
A essence of the grandmaster in a cultivation world

A man got reincarnated with the essence of the grand master. update whenever i want to.

bageater · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


(1st POV)

I woke up seeing a giant lady holding me, 'Finally,' I thought as she smiled.

(3rd POV)

The woman's smile was gentle, but it held a depth that seemed to transcend ordinary emotion. It was as if a touch of otherworldly grace illuminated her features, infusing them with a sense of ancient wisdom and maternal warmth. "His name should be Qiáng Lóng Xióng," she declared softly, her gaze tender yet imbued with a hint of something indefinable and mystical.

"It's a powerful name, befitting a child destined for greatness," a lady said, standing with an air of quiet authority. Her form slightly stooped with the weight of years gone by, yet her eyes sparkled with a keen intelligence that belied her age. Wisps of gray hair framed her weathered face, where lines etched with experience traced a map of her journey through life.

Despite her aging visage, there was a subtle strength in her bearing, a sense of command that spoke of a lifetime spent in service to the clan. As she moved with measured grace, there was a hint of power emanating from her presence, a silent acknowledgment of the wisdom and influence she wielded behind the scenes.

'So this is my mother in this life,' our MC now named Qiáng Lóng Xióng thought as he smiled.

(Some years later)

The grand mansion loomed majestically amidst a sprawling landscape, its architectural marvels a testament to both the opulence and mystique. Its roofs, adorned with intricate carvings and ornate details, seemed to reach for the heavens, their golden tiles glinting in the sunlight like rays of captured fire.

As the heavy gates creaked open, revealing a vast courtyard alive with the vibrant hues of exotic flowers and the tranquil murmurs of bubbling fountains, a scene unfolded. In the midst of this grandeur, a child dashed frantically, his laughter ringing through the air as he darted away from an older woman.

The woman, her features etched with the passage of time yet still radiating an undeniable aura of authority, pursued the child with determined strides. Her robes billowed behind her, her expression a mix of exasperation and fond indulgence as she chased after the energetic youth.

Inside the mansion, the halls were a labyrinth of whispered secrets and faded glory. Rich tapestries lined the walls, their vibrant colors contrasting with the polished marble floors. Lanterns cast flickering shadows, illuminating the chase as it wound its way through hidden alcoves and grand chambers.

"Young Master, please stop running," the woman said as she gasped for air, glaring at the child who paused in his frenzied dash across the courtyard. Possessed by a youthful energy that seemed to radiate from his every movement, his skin, smooth as polished jade, gleamed in the sunlight, a testament to his vitality. Dark, almond-shaped eyes sparkled with mischief, framed by long lashes that fluttered with each breathless giggle.

His hair, a cascade of glossy black locks, tumbled in disarray around his face, adding to his impish charm. Dressed in colorful robes that billowed around him as he came to a halt, he stood with a youthful grace, a picture of carefree abandon frozen in time.

Despite the exhaustion evident in the flush of his cheeks and the heaving of his chest, there was an undeniable spirit of adventure that danced in his gaze, and with a mischievous grin playing upon his lips, he glanced back at the older woman who had chased him and shouted, "Nein!"

As the exasperated woman shook her head in frustration, preparing to chase after the mischievous child once more, a sudden interruption halted her in her tracks.

A figure emerged from the shadows, his presence commanding attention despite his seemingly youthful appearance. Clad in a resplendent red robe adorned with a striking black and gold dragon pattern, he exuded an aura of power and authority that belied his tender age.

With jet-black hair framing his handsome face and piercing blue eyes sparkling with amusement, he grinned mischievously as he effortlessly caught the fleeing child in his grasp. His features bore the marks of wisdom far beyond his years.

With a swift and graceful movement, he swept the child up in his arms, his grip firm yet gentle as he gazed down at him with a mixture of fondness and amusement. "Gotcha, little rascal," he chuckled, his voice carrying a warmth that eased the tension in the air.

The child squirmed playfully in his grasp, giggling with unrestrained joy as he looked up at the enigmatic figure who had caught him. In that moment, amidst the grandeur of the mansion and the chaos of their playful chase, a bond formed between them, one that transcended the boundaries of age and experience.

As the woman looked on, her gaze softened with a mixture of relief and gratitude. In the midst of her exasperation, she couldn't help but feel a sense of reassurance knowing that the child was in capable hands, guided by the wisdom and strength of his elder brother, Tianlong Longzhan.

"Thank you, Senior," the lady bowed as Tianlong Longzhan just smiled and waved his hands, "No problem Nana Ling, you were the one taking care of me since I was a kid after all," he said as he laughed and rubbed the kid's hair.

"And... because Father wants to talk to the kid here," Tianlong Longzhan said as he looked at Qiáng Long Longzhan, to which Nana Ling widened her eyes.

-Clan Hall-

The head hall exuded an aura of solemnity and grandeur, its towering walls adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of ancient battles. Massive pillars, carved with symbols of strength and unity, stretched towards the vaulted ceiling, their surfaces polished to a gleaming sheen.

At the heart of the chamber, atop a raised dais adorned with swirling patterns of gold and crimson, sat a magnificent throne fit for a ruler of legends. Crafted from high-grade Elemental wood and embellished with gilded accents, the throne bore the likeness of a mighty dragon, its scaled wings outstretched in a display of majestic power.

Upon the throne sat a man of imposing stature, his presence commanding respect and reverence from all who beheld him. Clad in robes of regal splendor, his gaze held the weight of centuries of wisdom and authority, his every movement imbued with an aura of silent power.

Kneeling before the throne, Qiáng Long Longzhan and his elder brother Tianlong Longzhan bowed their heads in deference to the clan leader, their expressions a blend of reverence and determination.

"We greet the clan leader," Tianlong spoke with unwavering conviction, his voice ringing out in the hallowed halls with a tone of respect that echoed throughout the chamber.

As the atmosphere in the hall shifted to one of reverence and anticipation, the imposing figure upon the throne leaned forward, his eyes alight with a paternal warmth that belied his formidable presence.

"Please, just call me Father," he said with a gentle smile, his voice resonating with a tone of kindness and understanding. In that moment, the air seemed to hum with a sense of familial unity.

Qiáng Long Longzhan and Tianlong Longzhan exchanged a glance, a silent acknowledgment passing between them as they rose to their feet, their expressions reflecting a mixture of respect and affection for the man who stood as both their leader and their patriarch.

His gaze swept over them with a mixture of pride and fondness. "Qiáng Long Longzhan, Tianlong Longzhan, I have summoned you here today to discuss matters of great importance."

"And what is it, Father?" Tianlong Longzhan asked as he looked at their father, "Simple, my child. It is time for Qiáng Long Longzhan to go to school, and for you to learn about our clan's hidden techniques," he said with a smile.

The atmosphere in the hall shifted as anticipation filled the air. Qiáng Long Longzhan and Tianlong Longzhan exchanged another glance, this time with a sense of excitement and determination.

"As you wish, Father," Qiáng Long Longzhan replied, his voice steady with resolve. "We will do our best to honor the clan's legacy and fulfill our duties."

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