave after I confirm that she's ok. *///*"

"Yeah, yeah, so then see there~"





*Phew* That was refreshing, showering after exercising is so refreshing... I should train more often... that's the first time I said that I want to exercise more... the me right now is totally different from the me back then in our world...

What would my past self say if he knew he was about to be transferred to another world...?

*sigh* Thinking about it won't change a thing, now that I'm in another world...

"Anyway, why don't we head to the Library, Noel is probably waiting for me, maybe she's at the entrance right now waiting for me... or not," I said as I stretched.


As I was walking in the hall way, about to reach the Library, I see someone by the entrance, it was Noel.

When I said that she was waiting for me, I meant it as a joke, I didn't think that she would actually wait for me... now I feel bad for saying that.

So I said, "Do you really have to wait for me? You could've just went inside and wait for me there.."

"That's what I was gonna do, but let me remind you that I am still a maid here in the palace, so I can't just walk right in the Library, I need to have someone with me or I'll be in a lot of trouble, because the other maids will think that I'm slacking off.." she responded.

"Oh, right that make sense..."

"Also, it's because the heroes are inside as well, so I can't just walk in,,,"

"Ah,,, well, since I'm here, why don't we enter then,,"

"..Yeah, you're let's enter then, my legs are starting to hurt."

"You could've just went to my room, so we can go together."

"...I didn't think that far ahead,,,"

Was she that excited on checking up on Joy-san or was she excited that she'll join me? I'm overthinking it again, I'll find out once we enter..

As we were entering, the first thing we see are my classmates, but it was not them, it was my classmates that chose a Longsword and a Shortsword, but what are they doing here, are they taking a break from training?

I looked at the book their reading, it was about Strengthening Magic, wait... even if they picked a weapon, they still have Magic? did their instructors asked them to read and study about Magic?

So I whispered to Noel, "Hey, even if we chose a weapon, can we still learn Magic?"

Then Noel responded, "Yes, if you have Magic, you can still learn them, even if you chose a weapon, but the only Magic you can learn are Magic that are compatible with your profession and chosen weapon, if that Magic is compatible with your profession and weapon, the damage it will deal will get stronger, if it's not, then the damage it will deal will weaken the attack of the weapon, their instructors probably told to study Magic that fits with their profession and weapon."

"W-Wow, you know so much,,," I said.

"Of course, us maid were taught to know these things, in case someone asked."

Their too well prepared,,,

After Noel said that, one of my classmates said, "You're pretty knowledgeable miss."

Ugh, why is he here...?

One of my classmates, who break most of the girls hearts in our school, a playboy and a sadist, a masochist, ridiculous a 2 in 1 combo... his name is Dolion Yokoshima, he came from a foreign country, he moved to Japan, because his parents had to work all the time, so they had his grandparents take care of him.

Because of his parents not being there, there wasn't anyone who can teach him if what he's doing was right or wrong, he always thought that everything he does is always right, because of that he started sexually harassing the girls in school, even the teachers, and because of his good looks, he always gets away with everything he does, even though they know what he did was wrong.

He's also one of the people I want to avoid the most, because he almost made someone commit suicide, because of bullying, so if I get involve with him I might become his next target.

He noticed me staring at him and said, "What are you looking at?"

I responded, "Ah, uh, well..."

Shit, I never talk to any of my classmates except Natsuki-san, Syouma-san, and Tsukiko-san, because anyone else was just staring daggers at me,,,

"Well, you must have been jealous, because of my beautiful face and lavish skin, hohoho."

"He's delusional," Noel whispered to me.

When he was busy laughing, Joy-san entered the Library and noticed us and said, "Noel! Sie! What are you doing here?"

"Oh Joy-san, we were just about to look for you," I said.

"Oh, you were, well I was busy, so I haven't been in the Library since this morning," she said as she looked.

By busy, she meant she was busy gathering the items I requested,,,

"So, what kind of book are you looking for?" Joy-san asked us.

"Oh, I'm looking for a book about Earth Magic," I responded.

"Mine is the usual," Noel said.

"Ah ok then, do you want to come with me and look for it, actually not many people ask for Earth Magic, so I forgot where they are," Joy-san asked me.

"Hmm... sure."

"Alright then, let's go this way then."

Before joining her, I whispered to Noel, "Do you want to come as well? Actually, I don't feel comfortable of leaving you with those guys, I mean look at them, their looking at you right now."

"I'll be fine, you can just go with her, I'll be alright... oh, and for the record, I'm not as weak as you thought I am, so go join he now, she's probably waiting for you."


After I said that, I left to go join with Joy-san.

I looked at Yokoshima-kun behind me and I saw him licking his lips as he stares at Noel, disgusting.

I looked at Noel and gave me a thumbs up, so I think she'll be fine... I hope.