
Chapter 11 Part 1/2 Deathly Hollow

Rodrick stared at the headmaster. Fawkes dozed off in the background. He watched idly as several silver trinkets took loops around the office. When he turned his gaze towards the Daily Prophet, he sighed when he didn't find any signs of Black on it.

"How have you been feeling?" The headmaster asked, a kind smile on his face.

Rodrick shrugged, "Occulumency has helped... A lot"

"Indeed, it is a remarkably useful skill," Dumbledore replied.

"Besides," Rodrick started as he relaxed his head into the chair. "I was kept somewhat busy," he finished, the hint of a grin on his face.

There was an amused look on the headmaster's face, "Yes, the show you put on yesterday was quite impressive"

Rodrick's face soured slightly, "People are still bothering me about the 300 points though, did you really have to do that?" he asked with a frown.

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at him, "I had figured you would like that quite a lot; it certainly pushed your house further ahead in the rankings"

He sighed as he turned his gaze back to the paper, "Still... it's a little much don't you think? And I'd rather people didn't know the real reason for it... I've been telling my house you made a mistake and were meant to give me only 30 points,"

Dumbledore chuckled at the answer, "Yes I suppose that would be quite amusing, I take it no one believed you?" he asked a small twinkle in his eye.

Rodrick scoffed, "Almost everyone bought it," he answered much to the headmaster's disappointment.

The expression quickly changed, however, "Even then, a number of points are still nothing compared to what you did. You gave the man his freedom back..." The headmaster sighed, "I am not confident it would've happened had anyone else been involved... You're perhaps the only one here who would've listened,"

Rodrick nodded slowly, "I can't blame them... I mean they thought he was a murderer, people ought to feel uneasy about that sort of thing I suppose"

"And yet you didn't," The headmaster spoke out pointedly.

Rodrick shrugged, "I can't judge him for it, even if it was true,"

Albus frowned at the words, he waited for the boy to clarify.

"My grandfather did a lot worse and I never really put that thought into my head when I spoke with him,"

"I see..." The headmaster spoke out, "It doesn't explain why you decided to speak to him in the first place, nor how you even knew to find him," the light in the headmaster's eye increased.

Rodrick fidgeted as he looked away, debating what to say before sighing. "I had a vision of him, showing up,"

Dumbledore's eyes widened, "You didn't inform anyone," he spoke, there was a small frown appearing on his face. "It's rather reckless,"

Rodrick laughed, "You did say my parents were Gryffindors..." he spoke, amused to see the headmaster hold back a chuckle. "But it was my grandfather's words regarding Black that were the main reason,"

The headmaster moved his head forward, his attention piqued. "Your grandfather?"

Rodrick nodded, "He told me Black wasn't as black as the world thought he was."

The headmaster usual kind face switched to a thoughtful one, Rodrick felt himself shrink at the sudden gaze.

"Peculiar..." Albus muttered.

Rodrick nodded slowly, "I wanted to know what he meant... I doubted the professors would be as willing to find out... To give him that chance to speak."

There was a hint of sadness that entered the headmaster's eyes, "Something that would've quickly turned into regret..." he spoke, thinking of what could've happened. "I must still ask that you be more careful in the future,"

Rodrick changed the subject, "I have other things that need my attention anyway."

"Back to your old project?" Albus spoke amused, shaking his head as he saw the boy nod eagerly.

"I was thinking of flooing here in Christmas, to test it out," Rodrick spoke, his eyes almost glowed with determination.

"Yes, that would probably be for the best," Albus remarked, "Have you given your grandfather's untimely passing any thought?"

Rodrick flinched slightly at the bluntness, he raised his eyes to meet the headmaster's gaze. "I have... There's a possibility... I could probably confirm it if I read the book in my vault..." He started, he watched as the headmaster' attention seemed to increase, 'He wants to read it aswell?' "I don't think I am ready yet though... I don't really want to confirm it."

"That is understandable,"

"Is there a reason you want to read the book?" Rodrick asked quickly.

If the headmaster was surprised by the sudden question, he did not show it. "I believe the mystery surrounding your grandfather could be solved by it"

Rodrick raised an eyebrow, "Mystery?" he questioned.

Albus nodded, "Your grandfather's strange knowledge cannot simply be blamed on visions, you told me regarding the war how he'd known of his impending loss and now his knowledge regarding Black and not to mention the vision you received of Voldemort, one that is no longer possible."

Rodrick nodded slowly to each one, "You think the answer lies in the Deathly Hollow book?"

"Yes, I believe it does... It might also explain his strange behavior during and after our duel," Albus confirmed.

"Strange behavior?" Rodrick asked with a frown. "I thought he was sent to prison straight after?"

Albus shook his head, "That would be the common misconception, he was in fact captured two whole months after he'd lost the duel... Even then that duel was..."

Rodrick raised an eyebrow, "What?"

Albus sighed, "I'd known your grandfather a while... I do not mean this in an offending way but before the war, I had always had an edge over him in terms of skill,"

Rodrick had an amused expression on his face, the headmaster wasn't one for subtlety. "I believe that was why you won," he pointed out. To his surprise, however, Albus shook his head.

"That is the strange part when I fought him... He was better, far better. For some reason he had gained a tremendous amount of power in a small amount of time, I had been astonished to see the level of power he'd shown"

Rodrick's straightened up, "But... If that was true, why did he still lose?"

Albus had a thoughtful look on his face, he slowly took out his wand. "His wand's loyalty... Wasn't directed to him. It was directed to me... It made it almost impossible for him to beat me as long as he used it, he must've realized it... however, with no other wand, it was quickly made apparent who would, no matter how long, eventually win." He sighed again, thinking of the past, the headmaster finished, "If you were interested to know... The duel lasted a quarter of a day,"

Rodrick's eye's widened, he looked over the wand... Recognising it from the book. "That's one of the Hollows..." It was an exact copy. Slowly he took in the words of the headmaster then, "Why was its loyalty to you?"

Albus shook his head, "A mystery I haven't been able to solve"

Rodrick's eyes were still locked to the wand, "And you think the answer's in the book?"

"Perhaps..." When he saw the uncertain look on the boy's face, the headmaster clarified, "You do not need to find out the content's of it if you are uncomfortable with it. It will not result in the end of the world," Albus spoke, amusement lining his face.

Rodrick sighed in return, "You still want to know though."

"Knowledge is always good to come by," Albus remarked.

"Perhaps... I'll consider finding out the contents of that book... I don't plan on doing so anytime soon... While it may answer questions... It could also bring out more problems as well," He didn't feel like telling him that the fourth hollow was in fact in his vault as well...

Albus nodded grimly at that, he understood the thought... if he'd never found out about the deathly hollows in the first place... The glow in his eye returned when he realized the boy had made no promise of actually showing him the book. In true Slytherin fashion.

The two settled into an uncomfortable silence before Rodrick asked about the situation with Black.

"It is complicated, unfortunately..."

Rodrick inwardly swore, "Don't tell me Fudge is refusing to believe it?"

Albus quickly shook his head, "He does believe it... He doesn't know how to go about it... He had been difficult to persuade until Black reminded him of the missing trial," Albus noted amused as Rodrick looked away at that point. He shook his head, the boy planned for almost everything.

"Pettigrew?" Rodrick questioned.

"In a cell at the ministry," He watched as the boy narrowed his eyes before he continued. "We have already taken memories of him under Veriteserum, there is no worry of sabotage... Professor Snape was very willing to allow us to use his potions," Albus remarked amusedly.

Rodrick sighed at that, as long as they had proof... "Why is it taking so long?"

"Fudge at the current moment in time, is stalling,"

Rodrick lowered his head slightly, "He's hoping to release the news after some of the attention regarding Black has died out..."

Albus nodded.

"I am surprised he's even allowing it in the first place," Rodrick muttered.

"Well, he was also told he could take credit for the whole thing, I hope that isn't a problem?" He asked pointedly, looking at the boy's reaction.

Rodrick shrugged, "I don't mind, Black knows the truth anyway," he replied, with a grin.

Albus shook his head, amused.

"So it'll get sorted out?"

Albus nodded at that, "Yes it looks to be done by Christmas, Black seems to want to spend it with his godson, wanting to make up for lost time as he put it in his own words."

Rodrick raised an eyebrow towards the headmaster, "That's good for them," He remarked.

Albus stared at the boy in front him, "You seem to have taken a rather large interest in young Harry Potter's situation, as well as Sirius Black's,"

Rodrick leveled a stare at the man before sighing, "He's a Horcrux..."

Albus didn't react, "How does that factor into this?"

Rodrick gaze didn't shift, "The danger's of removing it is quite large. I just figured if Potter might end up dying to kill Voldemort, he should at least enjoy the small life he has," his voice echoing into the room. "And Black seems to have suffered enough... if the two can find solace in each other then..."

Albus' eyes softened at the words... slowly his mind pierced the points together, "You believe your mother had a similar situation?" Memories of the girl slowly filled the headmaster's mind...

Rodrick's eyes widened at that before he slowly nodded, "Just a guess really... I didn't know much about her, from what my grandfather told me though. She didn't enjoy much of her life before she..." his mouth closed.

"Removing a Horcrux doesn't necessarily require death," Albus pointed out.

Rodrick shrugged. "You never know,"

Albus chuckled slightly, "Do you always plan for the worst?"

Rodrick gave the headmaster a wane smile, "It's helped me so far,"

Albus raised an eyebrow at him, looking towards his arm.

Rodrick didn't even need to look to know what he was referring to, "Hey it could've been worse, I could've died"... "So you'll let them then? you'll let Black you know, actually take care of his godson?"

Albus sighed, "I am not entirely sure he'd be capable of that... He wasn't the most mature person... And the dangers are still there"

"It's better to put him in a place he's more likely to stay, then one he'd run away from," Rodrick pointed out, "Even if one is safer than the other, there's no point if Potter's always trying to escape, at least with Black you can keep an eye on him,"

Ablus furrowed his brows, "What makes you think he'd run away?"

Rodrick chuckled, "I had a talk with him when he did. In Knockturn Alley,"

"That is a highly irresponsible place to go to," Albus frowned.

"See! My point exactly, he wouldn't have done that if he was in a place he wanted to stay," Rodrick remarked, barely able to hold his laughter.

"Why do I feel like you were responsible for that small adventure?" Albus questioned exasperated.

Rodrick shrugged, "I don't know what you're talking about," He had to turn away lest he winds up proving his guilt. "Where is Black anyway?"

"He is staying with family friends of Harry Potters"

"Weasleys," Rodrick muttered.

Albus nodded, "Until everything is sorted out at any case... I will take your thoughts into consideration... They certainly have their own merits..."

Rodrick nodded to that eagerly, "When you make the right choice, which is giving the boy his freedom, Tell him I helped you make that choice. I'd like it if he owed me,"

Dumbledore frowned, "I am starting to think you're not doing this out of the goodness of your heart."

Rodrick barely managed to hold his laughter, "The goodness there is, is currently been used on a few people I am afraid, everyone else I am still a Slytherin with," he finished as he got up from his seat.

"I see..." Albus sighed, I wonder what his cost really will be... "I believe I've kept you long enough, there is a person waiting outside for you," Albus remarked, a shadow of a smile on his face when he saw the flushed look on the boy's face. It was a relief to see the boy so open about his feelings. While he might share a lot of the dark lord's similarities... there were also quite a lot of differences... Thankfully it was the ones that truly mattered.

As he left the headmasters office, Rodrick's grin seemed to grow as his thought's regarding the person was confirmed. He quickly pulled the girl into a hug surprising her.

"I feel like we've been doing that more often than usual," Daphne remarked cheerfully. "So how is your quest to freeing Sirius Black?" She quickly asked, surprising the boy.

Rodrick's snorted, "How did you know?"

"Vision, 300 points, suddenly leaving to 'rest'"

Rodrick shook his head, "I guess you really are a Slytherin,"

Daphne ignored the remark before latching onto the boy's cursed arm, amusing him, "So tell me about it then"

Rodrick stared at the girl fondly at the sudden action, she didn't flinch at all regarding it... He started walking away. "Alright. I guess it all started..."


It wasn't long before the Quidditch buzz hit the wizarding school once again; it was the first game of the season and arguably the most anticipated one, Gryffindor vs Slytherin. Rodrick walked down towards the common room brooding, trying and failing to come up with an excuse to skip out on the game. All of them quickly died out due to the fact Tracey was on the team.

He sighed as he entered the room, having given up on skipping out.

That was the moment life seemed to go in his favour. When he looked up his eyes landed on two familiar girls, Greengrass's. His eyes widened slightly when he noticed the pale expression on the younger one, the surprise quickly fritted out to a knowing smile.

Daphne was the first to notice him, he saw a look of relief enter her eyes.

"Rodrick, explain to Tori, why it's risky for her to watch the Quidditch game in her condition," Daphne remarked, her eyes switched between them frantically.

Rodrick chuckled as he watched the younger girl huff.

"It's so boring in the castle!" Astoria pouted, crossing her arms. "I want to watch the game with everyone else!" she lowered her head as she finished.

Rodrick grinned, "Alright," he started, he was tempted to laugh at the look of betrayal on Daphne's face. "I'll stay with you then, how does that sound? You'll feel better by the end of the day as well," he added with a genuine smile.

He turned towards Daphne, he found the girl in thought. Most likely wondering whether she could join them or not.

"You go cheer on Tracey," Rodrick muttered, the girl sighed before agreeing.

Daphne turned towards her sister with a glint in her eyes, "You better behave, you're making him miss the game here, don't give him any more trouble," there was a tone of steel on her voice. She raised her eyebrows at the looks she got in return, the two student's stared at her wide-eyed. "What?"

Rodrick shook his head, "Nothing, just didn't expect you to say all that," he answered, still surprised.

Daphne's eyes quickly softened before she sighed, "You have enough trouble come your way already," she remarked, her eyes twitched when she saw Rodrick stifle back a laugh.

"Sorry, I wasn't referring to that, you made it sound like I actually wanted to watch Quidditch..."

Understanding quickly dawned on the girl at that, "Right, forgot you didn't actually like the game,"

Rodrick had an amused look on his face, "Aren't you a great friend," he spoke out before chuckling as he watched the girl roll her eyes. He turned towards Astoria before noticing a somewhat withdrawn look on her face, "Come on, let's go before everyone else decides to start rushing about"

Astoria looked up before she slowly agreed with a nod.

Rodrick put his cursed arm over the girl's shoulder, starting off the healing part of things before he turned back to Daphne. "I'll see you later, try not to get sick,"

Daphne raised an eyebrow, "Oh so you do care about my health as well?" she replied back sarcastically, the shadow of a smile on her face.

Rodrick's face, however, was quite serious, "Quite a lot actually," he finished before he turned towards the door, leaving a surprised Greengrass behind.

"Ok then..."..."It's too early to lose focus Daphne..." she muttered quietly.

"Are you talking to yourself?" Daphne heard a voice behind her, she turned to find a smirking Blaise, Nott flanking his right.

Daphne rolled her eyes before she moved elsewhere.

"Well, that was rude..." Blaise muttered to himself.

"I wonder where Rodrick disappeared off to?" Nott murmured.

Blaise raised an amused eyebrow at the lanky Slytherin, "You know this is why-" Blaise started before he stifled a laugh as he watched Nott raise his hands exasperatedly.

"I know I know, you don't need to rub it in..." Nott replied irritated.


Rodrick walked away from the Slytherin Dungeon before he heard Astoria speak for the first time.

"I am sorry you had to miss the game..." Astoria had a sunken look, her hands were fidgeting around with the hem of her skirt.

Rodrick squeezed the girl's shoulder in an attempt to cheer her up, "Not a big fan of the game, I'd rather spend it inside then watch,"

Astoria met the boy's eyes, "Really?" she asked uncertainly.

Rodrick smiled at the girl before agreeing, "Especially with you," he added on much to the girl's grateful look, "Let's go get something to eat, Daphne won't be around," he finished with a wink.

Astoria beamed a smile back, already planning what sweets to pick out from the hall.

The two entered the great hall, a look of surprise filtered over the young girl's face, she was astonished to find the place so empty of students... It usually held at least half the people in attendance... Today there was barely a sixth of that...

Rodrick chuckled when he saw the look on her face, "It happens every time Quidditch starts up." He remarked to death ears, he shook his head when he found Astoria already pulling desserts onto her plate. He settled down beside the girl before she ruffled her hair.

"That tickles!" She spoke, trying to move her head away.

Rodrick moved his hand away but made sure to keep his cursed arm in contact with her, that was the only way to help her... At least until he could fix it permanently. With that thought in his head, Rodrick took out the shrunken potions book and returned it to its original size.

Astoria eyed the book before she started laughing, "Were you planning to read that during the game?"

Rodrick shrugged, "it get's boring sometimes"

"I am sure it does..." Astoria remarked disbelievingly.

Rodrick noticed her tone before he glared at her mockingly, "Don't make me turn into Daphne," he remarked slowly lowering his gaze towards the desserts on the plate.

Astoria's eyes widened in fear before she started to eat through her dessert fested plate.

Rodrick chuckled before he focused his attention back on the book, he'd already decided to leave the actual spell practice to a more festive day. His previous attempt had shown that most of his failure had stemmed from his lack of magical power, he simply wasn't strong enough to hold it. A magical day seemed to make the process far easier than normal, far more efficient as well. That was the main reason he'd decided to simply focus on finishing the theory part of it. It allowed him to go through it faster and when a magical day came by he can simply try it out. He turned towards the girl and settled on making sure that day happened before the end of her first year. While it would've been wonderful to have her healed by Christmas, her birthday was the much better option, after all, it did fall on Easter. The amount of magic that would flow around the girl would be at its peak on that day. Thinking of Birthday's however, his mood quickly soured as he remember his own... He had no intentions of casting any magic during it anymore. While it made his spells far more effective... The bad luck involved... There was a small part of his brain that was convinced his Grandfather's death was his fault, his memories of that dream resounded through his head... He'd denied the reality the mirrors had tried to pass onto him... If he accepted it, it would mean two things. His Grandfather had expected to live longer. And he'd cut his life short.

Rodrick shook his head, even thinking about that seemed to shake his Occulumency, he focused his attention back on the book in front of him before a voice startled the two Slytherins.

"Hello," Luna greeted them cheerfully.

The two Slytherin's quickly raised their heads to the girl, Rodrick raised an eyebrow at her while Astoria greeted the girl back smiling.

"Are you two planning to show up to the game?" she questioned, her head tilted to one side.

Astoria shook her head slowly, "I don't feel too well,"

"I am babysitting," Rodrick added on with a grin, Astoria pouted dramatically before she went back to her sweets. Rodrick found a strange twinkle in the blonde girl's eyes.

Luna quickly turned her attention towards Astoria, "You're really lucky you know," she remarked before she pulled something onto her plate and began to eat.

Astoria turned back from her food, her mouth full as she tried to talk, "Y?" she managed to utter, a few pieces fell out of her mouth.

Rodrick narrowed his eyes slightly, "Watch your manners Tori," he remarked.

Astoria surprisingly looked somewhat embarrassed before she gulped, "Sorry" she remarked sheepishly.

Luna looked amused before she turned towards Rodrick, "Can I stay with you two?"

Rodrick had a thoughtful look on his face before he replied, "Don't you want to watch the game?"

Luna shook her head, "I'd rather spend time with friends,"

Astoria quickly nodded her head at her friend's request, while Rodrick shrugged.

"I don't mind"

Luna's smile widened, "By the way," she remarked.

The two student's turned their gaze towards her.

"Whose Tori?"


The end of the Quidditch game wound up happening much faster than Rodrick had expected. He had still been in the Great Hall when he saw some of his housemates enter looking somewhat despondent. A small frown etched its way onto his face when he found Daphne in the same mood.

"Did we lose?" Astoria spoke out, looking upset, she'd been in a conversation with Luna about the Quibbler moments before.

"I think so..." Rodrick murmured as he got up, walking towards Daphne.

Daphne looked up towards him, Rodrick was surprised by the look of relief on her face.

"Hey, are you alright?" Rodrick asked tentatively.

Daphne had been about to answer before Rodrick's eyes widened, Dumbledore had barged through the Great Hall doors, he looked furious about something. Behind him followed several adults, Rodrick glanced Sirius Black among them, his face showed off even more anger than the headmaster. Fudge was further down looking somewhat fearful. The group quickly sped through the hall, no doubt to the headmaster's office.

Rodrick turned towards Daphne, "What the hell happened?" he asked, his eyes narrowed.

Daphne looked up to his eyes before she replied, "Dementor's attacked,"

Rodrick's blood ran cold at that, his eyes went up and down the girl's body appraising her, he cupped the girl's face then. "Are you-" he asked worried before the girl quickly shook her head, looking flustered.

"I am fine Rodrick" She answered, the smile on her face growing.

Rodrick nodded at that, "What about Tracey, where is she?" If anything happened...

Daphne quickly put her hands up, "She's fine... No one from our house was affected!"

Rodrick's eyes calmed down at that, "So what exactly happened then? And who won?" he asked, changing his pace of thoughts.

Daphne blinked at him before she chuckled, "Can we sit down first?"

Rodrick stared at her apprehensively before he quickly nodded, he led the girl down to the other's he'd been with for the day.

"So what happened?" Rodrick asked again, impatient.

Daphne shook her head amused before she recalled everything that had occurred.

"Potter caught the snitch," she started with and almost laughed at the disappointed look that marred Rodrick and Tori's face.

"That's 50 points to Gryffindor..." Rodrick grumbled.

Daphne rolled her eyes before she continued, "Seconds after that, Dementors descended on to the pitch," she spoke, her green eyes slowly turning shades darker.

Rodrick sighed at that, "That idiot..."

Daphne raised an eyebrow at that, "Who? Potter?"

"Fudge, if he wasn't so worried about his image he could've avoided this altogether!"

Daphne slowly nodded at that. Rodrick had explained to her Fudge's lack of actions regarding Black.

Astoria joined into the conversation at that, "So who was hurt?" her eyes had a frantic look to them.

Daphne sighed, "Potter, he fell from his broom."

Rodrick closed his eyes at that, it explained why Black had looked so angry. "Well... Black is either getting his freedom back tomorrow or Fudge is getting replaced quickly." A few moment's later Rodrick added on, "What's Malfoy feeling like right? he lost the match but Potter was injured,"

Daphne's face took on a small smile, "Very confused I imagine,"

"Where's Tracey?" Luna asked.

"Most of Slytherin is in the Dungeon right about now," Daphne remarked, "I came here to tell you guy's what had happened"

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at her, "How'd you know we'd be here?"

Daphne's face took on an amused look, her eyes quickly switched over towards her sister.

"Ah right, the candy pitfall," Rodrick muttered.

Luna laughed at that, "You have quite a lot of names don't you Astoria,"

Astoria joined her into the laughter.

Daphne smiled when she noticed her sister looking far better than she did in the morning, she turned towards Rodrick, "Not as much as him, he gets a new one every month,"

Rodrick rolled his eyes at the girl, "Please... I get a new one every week." he finished.


That evening, Rodrick left the Slytherin Dungeon intent on visiting The Boy-Who-Fell in the hospital. He set a Disillusionment charm over himself just before he went through the password locked door. Slowly, he made his way towards the Hospital Wing.

When he reached, he picked up two distinct voices talking to each other, looking inside he found Sirius Black sitting beside his godson, admiring the latest version of the Nimbus 2000, it looked smashing.

"I think it's usable," He heard Sirius Black snort, Rodrick silently crept over to the bed opposite Potter and sat against the front edge of it. Sirius looked just about ready to start laughing.

"For wha-" Harry Potter was about to speak before he suddenly turned ahead of him. "I know you're there, Rodrick"

Rodrick's eyes widened slightly before he chuckled. He removed the invisibility charm. "Is there a reason you could see me?" he asked.

Harry Potter shrugged, "Experience."

"I am sure it is," Rodrick replied amused. He turned towards Sirius and found the guy staring at him curiously, there was a fond look on the man's face.

"You look better," Rodrick remarked, the man had shaven off most of his beard, his hair didn't look as bad as before and he was wearing better clothing. He still looked a little too skinny, his face still showed signs of his being in Azkaban.

Sirius nodded, "Thanks to you," he muttered.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow, "I don't remember fixing you up," he remarked amused.

Sirius shook his head slightly, "You know what I mean,"

Rodrick turned his attention towards Potter and found a similar grateful look on the boy's face although he kept it somewhat hidden.

"What brings you out here?" Harry asked.

Rodrick faked an affronted look on his face, "Am I not allowed to visit an injured classmate?" he gasped dramatically, his hand on his chest for added effect.

Harry Potter rolled his eyes at the act, "As if,"

Sirius was staring between the two of them wondering what was going on, "Gryffindor, Slytherin rivalry still exists," he spoke, amused. Remembering his own days as a student.

"It's more than that," Harry Potter grumbled.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at him, Sirius did the same but prompted, "How so?"

An irritated look took over his face, "You know all the stories I've been telling you about? Last year and everything,"

Sirius nodded to his grandson, he'd explained most of the second year and the things that occurred and the hilarious ending of the house cup.

"He's responsible for it," Harry Potter added, he frowned at the smile that slowly took over his godfather's face. the man quickly broke out laughing.

"Well done," he remarked towards the Slytherin.

"Whose side are you on..." Harry Potter grumbled, his eyes landed on Rodrick's amused face.

"The troublemaker's side," Sirius remarked, once again remembering his own marauder days.

"Ah but I never get caught," Rodrick added on.

Harry Potter rolled his eyes, "You do, there's just no proof."

"Someone still upset about last year's cup," Rodrick remarked, a twinkle in his eyes.

Harry Potter rolled his eyes, "You're not winning this year..."

"I haven't been trying," Rodrick shrugged.

Sirius raised an eyebrow at that, "No? I've seen the points...Are you sure?" he scoffed, the margin was ridiculous.

Before Rodrick could add on, agitating Harry further, the Gryffindor spoke up.

"Why are you here," he remarked exasperated.

"To check up on you, heard you had a pretty bad fall," Rodrick replied, a serious mask on his face.

"Really?" Harry Potter had a disbelieving look on his face.

It took a few moment's before Rodrick started laughing, "Nah, I heard you got into a fight with the whomping willow"

Sirius Black snorted at that rumor, he was the one who spread it about.

"That's not what happened at all," Harry Potter remarked affronted.

"Yea I agree... Wasn't much of a fight, you got your ass-" Rodrick was about to finish before he lost control and started laughing at the look he got from Potter.


The three spent a while talking about the happenings that had occurred over the three years, ranging from the troll incident.

"I still can't believe you used an unforgivable!" Harry Potter spoke barely able to hold his laughter.

Rodrick rolled his eyes, "You didn't even know what the spell was, you stood there watching wide eyed as if you'd never seen magic before,"

"Well done on getting away with it" Sirius spoke approvingly.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that, "For a Gryffindor, you're surprisingly ok with that"

Sirius shrugged, "if you didn't get away, you wouldn't have helped me,"

Fair point.

The conversation quickly changed to Harry Potter beating Quirrell.

"Dumbledore hired You-Know-Who?" Sirius spoke disbelieving it.

"He hired a bloody clown," Rodrick grumbled.

"I think he was hired before Voldemort took over," Harry Potter remarked casually, trying to defend his headmaster.

'I doubt that.' Rodrick thought.

It seemed to mollify Black though.

Perhaps the highlight of the evening was when the story had reached Remus Lupin's first lesson.

"You turned one of the most dangerous men on the planet to a female?" Sirius remarked disbelief shown all over his face.

Rodrick shared a look with a laughing Potter before he nodded.

"Are you crazy?" Sirius Black asked.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that.

"Merlin... Can you imagine him on his time of the month..."

With that picture in their heads, the two student's shuddered and tried to change the topic.

The last point of discussion, however, turned towards Sirius Black's situation, Rodrick had learned that while the man was certain to be free in the eyes of the public, he had actually already been freed by the ministry. 'That certainly explains why Fudge was so worried... After all, he'd let loose Dementors over a Quidditch game for literally no reason.'

Of course, the most important piece of information was perhaps that while free, Black didn't actually have his fortune yet... Not until either the Wizangamot votes in his favor or they find the 'lost' Black ring,

"So you're stuck then until the ring is found?" Rodrick remarked, an inquisitive look on his face.

Black, however, took on a more irritated one, "I'd find it as soon as Malfoy is willing to relinquish it,"

Harry Potter's face took on a frown at that, "What are you gonna do?"

Sirius, "I am not sure at the moment, if the vote fails I suppose I'll have to settle with the funds in my vault," noticing the look on his godson's face, however, "I wouldn't worry too much, it's quite substantial," he added on winking.

Harry Potter sighed in relief at that, he'd been some what afraid of returning to the Dursleys after enlarging his aunt into a hot air balloon, "Still, Malfoy shouldn't take what isn't his,"

Sirius smiled mischievously, "Oh he can't anymore, not as long as I am free, if the ring is attended to he's in trouble... if it isn't attended to for several more years it'll find it's way back into the Black vault. Then I could simply take it," there was a certain glint in his eyes as he said that.

"It's cursed isn't it" Rodrick drawled.

Sirius didn't say anything to that, although his smile did grow.

"When do you think that will be?" Harry Potter asked, curious.

Sirius furrowed his brows trying to remember, "From what the goblin told me, I imagine it'll be another 4 years? I should be fine until then," the man shrugged.

"I believe I have a curfew to attend to," Rodrick remarked, getting up.

Sirius turned towards the boy, "I hope you don't plan on informing young Draco about that..." the smile still present.

Rodrick rolled his eyes, "Yeah and then you could inform him of my part in giving him the problem in the first place" he spoke shaking his head causing the ex-Azkaban inmate to chuckle. Turning and starting to walk away, however, Rodrick's face took on a smile... already planning something... 'I did warn him if he made it too easy I wouldn't hesitate...'


Rodrick walked down towards the common room, intent on finding Malfoy. It was the weekend, several days after the first Quidditch game, new information had come to light... Information he was itching to use. A day after the game, news of Black's freedom quickly soared through the country. Malfoy had been quite irritated by it but otherwise didn't show too much of a reaction.

He found a large number of student's sprawled all over the area, spying Malfoy sitting down in one of the sofas beside Nott, Rodrick sped up towards them, taking a seat in front of the blonde.

"Morning," Rodrick spoke up with a grin.

The two Slytherin's raised an eyebrow at him.

"What?" Rodrick remarked, the grin slowly fading.

"What happened?" Malfoy asked warily.

Rodrick blinked at the boy, "I am not allowed to talk to my friends? Without anything happening?" he deadpanned.

The three stood there for a few moment's before they snorted at the thought. Blaise had just shown up at this point. Rodrick turned to greet him. His attention was quickly turned back towards Malfoy as the blonde started to speak.

"So what's really going on then?"

Rodrick took a thoughtful look before asking the first question.

"When is the vote regarding Black's situation as heir?" He questioned. He noted with amusement how a small smirk slowly etched itself onto Nott, no doubt the boy understood the situation perfectly. Malfoy's face scowled slightly before he quickly fixed his expression.

"It's next week," Draco growled

Rodrick raised an amused eyebrow, "You don't seem happy about it,"

Nott chuckled at that, "He's losing a fortune, of course, he aint happy about it"

Blaise rolled his eyes, "You'll still be the richest student here, I don't know what your complaining about,"

The words seemed to put a light back on Malfoy's face, the moment it adopted a smirk Blaise regretted them.

"Why the interest anyway?" Malfoy drawled, he lazily stared ahead of him.

Rodrick shrugged, "I've got an idea, an idea that involves you voting for Black to regain his inheritance,"

Malfoy eyes darkened at that, the two Slytherins next to them were staring at this, their interest piqued.

"Why the hell would I do that?" Malfoy asked, his teeth set on edge.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at him, "You'll lose the inheritance either now or later,"

Malfoy's expression didn't change, "Why would I willingly give it away then!?" he questioned, exasperated.

Rodrick's face took on a grin, "You get to beat Potter,"


"Sounds like a good deal" Nott spoke out amused, "Beat Potter by giving his godfather a fortune,"

Rodrick didn't pay any attention to the lanky Slytherin, he kept his eyes focused on Malfoy. "What do you say? You'll lose your fortune either way, at least get something out of it,"

Malfoy had a thoughtful look on his face. "Done," he remarked, relaxing back into his seat.

Rodrick's grin increased.

"Aren't even gonna ask what you're beating him at..." Nott remarked.

Malfoy shrugged, "Don't care, long as it's obvious,"

Rodrick laughed at that, "Oh, believe me, it'll be obvious enough,"

Malfoy's face slowly started smirking, "What about everyone else?"

Rodrick blinked at that, "What do you mean?"

Nott stifled a laughter before he added on, "Malfoy's vote won't be enough, you need to get most of the seats to vote in Black's favour,"

Rodrick frowned slightly at that, "And who hold's those seats?"

"Most of Slytherin," A voice behind remarked idly, Rodrick turned to find his eyes landed onto a Slytherin fifth year? he recognized him as one of the chasers.

Rodrick stared at the casual Slytherin, he was plopped down onto a leather seat idly reading a book. Two other fifth years beside him.

"Is there a reason people are listening to my conversations?" Rodrick remarked as he turned back to his friends.

The three stared at him barely holding the amusement in their faces...

Rodrick shrugged, "Whatever," he got up.

Nott and Blaise turned up to gaze at him, "What are you doing?" Blaise asked.

Rodrick didn't answer, instead, he turned around to face the Slytherins in the common room. The other three watched in amusement as he let of a loud whistle to attract everyone's attention.

Needless to say, the peculiar orphan got everyone's attention quickly enough.

Rodrick eyed the number of eyes looking towards him, a small voice in his head told him this might not be the best idea. Coughing once, he quickly spoke.

"Can you all ask your families to set off a vote in favor of Black next week?" his voice echoed through the room. Most of the eyes stared at him for a few seconds.

"There's a vote next week?" One voice went out.

Rodrick stared incredulously at them, he heard more and more voices come out.

"What's the vote about?", "Wasn't Black in prison?", "Which Black is it?"

Rodrick eyes slowly started showing shock...

"Not all of us keep up to date with the rest of the world, hell, some of these families haven't taken their seat in the Wizengamot for a while," Malfoy pointed out. "If it doesn't affect them, they don't show interest," he added on.

Rodrick nodded warily at that before he raised his voice again, "So can you vote in his favour?" again pointing the question out towards the lot, once again to his surprise, most of them just shrugged it off, agreeing to him.

Sitting back down, Rodrick stared ahead to his friends, warily. "That was easier than I expected... They didn't even ask why, they just agreed," he said uncertain, confused.

The other three, however, had different expressions lining their faces. "Why are you surprised?" Nott asked.

Rodrick furrowed his brows at the question, "You have a habit of pulling stunts that help the house," Blaise remarked as well.

Rodrick face still didn't change, "Even then... To agree immediately is a little..."

"You are helping the house right?" Rodrick heard the fifth year? Behind them speak again, his name was Cassius Warrington if he remembered correctly. Rodrick nodded his head towards the chaser.

Cassius shrugged at that, "Then there's no problem," That small bit of information seemed to spread through the house.

Rodrick relaxed back into his seat, still confused about the whole ordeal. "I didn't think I had this kind of reputation," he muttered mostly to himself, he wasn't sure how he felt about it, after all... He'd managed it without a name.

Malfoy looked at the black-haired youth amused, "I think it might have something to do with one of the rumors surrounding you,"

Rodrick tilted his head at that, Luna and Astoria had told him some of the rumours... They were disturbing... Very disturbing. "which one exactly?" he asked warily.

"The one about you being a dark lord," Malfoy finished.

'Of course, that rumour existed as well...' Rodrick thought irritated.

The two Greengrass girls slowly came into the room surrounded by a group of the other third-year girl's, ranging from piggie to Bulstrode. Daphne spotted Rodrick before she moved towards his group, Tracey, and Astoria behind her.

"Morning," she started off, as she took a seat beside the boy. Astoria took a small free spot next to her while Tracey had the unfortunate luck of sitting beside Nott. She chuckled when she saw how uncomfortable both boy and girl appeared to be.

"Hello Greengrass," Rodrick remarked.

"Aren't you gonna ask her family? And the other girl's for that matter?" she heard Blaise say. Daphne turned her gaze towards Rodrick at that, curious.

Rodrick face scrunched up in thought before he turned towards Malfoy, "You ask the other girl's, they're more likely to listen to you," he remarked.

Malfoy's face scowled for a second before he shrugged and got up, accepting the strange compliment.

Rodrick watched idly as Malfoy walked towards the others.

"Ask me about what?" Daphne remarked once Malfoy was out of ear shot.

"Rodrick here wants everyone to vote in Black's favour," Nott remarked.

Daphne raised an eyebrow at him, "I guess I could ask them to do that... Is there any reason?" she questioned.

Rodrick eyed her amused, "You know you're the first person to ask me that... Besides Malfoy,"

Daphne blinked, "So what is the reason?"

Rodrick grinned, he quickly moved towards her before whispering his plan in her ear.

Daphne's eyes widened before a frown took over, "That's so evil! And I am pretty sure counts as Cheating! Not to mention unfair!" she started off.

Slowly it dawned on her, "That's so Slytherin," she added on.

Rodrick grinned as he relaxed his head back into the sofa.

Nott had an intrigued look on his face, "What are you planning exactly?" he decided to finally ask.

"He plans to mock the entire school system," Daphne remarked with a frown.

"When you put it like that, it makes it sound even better," Rodrick started laughing.


Rodrick stared up at the stone gargoyle, amusement lining his face as he uttered the pseudo password.

"Horcrux," just as before, the Gargoyle quickly shifted to let through the Slytherin third year. His eyes landed on the sole occupant of the room, a small measure of relief showed up at that. He took a seat before his attention swept towards the headmaster who had a frown marring his face.

"Hello, Headmaster," Rodrick greeted cheerfully.

Dumbledore sighed, "I must ask you to avoid using that word as a password," he spoke up with a frown.

Rodrick shrugged, "It's the only one I can remember, besides I don't see the harm in it"

The frown increased at that, "I'd rather not have student's start looking into what a Horcrux is..." Albus admitted.

Rodrick raised an amused eyebrow towards the old man, "I think you'll find that if anyone is likely to create one it's me..." he had to hold back a laugh as he watched the headmaster's twinkle disappear.

"Rodrick that's rather disconcerting for you to admit," Albus remarked, his mind whirling about the kind of repercussions... However his worries disappeared as he heard the boy start laughing.

"Sir, I am the most likely to create a Horcrux out of the students here and I doubt I'd be capable of such a thing," There was a sparkle in the boy's viper eyes as he spoke. Albus had to control himself from reading the boy's mind knowing how it would end. He had been considered for Ravenclaw, he was capable of learning from experience.

"I see..." Albus spoke, sighing, "Was there something you wished to discuss with me?" he watched in amusement as the boy plopped a sweet into his mouth.

Rodrick nodded, "It's about Black's fortune vote," he remarked lazily.

Albus' eyes widened slightly at the topic, "What pray tell did you want to discuss?" he knew about the specifics... The vote was most likely going to fail, Sirius wouldn't get his fortune for a couple years. It was disconcerting considering he'd already given the go ahead for Black to take Harry Potter for Christmas. Considering he might not have the ancient families house protections... It was rather dangerous... It was the boy's words here that had stopped from rejecting it in the first place. If Harry Potter did indeed need to die to get rid of that Horcrux, then there was a small chance of him rejecting the Prophecy when he found out, if he was convinced he hadn't lived his life properly to give it up. It was a somber thought... He would try and find a way to avoid the boy dying but if it was inevitable, it was only fair to let him live what he had left. He'd already failed too many people already...

As he stared at the boy in front of him, his resolve regarding Harry Potter and his godfather living their lives steeled itself again.

Rodrick hummed a quiet tune as he contemplated his words, "I have an offer for you," he decided to say.

Albus raised an eyebrow at that, "An offer you say?"

Rodrick nodded again, "Sirius Black needs his fortune... After all imagine how much it would help us in dealing with Voldemort..." he started off, he watched as Dumbledore's eyes swiftly reacted to the name, no doubt his mind slowly taking in the words.

"Yes... I can see what you mean," Dumbledore replied, he felt unease in his stomach when he considered it... if Voldemort came back soon... they would need all the help they could get. The Black fortune could be unbelievable help with the war... Plus it would also mean Harry was safer if they kept to the Black family home "What is this offer pertaining to?" he asked carefully... A small part of his mind had already figured it out.

"What if I told you, I could get the vote to land in Black's favour?" Rodrick spoke, a sparkle in his eyes.

Albus' eyes were hidden behind a mask, his mind, however, was quickly whirling around trying to see the whole picture... It would be unlikely for the boy to manage that... He knew very well that most of the seats fell into Slytherin, he also knew how difficult or costly it would be to get all of them to agree to the same thing... What the boy was offering required al- Albus mind stopped as he stared at the boy in front of him... It would require influence... He'd never actually considered the level of control the boy had in his house... it was both intriguing as well as worrying.

"What is the other side of the offer?" Albus asked, once again the irritating twinkle present in his eyes, if the boy could actually manage it... the Black fortune would be available before Voldemort could return unless he'd planned to come back next week...

Rodrick grinned. "I want the house cup,"

Albus Dumbledore did a double take at that. "Forgive me... I am not sure I heard you correctly..."

Rodrick's grin grew, "I want the house cup for this year. Assure me of that and I'll get you the Black fortune,"

Albus frowned, this was the last thing he expected... Honestly, he had no idea how to feel about it. At all. "That is rather..." he wasn't even sure what to say about it either. "Unfair," Albus settled for that word, the moment he said it he knew it was a mistake.

Rodrick started laughing, "Forgive me professor, but it's simply Slytherin,"

Albus sighed, it was true... Each house had their own way of going after the cup... Hufflepuffs did it by been model students, Ravenclaws did it by their grades, Gryffindor's did it with actions and Slytherins were supposed to be cunning... Like the boy in front of him.

"The house cup is supposed to be earned through achievements..." Albus started off weakly, knowing it wouldn't stick.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that, "You can hardly expect me to get them all to agree just because I said so," he surprisingly lied, "I need to offer all of them something otherwise they'd lose their trust in me, house cup fits into that category," he finished.

Albus eyed the boy in front him tired, "It would be much easier to believe that if you weren't smiling so much," he remarked, causing the boy to let off another laugh. He cursed his self-control when he heard the boy's next words.

"It's for the Greater Good Headmaster. Give Slytherin the house cup this year for the Greater Good,"