
A Guide On How To Unfuck My Own Ending

Transmigrating back into medieval novels is perhaps a dream come true. After all, imagine being rich and badass, imagine counterattacking, imagine faceslapping, it's just satisfying... though not if you transmigrate in a broke woman's body. Much more, having a whole boy band wannabe chasing your back to kill you because you bullied their leading lady is really not fun at all. If that's not worse, then how about having an idiot that wants revenge because you apparently 'stole' their life and basically just makes your life worse than it already is. "Good, now you'd know how much I suffered." "I REALLY DID NOTHING TO YOU THOUGH." 'And so I ask, where is the promised good life, where are the wealth, the food, and the awfully good looking rich powerful man that's obsessed with you in those transmigration novels go?' Her time is limited, therefore, her first step to unfuck her life is... Writing a novel featuring the 4 handsome powerful capture targets and their pure hearted leading lady. Sounds about right.

Ajexa21 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


"Please! I beg of you, just one chance and I will... I will do it right this time!" Tears streamed down the woman's face as she kneeled before the unmoving statue before her. She hoped to go back in time, just a little bit backwards, she's willing to give her all, though she has nothing to offer. She knelt and kept begging yet no avail, even the heavens wouldn't hear her plea.

How could it though? A mere stone is only a stone, it doesn't reply.

If it was before, it would be someone else begging before her. The irony.

In this world, there is no such thing as second chance, if you make a mistake...you... fix it.