
A girl who forced to marry the Prince

Diana is just an ordinary girl. She is a baker. She has a small bakery. When she met Eric for the first time, she thought it was a terrible thing. She was forced to join the program which is called 'My future Queen'. "This should not happen. I'm a free person. Why should I waste my time here?" - Diana "Trying to challenge me? You dare to?" -Eric

JustMawa · Urban
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8 Chs


"Diana?" asked the young man who just entered the room.

"Yes," Diana answers. She is a little bit nervous to see the young man.

"My name is Ishan. Congratulations, you have already selected to be one of the participants. You will be tested for success to be our Queen," said Ishan with a smile. Diana shocked.

"But I just get here. Look, I think there's another girl whose name similar to mine. It's impossible. I think I have to go," said Diana. She wants to go outside.

"Hold on, Is Ganaa your friend?" asked Ishan.

"Yes, You know her? I'm here today because of her. Where is she? I want to see her. I just change my mind," Diana replies.

"She is not here, right now. Prince Eric sent her somewhere. But don't worry. She gonna be alright. Before she left. She asks Prince Eric to choose you've one of the candidates. Prince Eric Grant, her wish caused Ganaa once save our Prince," said Ishan. Diana Little bit confused.

"Somewhere? Why didn't she tell me? Save from what? I still can't get it. Why should she? Sorry, I should back now. I know where to find her." Diana stepped to the door.

"My Lady, sorry but you never be able to get out from this Castle now. Prince Eric didn't want all the candidate back home after the selection," said Ishan.
