
The Land

The kingdom of Zerna was at its golden age, where people always had a smile when they walk on the streets, each week a tournament would be held, in order to satisfy the kingdom's people, the barbarians and factions being fended off with the lands' great generals and its military might, which also soon conquered the other factions, who soon after streaks of defeat, chose for a vassalage and the barbarians being send off back to their forests, all of this was done under the timeline of King Haurl I.

Soon time itself consumed the king, taking along his' kingdom which was now kingless, Duke Sern a commander of Zerna's army was soon chosen to be the heir to the throne, Duke Sern was known to be the only general handling the barbarians and also pushing them back to their homelands, he was admired by his men and loved by the people when he finally ascended to the throne.

Seeing that the "King of Kings" Haurl I died due to old age, the vassals took this oppurtunity to rebel, taking back their lands and pillaging villages, though the now King Sern fended them off well, the nobles also started their complains due to jealousy, and took the oppurtunity of the vassals uttering chaos, to also start a rebellion themselves, tearing the kingdom apart to different factions, each and every single one of them in opposition.


"Young lord, dinner is finish and ready to serve"

A butler in his middle ages informed a sillhouette who was writing something on his desk with a quill inside the dim litted room.

"And please stop doodling nonsense on your desk"


Lark clicked his tongue, the boy threw the quill outside the window, and soon got off his wooden chair.

"Come on old man!"

"When will I ever find the true purpose of my birth?"

Lark irritatingly said as his hands roam to the frame of the opened window.

"I'd prefer you would call me by my name"

"As for your question"

"Either you get married and handle the affairs of the business or get stabbed by an attendant"

The middle aged man said the words with a straight face in front of Lark.

"Is that even a purpose?"

Lark grew more skeptical to how adults even managed to live out their lives, in a not so boring way.

"Then what is this "Purpose" you're talking about then?"

"You knooow~ those people who leads thousands of people, or maybe those who invent stuffs, and sell it for millions, and get famous, or maybe the kind of people called HEROES!"

Lark turned his back to the butler and looked outside the window, to see a statue of a man clad in a knight's armor 'THE SLAYER OF THOUSAND MEN'



The butler laugh out loud, hearing the childish talk of his young master.

"What? at the very at least I wouldn't die due to old age with an occupation of a butler to a lesser noble house"

"Heh! if I wasn't a butler, then who would take care of an ignorant child like you?"

"Hmph! since when did I ever even said that I needed an attendant?"

The two despite their age difference, both acted like children fighting.

"Lark, how long will you make mother and father wait?"

A gentle voice could soon be heard, despite what he said just now was that of a complaint.

"Uhh! sorry brother"

Lark rolled his eyes on the butler, who was tidying his room.