
A Godslayer in a School

One of my stories from my Discord, it's time to bring some of them over to Webnovel! This one is a Teen Weeb and a History nerd who ends up killing a God-King and acquires his Authorities. What does he do with them? He abuses them! It's loosely Campione world (Supernatural) x with some slice-of-life animes like Oreigaru (regular world) ------- Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics my pat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics

Dragon15681 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

More Norse are Coming

"Children! Are you okay!?" Raynor's father rushed into his son's room.

What they found was Raynor sleeping while hugging Ena. At the same time, other girls were still cleaning the room.

"It's fine. We were nowhere near the windows or anything sharp." Erica swiftly intercepted and started to calm down the adults.

"And Ray? Why is he sleeping? It's still early! He should help you, girls!"

"It's fine. He helped with heavy lifting, and now the jet lag has caught up." The Blonde Knight was covering for her boyfriend.

"I see. Anyway, we are going to figure out what all of it was. It looks like a meteorite hit the forest." Raynor's dad quickly caved in as he was more interested in the incident than wondering why his son was sleeping. There were a bunch of things they still needed to do.

Like cleaning the house. Buying some food, then relatives coming over and all that stuff.

Regardless, they were left alone. They didn't even realise that Liliana was not around. The silver-haired witch was dealing with the fallout after the fight with the heretic gods was over.

"Phew. He is gone. That was close. Did you hide that sword?" Erica asked Yukino, who was standing at the back of the room.

"If fine. But this thing is heavy. Even with all the perks I have." The black-haired girl said with a sigh.

"It's crystalised Authority. What you are looking at is Balmung. Siegfried or Sigurd wielded this legendary sword. Depending on myth. The only reason we could even touch it is because of the Court's abilities."

'But then again. Why can we touch, and why can we still use our abilities? Raynor already used the one-day limit to discern Sigurd, according to him. Athena is out, but not our powers?

Does it work similarly to the hive mind? Will he get stronger if he has more Goddesses and people?'

Erica concluded that any court would be better with more people. That is the usual common sense.

Yet, on the other hand, a big court means more mess and confusion. It becomes a bureaucracy.

But this is not a court in the real sense but the authority of a god.

"I know that. But still." Yukino sighed and looked at Ena, whom Raynor was cuddling in his sleep.

She is slightly jealous. The moment Storm King returned home, he grabbed the closest girl and went to sleep while hugging her. That girl was Ena.

"Yes. It appears Raynor is growing in strength at a rapid pace." Erica offhandedly commented. Even by Godslayer standards, he is rapidly growing in power.

Not counting Zeus and Athena, he killed five gods. That makes him an experienced and quite deadly Godslayer.

"You sound concerned?"

"...Not concerned, more like— intrigued. Ray's Heretic God kill count is higher than most current Godslayers." The blonde said with a small but very proud smile.

"I see."

"Yes. We might be living in fascinating times."

Yukino didn't know what to say to that.

Instead, she looked around. She could feel this nagging feeling. So she went over to inspect.

After a moment, she pulled something from between a wall and furniture.

"...Hmm, is that coin?"

Once she got it in her hands. The girl inspected it.

"That's just ten euro coins," Erica said with a lazy shrug.

"Yes, but I had this urge. Like an instinct to look there." The girl explained with a weirded-out look.

"Oh, I see. So that's what he got. Fascinating ability." The blonde realised what kind of authority he earned from the dragon.

"Money sensing?"

"Yes, Fafnir is infamous for his hoarding. And now we have that ability. From the looks of it, this ability is like a sixth sense for money and gold." The blonde knight reasoned after hearing what Yukino said.

"I see. Well, this could be useful if we need money."

"No doubt. But that is not all."

Erica said with a pondering look as her gaze went to Raynor. She knows he has two powers with each authority and knows the legend of Fafnir.

'Can he turn people into gold statues? That is a possibility.'


"Hnnn~" The Storm King rubbed his head into the warm source.

After a few moments, he opened his eyes. A pair of red eyes greeted him.

"Oh, my beautiful Ena is my heat source. That is wonderful." As he said that, he pulled her closer and hugged her properly now.

"Is Ena's Lord fully rested now?" She asked with a curious tone. The girl was enjoying this close proximity.

"I guess I am fully recharged, but half of my authorities are still sealed," Raynor commented while he closed his eyes for a second. Having a feel for his 'Olympus' portion of it is dark, like a city which lost electricity in certain areas.

"That's because 24 hours have not passed yet." Hime-Miko explained to him.

"I thought so. I don't sleep for 24 hours." He joked before starting to cuddle with the beauty.

Ena smiled a bit when she noticed that her Lord was interested in her.

"You know. Ena doesn't mind a kiss or two~" The Black-haired girl said with a slight, suggestive tone.

"Indeed. I need to recharge those batteries~" He leaned forward and kissed the beauty in his hands.

For a few minutes, the pair kissed; their tongues started to wrestle for a bit before pulling back.

"Is Ena helping with recovery?" The beauty asked with a soft voice. She placed her head on his shoulder.

"Yes, I can feel the energy flowing~" He flirted.

Sadly, their cuddling time was cut short as Yukino entered the room.

"Oh, you're finally up." She sighed with relief.

"Yes. Though my authorities are still sealed."

"They should be; it's still the same day." She pointed to the window. It was getting dark; he was asleep for several hours only.

"I see. Do you want me to help with anything?" Storm King slowly got up from the bed. Ena slowly followed after him.

"Hmm, I think your father wants some firewood," Yukino told him what his father said to her.

"Sure. I can swing that axe." With a nod, he walked over to her.

She looked at him, waiting. Why did he get so close all of a sudden?



"What do you mean 'what'? My morning kiss~" Raynor complained to his black-haired girlfriend.

Yukino rolled her eyes when she heard that, as if it was morning!

"Ena can give you another kiss~"


"Hold it!"

'I know I am falling into a trap, but damn it all!' The black-haired girl was feeling jealous about that cuddly time. But she won't admit it after she is very dutiful. But this is getting too much!

After cornering herself into a corner, Yukino went over and kissed Raynor on the lips before leaving the room. She was too embarrassed to stay for longer.

Once she left, Ena spoke.

"Ena helped you; Ena requests another kiss~," She said while leaning into his shoulder.

"It appears my Miko is becoming greedy~" Even when he said he pulled her into a kiss.


The Storm King left the house and walked to the back of the yard. There was a shed. Once he got there, he started inspecting an array of axes.

'Why grandfather had these many axes…' The Godslayer complained to himself as he was confused about which one to pick.

They all look sharp, they all weigh the same (to him), and they all look fine.

Regardless, he picked the nicest looking and did a couple of swings.

He effortlessly swung the tool.

A small smile appeared on his lips. He remembered struggling with this a while ago before the whole god-slaying business. He used to be a lazy ass.

It would take effort to make him leave his room, but now. He was brimming with energy.

After taking the axe, he walked to the place next to the driveway. It had a bunch of wood and a nice spot under a couple of apple trees.

Without wasting time, he started to chop the wood.

He quickly realised that he was like a machine. Place a block of wood, swing the axe, and nicely cut it in half.


For a second, Raynor stopped and looked around.

"...I felt something."

He then turned to the other side and saw a familiar blonde standing a few steps away.

She was a girl who looked to be in her early twenties.

"...Alice? Can you project yourself this far?" The Storm King looked impressed by her abilities.

"...Good Evening, Storm King." She respectfully bowed to him.

"Evening to you. Don't mind me, I need to release some steam. Godslayer's physique is quite annoying sometimes. I do think it's Zeus' physique which gives me this much energy."

'Probably the reason why he was this horny all the time.'

He said that part to himself.

"Don't worry about me. It is pretty lovely seeing a Godslayer doing such a mundane thing."

"If you say so. So what is the purpose of the visit?" He asked her while continuing to chop.

"Your recent escapade has sent a shockwave."

"...You don't say. I suppose killing two Heretic Gods around the same time had some repercussions." He commented to her.

"Yes. That's the thing. Your—lighthouse ability is quite something." Alice said with a strained smile. She doesn't know how to react to all of that.

Maybe it's a good thing? It takes a long time for gods to descend after they are slain.

"I am here to do my part, as we discussed last time. From my visions, I know that another— Norse being will descend soon. All I can tell from what I saw is that this Heretic God has a longboat.

Maybe some sort of raider or explorer."

"...Huh… you say a raider or Explorer? These kinds of beings probably have unique abilities."

"They do. Don't expect offensive abilities. Not that you lack those. Regardless, I did my part; I will send you a message when he descends properly.

All I ask is to kill this Heretic God first before Alec notices it."

"Heh, sure." Raynor agreed to her basic request.

After saying that, she ceased to exist.

"Damn, this ability of hers is intense. To manifest around three thousand kilometres from her location." He casually commented while ripping a block in half with his bare hands.

"Phew… finally!" Storm King sighed. His gaze went to the side. He was about to pick another, but—


There was nothing there!

"I guess I was done with the most taxing part." The Godslayer then proceeded to collect the firewood and start packing it nicely.

Not that he could do much as it was already dark, and his mother went to look for him.

"Ray! I made some snacks! Get back in; it's already dark."

"...Sure, give me a couple of minutes!"


After evening snacks, Raynor somehow needs to get enough space for his girls. His original place is not meant for a guy who has a harem.

So, after a bunch of arguing and complaining. The whole group decided to make a makeshift bed where they all could fit.

By this point, his parents gave up, persuading them to split up and sleep in separate rooms.

That is why they all sleep on the ground in a sea of blankets.

"So Alice visited me like a couple of hours ago," Raynor mentioned the visit he got.

"She did?" Erica lifted her head and looked at him.

"Alice?" Yukino looked curious as well.

"She is like super Hime-Miko, who can project herself from a massive distance." Raynor roughly explained who she was.

"And what did she say?"

"Another Heretic will descend around Scandinavia."

"...A-Again? But why so often!?" Yukino asked.

"Because of my double kill and God Kings, I

killed in this place," Raynor said with a sigh.

"But from what she said, it's not a normal warmongering god, but a Viking or some sort of explorer. I expect another Steel God."

"...Viking Explorer? There are a few of those. Invading Russia, invading England or even sailing to Constantinople or finding America, there are a bunch!" Erica said with a pondering look.

Regardless, Raynor is tired of this thinking. Since beauties surround him, it is time to cuddle!

"Yeah, whatever! Time to cuddle!"


For advanced chapters (+11 chapters) mypat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics


Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics


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