
A Glittering Star

Kousei Kira has lost hope in humanity which was caused by their behavior. Just in front of his very eyes, he saw that someone's dream got laughed at because she said that she wanted to be an Idol. And she is none other than his classmate, Hoshi Suta "I want to be an Idol" Kousei Kira felt annoyed when someone's dream got laughed at like that. But... He just witnessed something unbelievable coming from the girl, Hoshi Suta was smiling at them. Then when Kousei Kira began to gain respect for her, and thus their story began with their first encounter. Source cover is not mine: https://twitter.com/gcmzi/status/1251785205502730243?s=12

CiLLL_Writing · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 9: The Beautiful Model

Waiting is not an easy thing for someone to do and they must always have a tolerance for how long they have to wait. Some have a tolerance of 5 minutes, 10 minutes but is someone able to wait up to an hour from the promised time?

"She's late. No, I mean... She seems to have forgotten to pick me up at the bus stop" Kira mumbled while looking at the ticking watch not caring about Kira's condition who was a little annoyed at having to wait for someone for an hour.

He turned his head right and left to look for her, but unfortunately the figure of the blue-haired woman was nowhere to be found. Kira began to feel uneasy and wondered if it was better for him to go home now since there was no sign of Suta coming anytime soon.

He began to tap his foot on the ground repeatedly without showing any facial expression because if he did, he might show a bad face and people would think he was a fugitive from the city.

Speaking of the city, that was why he was so nervous right now. Because he wasn't in a city he knew. Kira didn't know a suitable place to wait for someone so she just stood at the bus stop and gave Suta a message that he was waiting there.

"Saitama's main bus stop. I sent her the message correctly, didn't I? I didn't say the name of the bus stop wrong to Hoshi-san, right?" He looked agitated.

But sometimes, when a person was agitated, God would send His servant with a beautiful creation and give him a favor.

"Sir, you seem to be troubled. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Slowly, Kira turned to the woman with long, black hair. Her thick hair was swept away by a small breeze, making her beautiful face clearly visible to Kira's eyes. A mole under her lips and a facial expression that seemed to be troubled adorned her perfect face.

"A-Ah, I'm fine." Kira said.

He didn't want to bother someone just because of a problem he couldn't solve on his own. Kira herself was not someone who liked to ask others for help, she was used to being independent due to her old parents. So he always had a determination to do everything all by himself.

However, the woman who looked slender and quite tall, because her height was almost the same as Kira, made him wonder if this beautiful woman was a magazine model because the woman was very beautiful even though her 'beautiful' first impression was different from Suta, but he still recognized this black-haired woman as very beautiful.

"Um, sorry are you a model?" Kira casually asked that to the woman making the woman blush. Even so, the woman tried to keep her composure. She then cleared her throat and answered,

"No, I am not, Mister. I am just a high school student at Saitama Art School."

Looking carefully, Kira lamented that a lot. Had he been a scout from an idol agency, he would have given his business card to the girl and invited her to join Suta.

But there was something odd about the sentence the girl just said, "Female student? You?"

Her expression turned cold with her narrowed eyes looking serious and asked Kira, "Do I look so old?"

"Ah, no. Please, don't take this the wrong way. As I said, you look like a model so I think you're already at a mature age and not a schoolgirl"

"Nonsense. You must be one of those who behave and say sweet words. And when I let my guard down, you will definitely take a chance on my body right? Unfortunately sir, I take great care of my body and only someone I love can have it. I won't give it to a random like you," the woman said seriously.

But as serious as she was, Kira looked at the woman with a puzzled look on her face and replied with one word that made the woman upset, "Huh? Okay." He then looked away and looked at his watch again.

But it was the woman who began to fidget. She just wanted to help Kira because he looked confused and restless, but because of Kira's words that made her blush, she was unable to help him anymore and was even cold to him, even though he didn't care.

However, the woman's hand turned into a fist. She looked at Kira once again seriously, "I'm very familiar with the streets around here, I saw that you seemed to be waiting for someone, sir. So, if you don't mind, I can help you give directions to where you want to go."

The woman was actually very polite, she was just keeping herself from being easily deceived by the wolves out there. Because this world was already filled with untrustworthy humans so it was normal for someone to take good care of themselves.

Kira just looked at the woman calmly again. He felt that refusing help from someone who had offered it was not exemplary either. She just wanted to help, and just an ordinary student so it was normal.

"Huh, didn't you get scared if I took a chance on your body?" Kira let out a smug expression.

"Take it easy," The woman then pulled her sleeves up as if she wanted to show off her muscles even though her hands were just like her face and body, beautiful and slender. However, what surprised Kira was when she said... "I can do martial arts"

Horrible. It wasn't like she was joking. Even Kira's face flinched instantly although he calmed himself down afterwards because even Kira knew he wouldn't do anything to the girl.

"Well... My name is Kousei Kira, I am a student of Tokyo High School."

Looking surprised, the woman replied "Ah, you're not an office worker? I didn't expect that since you're wearing a neat shirt though you look so young..."

"Ah, it's because I'm going to meet someone, so just ignore it."

"Now it all makes sense. My name is Nagisa Kanade, please meet me" After bowing, the two of them made eye contact for a while. Perhaps because both of them had similar traits, they were not burdened at all by the eye contact.

"So, where do you want to go... Kousei-kun?"

Kira then took out his smartphone from his pants pocket and showed the message from Suta last night. The message indicated that they were going to a place called Saitama Dance and Singing lesson together.

"Ah, I'll be heading here too," the woman said.

"Really? What a coincidence."

"Yes." She then pointed to a building opposite the bus stop where they were standing. "There, there it is."

Kira was silent. He just looked at the building without saying a word. That meant, So he had been waiting for Suta at the bus stop for an hour, while the building was already in front of his eyes.

'Haha. Hoshi-san must be inside already' He was an Idiot.