
A Godslayer in a School

One of my stories from my Discord, it's time to bring some of them over to Webnovel! This one is a Teen Weeb and a History nerd who ends up killing a God-King and acquires his Authorities. What does he do with them? He abuses them! It's loosely Campione world (Supernatural) x with some slice-of-life animes like Oreigaru (regular world) ------- Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics my pat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics

Dragon15681 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

The Ice Queen Yukino

For a second Raynor was sad that the teacher asked the beautiful Ice Queen Yukino Yukinoshita to step aside and have a chat with her.

One would think how does the Campione already know people's names like this?

That's quite simple. The blonde Knight is a social butterfly, the girl found out almost everything about the school in a single day.

'Yukino Yukinoshita, a literal ice Queen with a sharp tongue. My Otaku senses tell me that she can be a Tsundere-type.

One of the most famous girls in the school. Even though she doesn't truly have friends. At least what Erica found out about her.' Raynor thought about her as his gaze scanned the room which looks like a classroom turned storage room which turned into a club room now.

"It appears the government is taking your school life very seriously," Erica said with an amused smirk as she had her hands crossed.

Her eyes stayed at the doors for a bit. She knows the reason why the ice queen is talking with their homeroom teacher, and that is because of Raynor.

It's the regular 'don't provoke something you can't mess with' dialogue.

"Such a thing is understandable. Our Lord is a Campione. Only the best for him. They value their lives after all." Ena said from the side.

"I am pretty sure my threat has been understood." 

"Oh, I have no doubt! Controlling weather like this sends a strong message." Erica nodded at her boyfriend.

"However, too much is not good. It will affect the school experience you wish to get here." Erica quite sharply told him, to which Campione nodded.

Yes. If everyone is wary of him this will lead to a bad experience…

For now, he will see how this develops. If it becomes too annoying he will 'ask' them to back off.

He doubts he can find another school which has such a perfect rom-com setting!

"I suppose we should set up this place. Standing here like this is getting annoying." As the teen Campione said he looked at the stored tables and started to work.

With quite a casual move he lifted one table. Then flipped it effortlessly before placing it down. He repeated the same action couple more times before doing the same with the chairs.

While the girls in question cleaned them up. Everything was done in less than a few minutes.  

Eventually. The doors opened and the pair of black-haired duo of student and teacher entered.

For a second Raynor noticed that the girl's skin was slightly paler. Did she get scared from this alone? Well, he won't bite her. No matter how beautiful and sexy Yukino is…

Maybe stroke those incredible legs she has…

The pair quickly noticed the set-up. There was a slight reaction before they got over this.

"Apologies for taking time like this." The teacher apologised, which sounded like something she doesn't do that often.

"It's alright we had time to set up this place." Raynor slightly shrugged while saying that.

"Well, back to business. This is Yukino Yukinoshita. She is the president of the Volunteer Club. So far she is the only member of this club. So with you three, it can properly function now."

For a second Erica smirked. She knows that this girl is an introvert. Finding members for such people are quite difficult.

"Understandable, not everyone likes volunteer work." The only male in this meeting said with a nod. 

"You could say that. Anyway, I still have some things to do so I will leave you guys to catch up. So play nice!" As she said that the modern Japanese teacher left just like that.

"Does this count as throwing you under a bus and running away?" Raynor said that to the new girl while looking at the closing doors.

Erica snorted with amusement as she looked at this girl's reaction.

All Yukino did was frowned a little bit before walking over to her previous seat. Collected her stuff and walked over and took her seat at the newly set up table.

"I believe she has faith in me that I can deal with this situation." Yukino finally spoke for the first time. 

'Oh, her voice is quite nice too! It's soft not too cold. But there is that firmness there.' Raynor nodded to himself when he heard her talk she just got a few more points in his 'points book'.

"Deal with a situation? Well, I suppose getting three people to join your club at once can be… strange?" 

She shook her head when Campione said that.

"Not that. It's about your unique status. I can't believe someone like you exists. I thought only politicians and those royals from the middle east have diplomatic immunity."

For a second Raynor raised his eyebrow when he heard that. Does he have diplomatic immunity? 

'So this is how are they dealing with me? Interesting…'

"Oh? Whoever told you that I am not 'royal'? I have been called 'Lord' and 'His Highness' a few times in this place. It's not a hidden thing. My girls can't get over their old habits…" As he said that he looked at Ena. Who smiled back at him.

"Ena won't go to apologise for saying the truth." The girl explained herself.

"...You are from Europe and in Europe Monarchy is symbolic at best." She said that quite firmly believed in her knowledge.

"Indeed it is. But, this is just what is revealed to the general public. The Order which I originated from has been around for hundreds of years and we have a large say in what is happening in Italy. Not to mention my Lord's authority makes my Orders look insignificant." Erica said with quite an arrogant tone. 

This girl is smart but she is books smart and books are what the authors make them. 

"...I see… so what are you want from Japan? Pushing such influence on the country?" 


"You looking at this backwards. My Lord isn't the one who decided to come here. It's the country which invited him." 

Yukino's eyes widened to a huge degree. Her Country has invited someone who can… mess with the Economy and people's rights however he pleases!?

This…doesn't make any sort of sense!

What can he offer to the government for this!?

"Indeed. What Erica has said. I was invited here less than a week ago. However. I suppose we should talk about you. I never guessed that my club president is a cute and beautiful ice queen."

The girl in question snapped out and looked at him with a frown. From the looks of it, she wanted to snap at him which only made Raynor see more through her.

"I would prefer it if you call me by my name."

"Very well. Then I shall call you Yukino." He said that with a smile.

"We are not that close so you could call me by my given name." 

This time he looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"You just said to call you by your name. So I did that. Now you saying that I should not call you that?"

"Well, I can always call you ice queen." He said with a smile which made her annoyed quite a bit.

"...No… *Sigh* In Japanese culture people only call by first name basis when they are close. And we just met, this means you should only call me by my family name." She explained something he knew ages ago. But, he is messing with her here. It is amusing to make her little by little start losing her temper.

"But of course. So is it going to Yukinoshita-chan or -tan?"

This time her eyebrow twitched a couple of times.

"No… it's neither of those. You should call me 'san'." She said that sharply.

"Hmm, I will think about it. So, what do we do here? We wait for people or do we have some sort…other ways to do it?"

Yukino sighed in annoyance. This might going to be difficult 


The black-haired girl is curious, very curious. What Valeron said to her made no sense. She has never heard about someone so influential that the whole nation will squirm under him.

This was not ancient times where one person holds ultimate power. Those times ended long ago.

Or… not… Right in front of her is sitting one such person who has her whole Nation under his thumb.

She has no idea what he might do. But, Hiratsuka sensei told her to be extra careful.

Snapping at him as she usually does might make him angry and she has no idea what he is capable of…

However, for the next half an hour nothing has happened. He didn't abuse his standing or authority. All he did was spend time with his blonde girl…

Which is quite shameless in her opinion.

Then however she saw something utterly mind-boggling… the other girl… she is into this as well!?

As in… he has two girlfriends!?

…a Harem!?

'I need to get out of here!'

Thankfully… the whole shameless act ended as they started talking again…

The theme of the conversation was quite… fascinating…

"...Wait! so to become a Grant Knight you had to enter a catacombs in Florence?"

"Yes. Two swords were left behind there for us to find. I and my rival by the name Liliana entered that place together when we were 12."


'Twelve? They explored catacombs at age 12!? What are these people!? This girl is mad!'

"Nice. So you got that red and silver sword what did your rival get?"

" A sabre by the name 'II Maestro' is quite a fitting name for someone who likes steamy romance novels."


"Does it leans towards music as in Maestro? Or does it mean something else?"

"It is. A direct translation would be The Master." The blonde girl said with confidence.

'These people… this school is not a place for them. They are too different…' 

Yukino thought to herself. Where she worries about her grades these people practise fighting and going on crazy adventures.

But… for what? Why train to fight? There is a threat of some sort? She can understand it as a hobby. She knows kendo exists. But it's a fight with bamboo swords. Or fencing which is quite a famous sport for the richer people.

But going to catacombs to find real weapons. That sounds reckless…

"Well, it appears the club time is over. We can go home."

"Sure thing Yukino-chan."

The black-haired girl's eyebrow twitched. 

'Control yourself! Don't snap!'

"As I said—"

"Yes. I know. And I will call you by your name because it suits you much better." He said with a smirk.

This made Yukino take a deep breath. To calm herself. Before she spoke to him again.

"Fine. You can call me by my name. Just keep it to the minimum."

"Why? I find it nice and it suits you. Your parents choose a very suitable name. So I don't see any other reason why I should call you differently."

The girl rolled her eyes at him before. Speaking again.

"It's not… *Sigh* forget about it. Just call me by my name."

She realised that it was pointless to argue with someone like that. The guy sounds very much unreasonable as it is.

"Wise choice. Arguing with him is pointless. We took flights to Japan according to how he wanted, not which route was fastest. Simply put… My Lord gets what he wants. Regardless of the consequences. His diplomatic immunity is the best example."

For a second Yukino gulped down nervously. This could be dangerous!

Thankfully the club time was over and they can finally leave the school!

After dressing up, the girl notices something weird. These three… have no jackets or anything like that! And it's quite chilly outside!

This somewhat confused her. She could understand some…gloves or scarf but neither of them had anything!

'Is this a European thing?'

The girl's eyes for a second stayed on the other Japanese in the club room she had nothing extra either…

What is going on!?


For advanced chapters my pat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics


Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics