
a girl needs a lover

a 15 year old girl who wants a love life and adventure begs her parents to let her go of to a small town in Arizona to visit her step uncle for the summer not knowing she plans to win the heart of her 23 year old uncle by showing her self and pretending to have a bad boy boyfriend

Helooooloo · Fantasy
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Chores and work

The next day when Beck woke up Adam greeted her with a list of chores."what's this". "It's your chores". "I never asked for chores" she replied. "Umm.. actually you did, it's either this or one quick phone call to my brother" "fine I'll do them but I should get paid".

The list looked simple and extremely easy. Get groceries,clean your room. Wash the dishes,take out the trash. When she was out at the store buying toothpaste and everything else she needed. She saw Tyler standing at the checkout with a pack of cigarets and a 6 pack of beer.she didn't even realize he saw her to. " you want one". "Sure" when they were outside they started to talk.

"I'm sorry I left early my uncle almost killed me."it's cool" the party sucked without you, why was he there". " I'm not sure, he didn't actually tell me she replied"Zmm zmm zmm zmm her phone was buzzing. "Well I gotta go now but... she paused she leaned in close to him and kissed him. She even felt him leaning back pressing his crotch against her waist. When they leaned out she waved goodbye and went back to Adams house.

"What took you so long?" He asked almost like he knew she was gonna lie. "Took me a while to figure out if I wanted pads or tampons " that Immediately shut him up.

When dinner came around and passed they decided to watch a movie. He let her pick, and she purposely choose something boring so he would fall asleep" Before she knew it he was nocked out.his hair was messy and his head was leaning to his right resting on a pillow. He was a deep sleeper so if she touched him he would wake up. She put her head on his lap so when he woke up he would be embarrassed and not tell her what he woke up to.

The next day it went exactly as planed except for she woke up at the same time so had to pretend to sleep.when he tried to move her head she felt that he was hard. She made it look like she was getting discomfortable and moved in more as if his dick was a pillow. After he waited for a couple minutes she decided to pretend she no longer cared about him,moving away.

Later when she was ready to really wake up she saw him at the kitchen table looking like he saw a ghost . "Good morning ". He looked at her like she was a stranger who broke into his home. "What's wrong". "Nothing I just had a bad dream"

She smiled "well would it make you feel better to tell me"

"No I'm good " was all he responded

She got up to take a shower then