
A goblin spell blade in the world of Goblin slayer

Reborn into the form of a goblin—a strong one yes!, But the stigma of being a goblin follows me . In a world echoing the harsh realities of Goblin Slayer, I navigate its dangers, concealing my hope behind a steel mask and draped in a black cloak. Armed with nothing but a spellbook, the transformation of my character sheet into reality, and a limited understanding of the show observed in passing, I embark on a journey through this Dungeons & Dragons-inspired realm. My survival hinges on creating bonds with Goblin Slayer and the rest of the main cast. As fragile as they may be, these bonds will decide my fate. However, will they endure long enough for me to return home, or will the slip of the mask ruin it all? This is the tale of a Spellblade in another world. This is Dnd inspired, because I have recently gotten into it after my friend bullied me into my first session after like 3 years of no sessions. Art by : Alyskan Find him here: https://www.deviantart.com/alyskan/gallery I'll take it down if asked And the update schedule is aimed to be around 1 to 2 times a week with up to 5

SamuraiSalad · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Session 8

They were able to establish camp just before the sun dipped beneath the cliffside where the flowers flourished. Gohn sat quietly, attending to the fire and preparing a pot of stew, his watchful gaze shifting between the chatting girls of his party.

Meanwhile, Wizard led the conversation, her words flowing with an air of elegance and refinement, while the Priestess listened attentively, her demeanor calm and composed. Wizard spoke with regal pride, her tone elevating whenever the Priestess expressed awe at the fantastical city.

"Is the Sage school that big" Priestess asked

"It indeed boasts grandeur beyond compare," affirmed Wizard, her words dripping with aristocratic charm. "I believe it may surpass Frontiers Town Earth Mother temple in size by sevenfold. I would be most honored to escort you on a tour of the capital and Sage School if you ever find yourself in our nation's heart"

"That sounds lovely," Priestess said cheerfully before clapping her hands together she added" Maybe when we all reach steel or sapphire rank we all go to the Capital to celebrate," she said before turning to Gohn "What do you think mister, do you wanna come along; we can even ask Goblin Slayer if he wants to come," She asked drawing Gohn's attention away from the fire to her

"If we're still a party at that time" John answered reservely

"What do you mean if 'we're still a party at that time' "Priests questioned tilting her head in confusion "You're not planning to disband our party right" Her blue eyes shone through the moonlight giving Gohn a small glare.

Gohn just shrugged at her question and remained silent and didn't answer the question 

"I'm going to go patrol" Gohn got up from the log he was sitting on, he'd rather not be here doing the two's girl talk, sitting quietly and listening to them was just a waste of time it was better to do anything else. 

"Watch the fire for me" Gohn waved goodbye as his form began to meld into the darkness past the forest clearing 

"Why does he have to be so mean" Priestess huffed "Sometimes I think he doesn't want to be around me" she continued as Gohn got farther and farther 

"Why do you persist in keeping company with him?" inquired Wizard, her aristocratic brow furrowed with concern. "What attraction does a Priestess of your standing find in associating with such an eccentric individual?"

"Do you feel indebted to him for his past deeds?" Wizard probed further, her tone laced with genuine curiosity. "Surely, you owe him nothing."

"I do owe him, a lot actually," Priestess said defensively before reeling herself back as she felt herself getting worked up. "He saved me and he even went out of his way to teach me almost everything I know about being adventure and I'm forever grateful for that"

"He's only a porcelain" Wizard stated "What does he know about adventuring" she added disdainfully 

"He might be a porcelain, but I know he'll be a higher rank soon. he's only like that because he just registered but he's way more skilled than his tag would lead on" Priestess said the heat in her voice increasing bit by bit

"I'm sure he'll be a silver rank in no time like Goblin Slayer" Priestess added on

"Who is this Goblin Slayer you speak of? You've mentioned him often, but how can you be so certain of that man's character?" inquired the Wizard, her tone carrying an air of noble curiosity.

"Oh, he's another member of our party. I'll introduce you to him the next time we cross paths," replied Priestess, meeting the Wizard's gaze directly. "While I cannot be certain, I trust in his abilities as an adventurer."

"Why do you persist in defending him?" Wizard questioned, a hint of exasperation tainting her tone.

"Because he's my party member and I will not allow anyone to discredit him" Priestess answered matter of factly

"Very well, I shall reserve my judgment for now. But do enlighten me further about this Goblin Slayer," Wizard inquired further, pondering the nature of someone bearing such a name. She hoped he did not embody the stereotype of a roguish adventurer.

"How is he like?" Wizard questioned, wondering how someone named Goblin Slayer would behave. She hoped he wasn't one of those scoundrel-like adventures.

"I think it would be better for you to meet him" Priestess replied, evading the Wizard's question, uncertain of how to describe Goblin Slayer without influencing her impression of him negatively.

"He must be quite the character if you cannot readily describe him," the Wizard remarked, turning her gaze towards Gohn before leaning in to whisper to Priestess, "Is he as enigmatic as our resident mage?"

"I believe they both possess admirable qualities as adventurers, and I am grateful for the opportunity to journey alongside them," Priestess replied diplomatically.

"But at times, I cannot help but wonder what lies beneath that mask," Priestess admitted, resigned to being one of the few ordinary members of their party.

"Why do you suppose he wears it?" the Wizard inquired curiously. "Do you think he conceals an unsightly visage beneath it?"

Their conversation was interrupted by a sudden sound from above, echoing down from the towering cliff that loomed over their campsite. Both women tensed, their senses heightened as they strained to discern the source of the disturbance in the darkness.

"What do you think it is?" Priestess whispered, her voice tinged with apprehension.

Wizard furrowed her brow, her mind racing through the possibilities. "It's difficult to say," she replied, her tone measured. "But given the hour and our location, it's possible that we have an unwelcome nocturnal visitor."

As they peered into the shadows, the faint glow of the moon provided little illumination, leaving them unable to discern the figure of whatever lurked above. Yet, the sense of unease that settled over them was palpable, tinged with the primal instinct of impending danger.

"I think you may be right," Priestess murmured, her grip tightening on her staff. 

With a determined nod, Wizard rose to her feet, her hands crackling with arcane energy. "I shall cast a wind-blade spell to drive away our unseen foe," she declared, her voice resolute as she began chanting 

"In the tempest's howl, our power shall rise,

With the breath of air, our foes' demise.

Gather the gales, let the storm's fury flow,

With the whispering wind, our enemies shall know.

Wind Blade, Wind Blade, swift and keen,

Unleash your might, let the skies intervene.

Slicing through the air, with force untamed,

In the name of the winds, our victory was proclaimed.

By zephyrs' dance and cyclones' might,

We harness the breeze, in the heat of the fight.

With every gust, our strength combined,

In the realm of the air, our prowess is defined.

So let the winds carry our chant on high,

As the Wind Blade soars, in the boundless sky.

In the breath of the storm, our magic unfurled,

With the song of the wind, we reshape the world."

Drawing upon her magical prowess, the Wizard unleashed the spell, a blade of swirling wind slicing through the darkness toward the cliff above from her staff. A sharp whistle was heard through the area as the wind blade flew swiftly towards whatever made the sound but in the dim moonlight, Wizard's aim faltered, and the spell missed its mark. The powerful wind blade struck the cliffside with a resounding impact, sending rocks and rubble tumbling down in a cascading avalanche toward their campsite below.

With a cry of alarm, the Wizard and Priestess leaped to their feet, scrambling to evade the falling debris. As the earth trembled beneath them, they could only hope to weather the onslaught and emerge unscathed from the unexpected peril that had befallen them in the dead of night.

As Gohn patrolled the perimeter of the camp, his keen ears caught the distant rumble of falling rocks. Frowning, he quickened his pace, his senses on high alert as he approached the source of the commotion.

"What the hell happened?" he muttered to himself, his brow furrowing in confusion. "And how did the cliff collapse within the twenty minutes that I was gone?" He questioned out loud as he saw the missing portion of the cliff from a distance 

As he drew nearer to the campsite, the sound of multiple dire wolves howling in the distance reached his ears. Instinctively, he reached for his sword, his grip tightening on the hilt as he prepared for the worst. 

That rock fall most likely woke up any creatures within the general area,Gohn knew they would have to relocate quickly lest they become monster chow.

With cautious steps, Gohn emerged from the cover of the trees, his eyes scanning the scene before him. The campsite lay in disarray, debris scattered haphazardly across the ground and the air thick with the scent of dust and dirt. And worse of all the stew that he spent so long preparing was buried beneath the rubble.

"What in the world..." John's voice trailed off as he took in the sight before him, his mind racing to make sense of the chaos.

And then, as if in response to his unspoken question, the distant howls of the dire wolves grew louder, their eerie cries echoing through the night like a harbinger of doom.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, Gohn turned back towards the camp, his heart pounding in his chest as he braced himself for whatever dangers lay ahead. Whatever had caused the avalanche, it was clear that their troubles were far from over. He was ready to put a knife through whatever destroyed his soup's throat. 

His eyes scanned the area looking for Priestess and Wizard making sure they weren't buried; after a brief scan of the area, his eyes landed on the forms of the two girls taking cover behind some trees.

Gohn's eyes narrowed as he approached Priestess and Wizard, his expression a mix of confusion and concern. "What happened?" he demanded, his voice firm with urgency. "Do you two know what caused this"

Priestess opened her mouth to respond, but before she could utter a word, Wizard stepped forward, her demeanor suddenly composed and regal. "It was merely an unfortunate natural occurrence," she said smoothly, her voice laced with an elegant charm as she tried to deflect Gohn's inquiry.

But Priestess, feeling the weight of guilt pressing down on her, hesitated, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Actually,. it was us," she admitted reluctantly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Wizard shot Priestess a warning glance, her eyes narrowing in frustration. "Nonsense, Priestess," she interjected quickly, her tone firm and commanding. "We had nothing to do with it. It must have been a seismic shift or something of that nature."

Gohn regarded them both with a skeptical gaze, his instincts telling him that there was more to the story than they were letting on. "Are you sure about that?" he pressed, his voice tinged with suspicion.

But before either of them could respond, the distant howls of the dire wolves echoed through the night, a grim reminder of the dangers lurking in the darkness beyond their camp. With a heavy sigh, Gohn shook his head, knowing that there would be time enough to interrogate them later but for now, they had more pressing concerns to attend to.

Gohn's expression hardened as he listened to the distant howls. "We need to move, now," he urged, his voice urgent. "The entire forest is probably running towards us right now."

Priestess and Wizard nodded in agreement, their faces etched with concern as they scrambled to gather what few belongings they could salvage from the wreckage of their campsite. The air was thick with tension as they hurriedly packed their bags, their movements swift and frantic in the dim moonlight.

"Where will we go," Priestess said, her voice tinged with fear as she glanced nervously at the surrounding trees. 

Wizard nodded, her eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of movement. She replied while she tried to steady her voice despite the rising panic in her chest. "Let's head deeper into the woods. Hopefully, we can find some shelter before those wolves catch up to us maybe a cave "

With their belongings hastily gathered, the trio set off into the night, their footsteps quick and purposeful as they navigated through the dense undergrowth. The forest seemed to close in around them, the branches clawing at their clothes as they pushed forward, their hearts pounding in their chests.

As they ran, the sound of the wolves grew closer, their howls echoing through the trees like a harbinger of doom. Priestess stumbled over a root, her breath catching in her throat as she struggled to regain her footing. "We have to keep moving," she gasped, her voice strained with exertion.

Gohn reached out a hand to help her up "We can't stop now," He said plainly. "We need to put as much distance between us and those wolves as possible."

But their efforts were in vain, for as they emerged into a small clearing, they found themselves face to face with the hungry pack. The wolves were lean and gaunt, their ribs visible beneath their matted fur as they advanced on the group with predatory intent. There were at least a dozen of them this was going to be a challenging fight but not an impossible one. From how frail the wolves looked they already had a foot in the grave.

Gohn cursed under his breath, his hand instinctively reaching for his swords as he positioned himself between his companions and the encroaching predators. "Stay behind me," he warned, his voice low and steady as he prepared to defend them against the ravenous beasts. " Priestess run into the forest and cast light if you can" Gohn called out "Keep your distance and use me as a distraction if you must" He added on

With nowhere left to run, they had to stand their ground, Priestess and Wizards' hearts pounded in their chests as they braced themselves for the inevitable confrontation. In the darkness of the forest, surrounded by hungry wolves, their survival hung in the balance, their only hope resting on their ability to stand together against the relentless tide of hunger and desperation.

As the pack of starving wolves closed in on them, Gohn's senses sharpened, his muscles tensing in anticipation of the impending battle. The moonlight cast eerie shadows across the forest floor, illuminating the glint of hunger in the wolves' eyes as they stalked forward.

With a swift movement, Gohn unsheathed his twin swords, the metal ringing softly in the stillness of the night. His grip tightened on the hilts as he prepared to face his adversaries.

"Come along," Priestess said as she ran back the way they came while grabbing wizard and pulling her along and only stopping when she felt they were out of the wolf threat range 

As the two spell casters of his party ran to a safe distance away from the wolf pack the first wolf lunged at him, its teeth bared in a snarl as it aimed for his throat. Gohn's reflexes kicked in, his body moving with preternatural speed as he sidestepped the attack. With a deft twist of his wrist, he countered with a swift slash of his sword, the blade slicing through the air with deadly precision cutting flesh and drawing blood.

Meanwhile, Priestess kept her distance, her hands clasped together in prayer as she focused her energy on the task at hand. With a whispered invocation to the Earth Mother, she called upon the ancient power of nature, her voice rising in a soft hymn that seemed to resonate with the very essence of the forest itself.

A warm, golden glow enveloped the clearing, suffusing the air with its gentle radiance. The wolves hesitated for a moment, their eyes narrowing against the sudden brightness as Priestess's protective aura washed over them.

Seizing the opportunity, Wizard stepped forward, her staff held aloft as she channeled her magic into a powerful incantation.

By the crackling bolt and the thunder's call,

We wield the storm, as we stand tall.

With every crash, our might unveiled,

In the domain of the skies, our strength hailed.

So let the thunder echo our battle cry,

As the Storm Hammer falls, from the stormy sky.

In the fury of the tempest, our magic shines bright,

With the power of the storm, we conquer the night.

 With a shout, she unleashed the spell, summoning forth a tempest of swirling winds that tore through the forest with ferocious intensity.

The storm hammer crashed into the pack of wolves with a deafening roar, the force of the winds sending them reeling backward. Their fur stood on end as they struggled to maintain their footing, their snarls drowned out by the howling gale.

But the wolves were not so easily deterred, their hunger driving them forward despite the fierce onslaught. With a growl of frustration, Gohn redoubled his efforts, his swords flashing in the moonlight as he wove through the melee, his every movement a deadly dance of death.

Every claw was seemingly parried by the edge of his blade, and every over-extension of a maw trying to bite into his flesh was punished with a slash or a stab. The Dire wolves were falling one by one but Gohn was beginning to grow tired from the overexertion of the fast-paced melee.

Suddenly, a wolf broke through his defenses, its jaws snapping shut just inches from his throat. Before Gohn could react, Priestess intervened, her voice ringing out in a clear command as she invoked the Earth Mother's protection.

A shimmering barrier surrounded Gohn, deflecting the wolf's attack with a burst of radiant energy. With a snarl of frustration, the beast backed off, its eyes gleaming with malice as it prepared to launch another assault.

But before it could strike, Wizard unleashed another spell, her voice cutting through the chaos as she summoned a bolt of lightning from the heavens. With a crackle of energy, the bolt streaked through the air, striking the wolf with unerring accuracy and sending it sprawling to the ground.

The battle raged on, the clash of steel and the roar of the wind echoing through the night as Gohn's party fought tooth and nail against the relentless onslaught of their lupine adversaries. And though the odds seemed stacked against them, they refused to yield.

Eventually, when they managed to cull the pack's numbers to only six they seemed to give up realizing that they were no easy prey the wolves slunk away into the darkness, Gohn's party watched them retreat, the tension slowly draining from their bodies as the immediate danger passed. Gohn, ever vigilant, quickly moved to check on Priestess and Wizard, his concern evident in his voice as he approached them.

"Are you two alright?" he inquired, his eyes scanning their faces for any signs of injury or distress. He could see the weariness in their expressions, the aftermath of the intense struggle still lingering in the air. His body was screaming in exhaustion if that fight had gone on any longer things might have not turned out so well

Priestess nodded weakly, her breaths coming in short, ragged gasps as she attempted to steady herself. "I'll be fine," she reassured him, her voice strained but resolute as she wiped the sweat from her brow. 

"But what about you Mister, you didn't get hurt did you" Priestess asked her voice filled with worry

Wizard nodded in agreement, her features set in a grim expression as she surveyed their surroundings with a wary eye. "We need to exercise caution," she cautioned, her voice laced with urgency as she scanned the shadows for any lingering threats.

Gohn nodded in understanding, his gaze flickering to the fallen wolves scattered around them. With a sense of purpose, he began to gather their fangs, his movements deliberate and precise as he extracted the sharp teeth from their jaws. Each fang served as a grim reminder of the battle they had just fought, a testament to their strength and courage in the face of adversity.

Once the task was complete, the trio settled down to catch their breath, the weight of their recent ordeal heavy on their minds. Gohn broke the silence, his voice thoughtful as he broached the topic that weighed heavily on all their minds.

"Did you notice how frail those wolves are?" he asked, his brow furrowing with concern as he glanced at his companions. "It's as if they haven't eaten in weeks."

Priestess and Wizard exchanged a worried glance, their thoughts mirroring Gohn's own as they considered the implications of the wolves' condition. "It's troubling," Priestess murmured, her voice soft with concern. "And I didn't see any other animals in the forest either. It's like they've all disappeared."

Gohn's expression darkened at her words, his mind racing with the possibilities of what could be driving the creatures from the forest. "Whatever it is," he said grimly, his voice tinged with unease, "we need to complete our quest and get out of here"

As the trio sat in the aftermath of the battle, the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on their minds. Wizard's brow furrowed in deep thought as she pondered the mystery of the missing wildlife, her keen intellect searching for answers amidst the shadows of the forest.

"It's not just the wolves," she remarked, her voice tinged with concern. "I haven't seen any signs of other animals either. No deer, no rabbits... nothing."

Gohn nodded in agreement, his gaze drifting to the darkened canopy overhead as he contemplated the implications of their observations. "Whatever's scaring them all away is beyond us l," he mused, his voice low and thoughtful. "It's as if an apex predator is stalking these woods, hunting down anything that moves."

Priestess shivered at the thought, her mind conjuring images of monstrous creatures lurking in the darkness. "But what could it be?" she wondered aloud, her voice trembling with apprehension. "Surely nothing natural could drive away so many animals."

Gohn and Wizard exchanged a knowing glance, their minds racing with possibilities as they considered the potential threats lurking in the shadows. "It could be anything," Gohn admitted, his tone grim as he listed off a series of potential predators. "A displacer beast, perhaps, or a pack of worgs. Maybe even a young dragon, seeking to establish its territory."

Priestess shuddered at the thought, her mind reeling with the possibilities of what could be lurking in the darkness. "Whatever it is," she said, her voice trembling with fear, " I don't like the sound of it no not one bit"

Gohn and Wizard nodded in agreement, their resolve strengthened by the gravity of their situation. With the mystery of the missing wildlife weighing heavily on their minds, they knew that they would need to tread carefully if they hoped to uncover the truth behind the darkness that lurked in the heart of the forest.

" What do we do now Mister" Priestess turned to ask Gohn

"We head back grab the flowers and leave" Gohn stated calmly" I don't want to be here longer than necessary" He added 

With a shared understanding of the urgency of their task, the trio set about their work. They quickly returned to the cliffside and began to collect the Moonlight flowers that they needed for their quest. Moving with swift and purposeful strides to collect the precious moonlit flowers. Each bloom was carefully plucked from its resting place, the soft glow of the moon casting a gentle light upon their task.

But as Gohn knelt to retrieve a particularly vibrant blossom, he froze in place, his senses suddenly alert to the danger lurking in the shadows. "Hold," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

Priestess rushed to his side, her heart pounding in her chest as she followed his gaze to the ground below. There, etched into the soft earth, were the unmistakable imprints of large, and dense feathers. He kneeled and picked it up as he felt its texture and weight.

It was too heavy to be from any beard and its quills seemed razor sharp..whatever it was large, probably a Griffin maybe even a Roc… yeah whatever it was he didn't want to stick around long enough to find out.

A tense silence fell over the group as the implications of Gohn's discovery sank in. Priestess and Wizard exchanged anxious glances, their minds racing with the potential dangers that lay ahead. "We cannot remain here," Wizard declared, her urgency palpable. "If a griffin is nearby, we are in grave danger."

Gohn nodded in solemn agreement, his expression grave. "We leave now and report to the guild" he asserted, his voice leaving no one for argument 

With a sense of urgency, the trio gathered their belongings and hastened from the forest, the specter of the griffin looming ominously in the air behind them. As they disappeared into the safety of the surrounding wilderness,


And that's where we'll be ending today's session off

Thanks for reading 

Thanks for Reading and I'm finally back and ready for those double chapter weeks now that I am no longer omega busy.

Also do forgive me,there is like nothing to base Wizards personality off besides the brief scenes from Episode one or chapter one.But thats not a lot so do forgive me for scenes like the first part of the chapter as I am kinda throwing stuff at the wall to see if it kinda works for her.(This chapter may be redcon if need be later or atleast wizards personality in this chapter)

but at the end of the day I really have nothing to say but thank you all for the support and do leave a comment for any mistakes found.

From SamuraiSalad

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