
A Godslayer in a School

One of my stories from my Discord, it's time to bring some of them over to Webnovel! This one is a Teen Weeb and a History nerd who ends up killing a God-King and acquires his Authorities. What does he do with them? He abuses them! It's loosely Campione world (Supernatural) x with some slice-of-life animes like Oreigaru (regular world) ------- Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics my pat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics

Dragon15681 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Returning to School

(1 out of 2 chapters this week)

Raynor looked through the window as he saw clouds slowly moving underneath them. The group was back in the private jet which is taking them back to Japan.

As he was looking through the window he stroked the fur of his new pet. He left India with some souvenirs, one of them being a Bengal Tiger cub.

"Do Heretic Gods descend just like that? Out of nowhere?" The Storm King asked his blonde girlfriend.

Erica who was using his shoulder like a pillow opened her eyes and proceeded to explain.

"They are as random as they get. Artemis descended into a zoo without any sort of warning. Same with Zeus and his brother Poseidon.

However, this allows a certain amount of idea of what the god is."

She said to him with a lazy tone. 

"I suppose, She is a huntress so she will descend where there is enough prey."

"Exactly, a Sea God would descend close to a coastline. Only someone like Zeus who is the God of Skies could appear anywhere."

"Exactly, and your newest Authority was even more predictable. The God you slayed felt threatened by the Godslayer who had a Goddess as support. You just became an even greater magnet for Heretic Gods to descend."

Truthfully Erica was quite excited about this part as her boyfriend is the best person to be recorded as he could potentially slay a large amount of Heretic Gods!

"Waghoba is an extremely minor tribal god related to big cats. It descended the moment you arrived at the tiger reserve."

"So I only need to visit some somewhat revered places and a Heretic God can descend?"

"...possible, think of this like your video games. The percentage went up for that loot drop."

"...Ah, like a passive buff, for greater loot." He nodded at her with a realising look.

"So if I am to get more Greek Goddesses the chances will increase even further?" Raynor said with a slightly scheming look.

"That's a possibility. Though I am not certain. Your authorities are something never recorded before and each Campione is as different as they can get." Erica said with a somewhat nervous voice. She doesn't want to get into fights with the armies of Heretic Gods. There is a limit to her excitement after all.

Through that moment blue particles gathered and just like that Athena was sitting on Raynor's lap, and the tiger cub was sitting on her lap.

"...What you are thinking is correct. A God attracts another God's attention. Even more so than Godslayer.

We Gods, see Godslayers as brats and thieves. Not everyone wants to descend and attack one. But if a God enters another God's territory now that's a different tale." She said with a gleam in her eyes.

Just like Erica, she wants to see her 'Chief God' kill a couple of gods to become stronger than ever before.

"...Then there is a much bigger chance for one descend now?"

"That is correct. Though it's not as simple. A God won't simply just descend. It would descend if it feels that its authority is challenged.

I would personally descend if someone tries to pretend to be better at something in which domain I have off." Athena explained as she was stroking the fur of the tiger at the same time she was leaning in Raynor without any sort of warning or ceremony.

The Goddess simply knows he likes her so she is abusing that.

Simple and direct.

"...Like that recording where you turned a woman into a spider after losing in a crafting competition?"

For a moment the Goddess frowned but then she nodded.

"A variation, but yes that would work."

Erica nodded, a fascinating experience, she never had a proper conversation with not a mad God before. 

While Raynor is thinking about how to grow in power from this conversation.


As the group returned to Japan, they were taken to their house.

Well, Yukino is still living in her flat while Raynor was with three girls already.

And well, he still needs to somehow explain to his parents that he has four girlfriends…

Something he needs to explain one way or another.

Regardless he was finally in his bed and ready to get over that jet lag.

When morning arrived…

"...RAYNOR! WHY THERE IS A TIGER CUB IN THE KITCHEN!?" Raynor's mother practically screamed first thing in the morning.

The Storm King's eyes fluttered open. He looked sleepy for a second.

"...why such a scream first thing in the morning," Erica said with a lazy tone.

"...I think mom is back from dad's office…" 

"...Ugh… it's your tiger…so you explain…" As Erica said she turned on the other side and continued to sleep.

"...lazy bum, fine." He sighed, and decided to get up from his bed not that it was needed as his mother ran into his room.

"Ray! Explain! Now! Why is there a tiger in the kitchen and where did you get those two Ferraris parked in the driveway!?"

"...Ugh…well the cars are gifts from Ferrari? I went there with Erica and the girls." 

"... 'girls'?"

"I guess natural charm?"

"...Right… and the tiger, Ray?" She asked him with crossed arms.

"...a gift from India? I got some tea as well." Raynor smiled at her, as if telling her to forget about the house pet he brought.

"...Ray, that's a tiger, not a house pet."

"But it is! Check! I already trained him!" Raynor swiftly left the room, leaving his mother and Erica alone.

"...Erica, is it true? There are other girls'?"

Lazily the blonde turned around and looked at her.

"It's fine. They still need to work on trying to catch up to me."

"...Good. And the tiger?"

"I don't think you will be able to persuade him to return the tiger. He is seriously obsessed with it." Erica said that with a resigned sigh.

"But it's a dangerous predator, and what about the government? There should be laws against it."

This was true. In Japan, one can't have a tiger in any shape or form in a house. The only place one could see one is a Zoo.

"... It's fine, all the paperwork has been done yesterday. Ray can keep it."


"That boy… I need to call."

That moment she left and just seconds later Raynor returned with his new pet.

"...Hmm? What the!? Mom! I want to show you a few tricks!"

Erica snorted seeing that Ray was holding his tiger and used one of the big cat's pawns to wave at his mother but she was already gone.

"Well, whatever, we will be napping until midday!"

~~~~~~Next Day, Back to School~~~~~~

The teachers like usual have a meeting first thing in the morning at the beginning of the week. This time the principal was at the helm.

He had documents ready in front of him. Another transfer student.

Once again, it was because of Raynor Valeron, the mysterious foreigner.

He has brought another girl with him.

"Another knight. Is he serious? This one has the double nationality of Croatian and Italian, versed in 7 languages, including Latin and Chinese Mandarin. She practises archery, fencing, and Acrobatics, the list just goes on and on." The modern Japanese teacher said with a frown. She is humbled by these extremely talented girls. Like what the hell!? With such a line-up of skills, you could be representing one's nation in the Olympics or something like that. 

But instead, this girl ends up as some harem member of some rich brat.

"Hiratsuka-san she will be in your class."

Hiratsuka Shizuka sighed as she rubbed her forehead. This girl transferred without any sort of entry exams. In the most literal sense, she is VIP.

"Fine. I understand. Shouldn't…I don't know, transfer Valeron-san to Yukinoshita's class. To keep them all together?" Hiratsuka suggested. The teacher is feeling somewhat responsible for putting the girl on the path of this guy. Now she is part of his harem.

"Possible, though her class is for everyone who scored above 90% and by Valeron-san's request we are making sure he gets what he wants. And he wants an authentic experience where we don't assist him with extra." The principal explained what the Minister of Education said to him over the phone.

"...I understand."

The teacher looked at the file one more time, he never saw someone with authentic silver-white hair like that and blue eyes.

This girl is like a fairy.

'I wonder what your story is Liliana Kranjcar?' 


Hikigaya Hachiman looked at the new transfer student with disbelief. Like isn't this like a fourth person in just two months?

"Hello everyone, my name is Liliana Kranjcar, I am Raynor Valeron's Knight, please take care of me." The girl spoke in perfect Japanese and she did a proper bow. 

'Of course, it's Valeron's knight. The guy goes away in the middle of the school year abroad for a whole week and brings back another knight. 

What's with this light novel plot!?'

The more Hikigaya thought about this the more this sounded like Raynor Valeron lives a light novel life.

'Does this make me his faceless friend he speaks to from time to time?'

The weeb thought about this for a bit. It did make some sense to him.

"Does anyone have some questions for Kranjcar-san?"

One of the girls swiftly raised her hand.


"...Um, are you part of Valeron-san Harem!?" She asked with utter curiosity.



Liliana answered with an extremely straight face, her answer turned the class stiff, in the most literal sense.

While Hikigaya Hachiman was baffled by this! This girl is so– A light novel character!

"...Hmm, how does that even work?"

The girl asked the knight girl.

This question however has confused the Silver white haired girl.

She didn't understand it.

"...He is my Lord and I am his knight. I am honoured to be one of his girlfriends." Liliana Kranjcar said with a serious nod.

"...But—this is—" Now the girl was confused.

'This is like how people from two different worlds interact for the first time. What an interesting development I should be excited about but for some reason, it feels like a drag.'

"Enough of questions. Kranjcar take your seat."

"Yes, Sensei."

Hikigaya Hachiman followed the girl for a bit, she said something to the girl sitting next to Raynor Valeron. The girl instantly moved to the other seat.

This is scary, to say the least. One wouldn't want to anger a literal knight. But this girl only needed to say a few words and the girl scrambled to change her seat.

'Yep, and if I am a betting man she will be part of the club.'

That much was obvious, as the moment classes were over. This was amusing on its own as even if Valeron didn't participate the whole last week… he still somehow guessed all the questions right! 

The guy was either extremely lucky or he pretended not to know and made Hiratsuka-sensei question him just to mess with her.

Either way, it was an interesting first period.

But now it was time for after-class activities.

"So how was the first day~? Yukino-chan?" Raynor asked Yukinoshita , who was already in her spot, drinking tea.

Hikigaya Hackiman was already at his corner drinking his tea and reading his manga, however, it is hard to ignore how the guy is teasing the ice Queen.

"You do realise that I spent the whole day yesterday catching up!?"

"So I guess you were just that excited to return to the classes." The guy sagely nodded before showing a smirk.

"We should do this more often. Maybe next time we should fly to Amazon to look for Anacondas!

Imagine if we find something like Titanoboa!" Raynor exclaimed with a wishful look.


"Isn't that an extinct snake who was as big as a truck or something?" Hachiman said with a confused look.

"Yeah! Exactly! It was one of those mega animals from a few million ago. Regardless, my idea is to check out the tropics!"

"Ugh…fine…I will go but not to Amazon!" 

Did she cave in? Though…wait she was away for a whole week with him? Damn, he works quickly!


For advanced chapters (+8 chapters) mypat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics


Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics


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