
A golden butterfly

"After we have killed her, I’ll install a huge “A Butterfly in formaldehyde” art installation in my villa...

TC_Media · Urban
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14 Chs


Now, Maria knew the people, who wanted her dead. The Dark, the mysterious man called them in the letter. She'd seen one of them in the train, the one that called her a butterfly. He was very powerful and rich.

There were at least 12 of them. All were very rich and influential people, who decided to kill the Butterfly. They hunted her for 3 years, inventing new intrigues, locking her in a psychiatric hospital, sending killers… When she tried to report about killers, she was usually told that she had paranoia… They lied about her, harassed her, humiliated and abused her... And one day, when they thought they have finally killed the Butterfly and celebrated their victory by drinking champagne…

The Butterfly was too innocent for a hell and too young for a paradise, so the supreme forces decided to leave her on earth as a ghost.

She finally found complete freedom and could flutter around the world without airplanes and visas, through walls, heads and hearts. There were no more boundaries for her. She knew the names of her killers very well and now visited them a lot. She could flicker before their eyes as a bright spot, right in the middle of the working day. Or give an invisible slap in the face with her wing. Sometimes she could chirp like a mosquito near their ears and then suck their energy like nectar all night. Colorful like the Joker, she could pursue those Killer-Sharks during day and night, tormenting them and driving them crazy. Ordinary people did not see her, and when the Sharks talked about her with foam at their mouths, they were advised to go to a psychiatrist.

…And they decided to stay silent…

…They silently suffered…

Oh, how could they did not dream of killing the annoying Butterfly but neither money, nor connections could help, because the ghost cannot be killed...

They regretted committing the murder more than thousand times, as now the annoying Butterfly was with them for 24 hours a day, giggling merrily, like the Joker and driving those people nuts...

…The Sharks were silent.

…They were suffering and silently going crazy… All the Butterfly's enemies were paid a visit by a woman named Karma. It is inexplicitly, but all the Maria's rich foes turned bankrupts and committed suicide. Some of them could went down with sicknesses though, being healthy people before that and were becoming weak and disabled. Karma didn't spare any of them and retaliated every one of them generously.

... And one day all these people went to hell. Neither lawyers, nor connections or money helped them. As they say "In hell no one believes in tears"...