
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Fallen Birds

Walking into the circus all eyes were glaring at us which I wasn't surprised million dollar playboy Bruce Wayne walking with a strange child would garner any unwanted attention.

None though wanted to speak out as the show was about to start.

Looking up from the stand I saw a kid around the same age as me preforming with his parents this kinda left me a smile as my father once flew me into the sky though he seems to just train others I also missed my sister although she was loud and obnoxious at times she still had my back though her training on Themyscira was taking a lot of time.

Looking at them wave I silently got the need to go to the bathroom damm apple juice and walked out of the stand and outside.

Finally finishing my buisness I had this bad feeling well inside me it wasn't a fart.

My father always described this as a family instinct which was guidance from his mother though how was going to tell this wasn't me feeling sick?

Getting back I saw the Graysons already falling down to their deaths surrounding my body with chi I was too late.

Looking up I saw the same kid crying.

Looking at Bruce I was too late.

Later that day I stood at the roof of the Wayne Manor talking to my father via cellphone.

{"What's wrong Anakin what is on your mind," My Father reassured.}

"I was too late father I couldn't save the Graysons on time," I murmured.

{"Anakin don't work up yourself use this as a drive to improve yourself instead of regretting I spent too many years doing that eventually wasting my entir... don't worry about it the point is don't get depressed over it just know that I'm here I love you son don't forget it,"}

"Thanks, dad I love you too seeya," I replied before ending the call looking at the sky it was getting late I needed some sleep.

Waking up the next morning I was welcomed to a new member to the Wayne family.

Looking at him he resembled that kid last night.

The kid seeing me gestured me for a handshake smiling.

"Dick Grayson or Dick Wayne I'm not too sure," He smiled.

Looking at his hand I remembered last night but remembering my father's advice I just shook his hand.

"Anakin Osmosis," I smiled back and walking toward the game console.

Dick seeing me went toward the game console saw it too and decided to grab the second controller.

"So what two-player game you want to play?" I asked turning to him.

"I never really use to play video games I usually trained gymnastics with my parents," He murmured before he started brooding.

"Let's play street fighter than I heard from my father that it's good," I declared nudging Dick who eventually started playing.

Picking random It fell on Ryu while Dick picked Ken.

As we played it got intense He somehow was really good what do you mean you were training with your parents your skill shows you that you've been playing for years.

Getting down to my last bar of his health I nearly killed him before he countered and started connecting his combos what rubbish is this bullsh*t.

Veins popping on top of my forehead I gripped on the controller.

"I thought you said you didn't play video games," I asked the vein on my forehead still protruding.

"I guess your just trash," He snickered before we continued.

This continued until we reached a round win-loss of 1 and 20 I only one once when I had spammed him the second round.

though we stopped tallying awhile back.

That was when I felt a presence behind me looking behind I saw bruce drinking on some coffee watching us.

"How long have you been there," I asked bruce.

"When destroyed during round 40," he laughed before sitting with us.

"Its getting late," He said before turning around heading to his bed.

Looking outside we saw it was already dark just how bad was I.

Watching Dick walk away I smiled and patted his back.

"I'll see you tomorrow aye." I declared before I headed to Bruce's library.

Reaching their I put in the sequence and entered down to the Batcave where I saw bruce putting on his bat armour.

"So what the mission today?" I asked putting on my armour.

"Dicks parents death wasn't an accident. It was a murder we're going to investigate it," He announced before entering the batmobile.

Jumping in we zoomed through the streets of Gotham.

It was night so the feeling the city gave was off.

The contrast between new york and Gotham was insidious.

The atmosphere the city gave off was gloomy, dark and full of hatred while New york gave off a feeling of hope, courage, and delight.

"Welcome to Gotham," Batman stated seeing my change of expression.

Stopping near the cirus we hopped out and started investigating the area.

Looking around we found nearly nothing until Bruce investigated the ring bearing which held nothing looking into we found fingerprints.

This was a lead.

Batman then proceeded to hop into his car.

(Batman's tech isn't advanced yet to auto-scan DNA and fingerprints to someone on the spot)

Getting in we zoomed back to the Batcave only to see Alfred and who I believed to be Dick standing there.

"You know Bruce it's kinda funny how your Bat-cave got found out by a 10-year old," I smiled.

Batman getting out of the car hopped into it while walking towards Dick.

"So you are the Batman Dick," announced looking up to him.

"Yeah, So how'd you find out," Bruce responded obiusly confused as to how he found out.

"Well when I went to your room to ask you about something I found you missing and going to Anakin's room I found nothing again looking around I saw Anakin pull books out randomly before the elevator opened so i just repeated what he did," Dick shrugged.

"Looking at your super computor I saw that you were investigating my parent's death please take me with you," He pleaded.

"I dont beliv-" Batman responded before I interrupted him.

"I think he needs this," I responded giving him a piece of paper.

Batman reading the paper chuked in onto the ground before ordering Alfred to make Dick a costume.


Looking at the costume I wanted to retort but couldn't as we didn't have enough time to change the costume.

The Guy Was going to be seen before even getting hit.

Dick wore a bright green, red and yellow suit with a mask only covering his eyes.

The costume made him look like a clown more than anything.

Looking at alfred I whispered into his ears.

"You sure you want dick fighting crime in that, like I know we got no time to do anything but most of his face is still visible and the bright yellow, red and green carries a huge contrast to where he's about to go this is Gotham the Grim city of the world," I whispered.

Alfred understanding went to the back and started sowing another suit.

Dick though kinda liked the suit which earned me a chuckle which he luckily didn't hear.

"So do you know the guy who killed your parents?" I asked which was although straight forward and blunt needed to be said.

"Yeah, his name is Zucco he's gangster. He asked my parents for protection money but when my parents declined he..." Dick wanted to respond but couldn't.

Batman glared at me which I glared back the only way he was going to get through this was if he faced it head-on instead of brooding.

"You know you're going to need a code name we can't just be calling you Dick now can we," I smiled.

Alfred looking at his costume came to a conclusion to call him robin the boy wonder.

"You take Dick with you in the batmobile I have my own ways," I said before seeing them blast off with the batmobile it seems he wasn't fond of me glaring back.

Looking at his super computor I navigated through it and saw the destination of Zucco's hideout just how did this guy get these type of information.

Alfred seeing the crunched piece of paper picked it up and read it.

{Let him do this Bruce if he doesn't take this head-on he'll end up just like you a depressed kid all alone seeking justice on a man he can't fight back holding in all that hatred.}

Alfred turned to see me saw me disappear.

"That kids more than what he seems. Like Father like son," He chuckled before he chucking the piece of paper into the bin and continued sowing the new costume.

Reading my novel I swear I pulled all the intellectual I read a lot of Harem storys and never seen so many people criticizing one book though I thank you for your constructive criticism and support thank you.

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