

In a magical world where naming a monster makes them evolve, a women is kidnapped by goblins. She's then taken to the goblins nest, rapped, tourched abd forced to bare a child, the women gives birth to a girl. But instead of hating the child she was forced to bare the women names her: Delia then glowed in a golden colour. Then some adventures show up and saved the women but she died immediately after giving one of the adventures a message: "Please take care of my daughter please, for my sake.'' Then later Delia is betrayed. Watch delia vonsfield as she searches for happiness in a world fulled with betrayal and heart breaking moments. The wallpaper isn't mine if the creator or owner want me to take it out please contact: +933676207 from Angola. If number isnt reachable please comment in comments i always check the comments. support for other light-novel like this!

countless_writings · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Kidnapping (2)

The moment Didi saw the goblins in her range of view, she rushed forward towards the jumping goblins and using her Corliptus that was glowing in pure white aura she swiftly sliced about 5 to 9 goblin heads in a single vertical movement showing her swordsmanship skill. She moved swiftly with purpose and she avoided unnecessary movement's didi moved around the whole field, dodging and cutting down goblins.

Just as Didi was about to finish off the remaining normal goblins the Paladin goblin tried to cut her head off but didi didn't even budge an inch and when the sword came plunging down it didn't even come close to her because the aura itself was so dense that the sword immediately shattered upon impact and to before the Paladin goblin could react to anything he's head rolled off his body the slice was so perfect and fast that blood didn't ooze or blurst out, the head continued to roll till it stopped at didi's feet. Didi stomped on the paladins head and with a piercing gaze she gazed upon all the remaining goblins and when all the goblins and that included the 2-hob goblins felt an overwhelming killing intent that covered them with sweat from head to bottom and without them realising their own body's instinctively made them step back a bit.

But something felt wrong and it didn't take long for didi to realise it because she heard tom's and his sisters horrified screams from a far. Using her senses to the fullest Didi saw from afar that three normal goblins attacking tom and Brittney but she also saw that whiles still holding his sisters hand tom was weirdly and somewhat skillfully dodging each goblins attack and he and his sister continuesly running for the town.

But didi knew that sooner or later tom's luck was going to run out and the goblin's would catch up to them, so she now had to finish this fight quickly so she looked seriously at the goblins that surrounded her and with a focused and piercing gaze she summoned her Corliptus but this time instead of two arm's that the usual Corliptus had she added two extra arms in which resulted the Corliptus to have four arms and each hand wielded different weapons the 2 upper arms each had long-swords and the lower arms each had spears and each and every weapon was made out of pure white aura.

Didi whiles inside of the Corliptus took a lowering stance and with a powerful leap she rocketed herself towards the goblins and within seconds she was already past them through like a ghost fazing through a solid wall, she then stood up abruptly and she dashed once more but this time towards tom and Brittney's and just as she left countless of slash marks appeared all over the goblins bodies and they all slumped to the ground motionless.

Didi realizing that at her current speed she'll reach the kids a bit to late retreated all her aura back into her body then she refocused all her aura in her own flesh itself so she densitized her aura to it's max, the giant aura that surdidi whole body shrienked in size and rapped itself around Didi up like a soft blanket then pure white armour ade out of aura was worn by didi within seconds.

Didi flexed her legs then she shot herself towards the direction where tom and Brittney where currently running to at triple the speed then before. About 7 to 15 seconds later she came close to reaching them, Didi *sighed* a breath of relief relaxing her body a bit but she soon realised her mistake because the goblins that where Infront of her chasing down tom and Brittney all jumped up high and they all went hurling down in the next second aiming for the two kids heads to knock them out so didi realizing their intent drawed out all of the pure white aura of armour and she once again refocused all to her right hand and in doing so she managed to increase her arms reach.

Didi's hand that were normal human looking took on the shape of a long a d wide monster claw about 5-meters long and with that adjustment didi thrusted her arm forward at the right moment that the goblins vicious attacks would have landed on tom's and Brittney's heads.

CLAAANK!, was the sound of the goblin's clubs connecting with a metallic object, *sigh!* Didi realised a huge sigh of relief forgetting that she was right in the middle of the goblins and before she could realise it her head was struck by a powerful blow that knocked her to the ground impacting the ground hard, but even so didi resolved herself up, blood dropped from her head wound but she didn't care glancing at the direction that the two kids were heading away she saw that tom and Brittney stopped to check on her she gritted her teeth tight and then she yelled to tom: "Go tom! And don't look back just run and relay the mission I gave upon you and in doing that you'll be saving me now, go!,'' she yelled her lungs out with all her strength tom and Brittney hearing her words just turned around crying and the run and run without looking back just as Didi told them to do.

Meanswhile the whole time that Didi yelled out her orders to tom the three remaining normal goblins circled Didi and once Didi made sure that tom and Brittney got away safely her whole attention was now directed to the goblins she held her throbbing wounded head with one hand and once she took a step forward towards the goblins they all instinctively stepped back with fear attached on their green faces, the more steps that Didi took the same amount of steps the goblins took back seeing tbis Didi felt that if she pushed them more they'll retreat back so she once took two more steps forward, but she failed to realise that the previous frightful faces of the three goblins where now full of smirks like they successfully lured their pry.

Didi forget one of the biggest mistakes to make whiles facing a monster with a horde or flock of more then 5 is to never turns your back away from the monster and this tiny bastard's weren't going to miss such a chance but before Didi could turn around she was struck by one of the hob-goblins huge club, her surroundings spun and the next thing she realised she was laying motionless on the ground and before she lost her consciousness she managed to utter: "Sneaky green bastard's...!,'' and she lost herself to unconsciousness and without her realising or noticing the goblins dragged her away to somewhere.

Meanwhile tom and Brittney where relaying didi's order to the towns gate guards, and once they heard the kids part and didi's order they went to the adventures guild for backup.

And when the news of didi's situation was spread the towns peaceful attitude turned to ones of anger and revenge. And the reason why is because in this town Didi was loved by everyone kids, adults, grandparents, and even the adventures guild and the towns lord. And everyone was ready to go out to kill this goblins but one adventuring party asked to be incharge of this and he and his party where given permission because his party where a party of A-ranks the strongest in this town.

Meanwhile Didi tiredly and slowly opened her eye to see that she was being dragged through a forest by her leg, but thanks to the injury on her head she had no choice but to fall on conscious again.

And when she opened up her eyes again she saw herself in a cave that reflected no sunshine or light and the next thing she realised is that her view of looking was low and once she realised this she turned her head to the side to see that was in a weird position her head was laying flat on the hard ground while her lower body part was facing high up and she saw a hob-goblin was holding her ass that was facing at him.

And when she saw a goblin she was about to summon her Corliptus but a sharp pain that she never felt before made her made blank and all she could do was scream like she never did before in her whole life. Even being stabbed with a sword wasn't this bad.

Yes just as you guys were thinking didi just lost her virginity in the worse and most painful way. And thanks to the pain that she never felt before she didn't even think of summoning her Corliptus actually she thinks of nothing all she did was scream her lungs out.

And this continued for 4-days straight without stop because the goblins realised that in her pain she didn't summon her weird thing so their plan was to continuesly rape and torture didi.

Not even 100x a thousands words could describe the thing didi want through four freaking days straight.

sorry for realising ch so late yesterday my house had no power so as an apology I made this chapter longer and yes next chapter the (MC): main character is born delia the half goblin half human!

countless_writingscreators' thoughts