
A God Unknown

It was 700 years ago when war struck out. A monster crushing the world as it was nothing. People tried to escape but most failed miserably. As people gave up faith a man approached it. People saw but could not do a thing. People yelled and called him crazy and said to run away. He turned to them and said "This is a duty that I have. As a citizen you must escape and live now run" They tried to run but only a walk that can only be described as a speed walk came from there legs, holding children and even family members. The gian beast went after a family of 12, his hand in a fist it slammed it down. The brave man ran to the family and stopped the fist barehanded. The family was in shock, but they didnt have time to worry they just ran. The man just laughed and said "long time no see Asmodeus". The beast named Asmodeus yelled a judgemental yell. Asmodeus looked up and created a ball and shot it up. Not long after it came down about to blow the world up. The man took out a sword that could only be described as a large knife but in the area of a sword. He points the sword at the ball now only 200 meters in the air. He looks and says "destroy". The ball is demolished and all Asmodeus could say was "damn you Erebus". The man now named Erebus jumped up above the giant demon and lifts his hand up and swipes down killing Asmodeus.

Erebus was now considered a god and eventually died 80 years later. Then another person claiming to be the god of the world said his name was Erebus and he was reincarneated. He proved the world that it was him and for 700 years he was reincarnated but he hid himself so no one knew who he was. He said he wanted to live as a normal person while also being the god that everyone knew. This was his 10th life and his purpose for reincarnating was to destroy the demon Asmodeus. He has been reincarnating as well and neither of them could die unless both die together. Asmodeus has not made a mobe for 700 years. He has been gathering his life force and power until he can destroy the world. This was the time of destruction and the only one to lead them is the god of deep darkness ,Erebus.

Side Note:


the greek god of darkness


One of the seven princes of hell who is reponsible for one of the seven deadly sins, lust, sexuality