
13: Family Reunion

An eerie silence hung in the air of the forested mountain. It was abnormal for such a lush landscape usually filled with the chirps of birds, cricket's buzzing, and the gusts of wind rustling against the verdant green leaves.

It was too silent as if someone had intentionally veiled this very land in a shroud of quietude. However, then with a supernatural subtlety, a group of vastly different animals went through the enigmatic mist.

They banished the silence. A majestic eagle flapped his wings with such a strength that one could see small tornadoes forming themselves, while the hooves of a horse hit the ground in rhythmic patterns that seemed to influence one's heartbeat akin to thunder on the damp earth.

The small group arrived at a cave, which shimmered with a reposing light. The cave was neither too dim nor too light, for a barrier seemingly made out of leaves filtered the very light coming from the sun.

The owners of this strange abode must have been very vigilant as they did not even trust the sun. It which is said to be the embodiment of goodness and the chaser of darkness.

Betraying the feeble sense of normality lingering around them, the animals morphed into various young-looking beings. They bore ageless visages, deceiving casual observers with their semblance of youth. Some among them were more than a millennia old.

They were Hellenic Gods, wielding a power mortal could not hope to defy.

One of them cast a disappointed gaze upon the cave. "I was hoping for something more elegant compared to…this"

"I know. I've been saying this to Metis for decades, but she never listened. She's weird. But you'll notice that right away anyway." chimed in the former eagle.

"Who is sh-...she?" a woman with purple hair and pink eyes froze at the sight of another woman in front of them.

Hera, who had always taken pride in her own beauty, felt a tang of envy at the woman.

The newcomer was the epitome of regal grace. She possessed long, obsidian, jet-black hair that was both immaculately straight yet also cascaded along her body akin to sinuous waves. Her eyes which were of a golden color hid an entrancing luster. On her porcelain skin, which seemed so frail it would shatter at the mere contact of wind, was a black and gold chiton that meandered her form as if it were a piece of art. A gray cloak draped her shoulders and trailed behind her, accentuating her royalty.

However, what truly made Hera jealous was not her beauty but how she moved. Every one of her movements was gracefully executed as if the ostentatious moon guided her. She was the frail-looking queen every king would wish to protect.

Hera wanted to be like her.

However, interrupting her trail of reverie, the regal woman spoke, "Welcome home, my children" Even her voice was beautiful. It was high-pitched, spoken in a singsong, almost sounding like the shimmering, peaceful night itself.

"M-Mom?" she faltered, emotions boiling inside her heart.

"Yes, it's me, dear" responded Rhea, a graceful smile on her pale lips. She quickly walked toward her children, who were almost all frozen in shock, and tightly hugged them. "I am sorry for not having been here for you. But now I will always be there." Warm tears of joy, akin to crystals trickled down her cheeks.

"Mom!" exclaimed Hestia, the face that always brought her hope now stood in front of her. Her flushed skin dampened with joyful tears. Smiles adorned Demeter's and Hera's faces, their hearts lighter than ever. Poseidon, too, smiled, though his was more restrained.

Hades, however, stood frozen in confusion at the intense emotions of his siblings. His memories of hers were almost non-existent, while her face had always been but a blur. Though, slowly, he, too, embraced her, acting like his siblings—or at least trying to.

While the heartwarming reunion unfolded, a mysterious woman silently entered the cave. It was Metis, her hypnotic eyes glanced at each sibling, noting in her head how they reacted.

Minutes elapsed before Rhea noticed Metis and greeted her, a warm smile still gracing her features, while her golden eyes held a hint of red. She then looked at her children, "This is Metis, she will be both your adviser and mentor."

"Adviser for what?" inquired Hestia naively. The others looked at her a bit desperate. They knew where this conversation was going and did not like that.

"War, my dear. Kronos won't let you be, so we need to overthrow him," explained Rhea, her voice turning cold at the mention of her husband.

"Wh—" As Hestia was about to say something Zeus interrupted her with an indignant expression. "Mentor? What can she possibly teach me? I am obviously stronger than her."

"Zeus…" Rhea sighed, "Metis is—" however, Metis interrupted her, raising a calming hand. "Let him be, for now at least. There is a feast ready, let's not ruin the mood," she said in a seemingly unaffected voice.

"You're right" whispered Rhea, her joy rekindled. "Come on!" she said, excitedly, waving her hand toward a large gate that stood deeper in the cave. The gate was thick and made from pure gold. The large, round doorknob was white and surrounded by many decorations of the same color.

Even though the door seemed extremely heavy, Rhea easily pushed it wide open. No matter how frail she looked, she was still one of the original twelve Titans who were the direct children of two Primordials.

As she gazed upon the interior, Demeter gasped in awe. For her who had known only the grim confines of Kronos' stomach, this sight was paradise. It was simplistic with a large wooden table dominating the room. The floor was made from carved stone. While on the vast table, silver cutlery reflected the intricate grayish roof.

Rhea chuckled at Demeter's amazement. "This is one of the most simplistic rooms but it's quite comfortable to live in."

And while his sisters marveled at the room, Poseidon's eyes were fixated on the banquet that awaited them. A panoply of culinary delights were set on the various plates. It was going to be a feast.

One which Poseidon would remember and cherish all his life. It was what birthed his love for food.


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