
A Guide to Kingdom Building ( Me Reincarnated 365 x)

Servus 132-X is not new to the reincarnation cycle, in fact this is his 365th incarnation! In the past, he has been a subject of songs and legends, being incarnated as a king, a knight or a mage that sire the birth of many nations and civilizations. In this timeline, he, unfortunately, lost all of his innate abilities and skills. Now born as a slave, he must work his way to get his freedom and rise, to create a nation on the new world he's been born in. Prepare yourself for an action-packed, world-building experience filled with mystery, intrigue, betrayal and most importantly magic! Be ready for a ground-breaking World Building experience!

MoeJam90 · Fantasy
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261 Chs

91- Knowing the Madness

Jovis, Year of Severus, 15, I.R., the 29th day of Fall, Arenfall


The town looked desolate under the faint light of the moon. The narrow streets were dusty and not even a single soul was out there. No drunk could be seen loitering at that time of the night nor knights doing their nightly patrols. The streets were filled with vermins running from one home to the other.

The rats nibbled a dog's corpse at the sidewalk, while a cat distracted them for a moment as it caught one of the rats before fleeing. The darkness became the cat's perfect disguise and Adaloun mimicked it perfectly too. He walked stealthily crouching at the shades of houses, away from the moonlight's glow.